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File: 590 KB, 1194x629, Nietzsche night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7755097 No.7755097 [Reply] [Original]

What are good books about our young upper-class intellectuals?

>> No.7755109

What makes a night out a 'Nietzsche kind of night'?

>> No.7755113
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>> No.7755122

Eating lots and lots and lots and lots of fruit.

>> No.7755129

Contracting syphillis

>> No.7755131
File: 12 KB, 335x97, Nietzsche night2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7755134

To qualify this, you must eat at least 7 pounds of fruit a day for your day to be 'Nietzschean'. However, You must also eat at least one beefsteak.

>> No.7755438

I like these people

>> No.7755455


>> No.7755466

i approve

>> No.7755539

me too, I was one of them before getting burned by life.

>> No.7755547

Scott Fitzgerald's bibliography

>> No.7755637
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>> No.7755666
File: 2.47 MB, 200x254, 1455084515244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've read The Birth of the Tragedy like, three times!"
>"My favorite Nihilist!"

>> No.7755911
File: 501 KB, 587x834, 1429109730177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say that all of these wanted to be and were fucked anally before they were 19.

>> No.7755923



>> No.7755998
File: 46 KB, 500x374, 1456343659833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A C C U R A T E

>> No.7756022

those two broads on the left are hot af

>> No.7756028

i should have heeded the warning i shouldn't have watched the gif

it just

keeps coming

>> No.7756047

he was a nihilist

>> No.7756285

As a young upper-class man who considers himself an intellectual, I've never read anything about such people that was any good.

>> No.7756301

i really hope you're not implying that he wasn't a nihilist.
fucking aesthetic post number tho

>> No.7756320

nietzsche wasn't a nihilist man this place gets more retarded everyday

>> No.7756326

nice claim, got anything to back that up with family?

>> No.7756333

please stop
at least make trolling funny

>> No.7756335


>> No.7756473

these are the same people that listen to vampire weekend and think wes anderson makes them cultured

hope youre trolling

>> No.7756484

lol the first thing I thought when I saw that smug fucker on the right is that he masturbates to his witty tweets about Wes Anderson movies

>> No.7756648

People like that are the reason why the desert grows.

>> No.7756800

very angry right now

>> No.7756817

This Side of Paradise is exactly what you're looking for, OP.

>> No.7756843

I've never actually face-palmed involuntarily before

thanks, OP.

>> No.7756856

btfly put

>> No.7756862

lol rekt, just like in that shitty second Sherlock Holmes movie.

>> No.7756988

fucking faggot

>> No.7756990

watching your only male friend fuck the girl you're in love with?

>> No.7756994

the daily mail, 'we don't like brown people'

>> No.7756999

It's fine, the brown people don't like you either.

>> No.7757002

Are these girls pregnant or do they just have very unfortunate body fat distribution?
Also the advantages of wearing black become very apparent in this picture.

>> No.7757012


>> No.7757605

I'm not sure that a modern education has been such a good thing for women

>> No.7757615

>not sure

>> No.7757621


>> No.7757645

Eating lots and lots and lots and lots of fruit.

>> No.7758426

>hurr durr life is le meaningless
>but let's put on our best outfits and pose for facebook pictures to maintain our social standing


>> No.7758475

>cheers to meaninglessness
like it sounds autistic but I like it too

>> No.7758484

Meaningless doesn't mean joyless or selfdestructive now, does it.

>> No.7758494

what fucking idiots
>oh le look at me I can namedrop meme philosophy
kill yourself

>> No.7758506

>complaining that a news network reports actual news because it doesn't fit your narrative

>> No.7758527

Anyone who sincerely believed life was meaningless would have no interest in namedropping philosophers on social media to try and make themselves look smart. Nine times out of ten these people are just snobby atheists or agnostics who want a more trendy label and who buy into just about every other spook besides religion.

>> No.7758550

>if it undermines my pre-existing worldview it must be a lie

>> No.7758663


sincere nihilism is a contradiction of terms

>> No.7758676

Christian Kracht’s "Faserland" is the best.

>> No.7758702

this is thanks to that school of life video with that dumb broad isn't it

>> No.7758730
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>> No.7758797

No it's not, it's a description in its purer sense. The same way we have the word "nothing". A nihilist doesn't hold nihilism as a belief; they have an absence of belief, it's a negative space that exists through contrast, and as labelers we needed something to call that behavior.

Of course finding someone who isn't a 'dogmatic' nihilist (which would be a contradiction of terms) seems like a difficult task, but the important thing is that it can exist; I imagine it's very Buddhistic.

>> No.7758810

Every night is Nietzsche night when you have the mottled, knobbly knees of an untermensch.

>> No.7758834

It always bothered me somehow that the guy in the glasses was the only actual german in that gang.

>> No.7758942

>that gif
Fuck, repressed childhood memories, here they come.

>> No.7759495

who does

>> No.7759503

The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Really fun read. The characters are somehow both relatable and contemptible.

>> No.7760088

I guarantee you these people all listen to neutral milk hotel and bon iver on their crosleys and watch wes anderson. lame desu

>> No.7760827

>implying narratives exist

>> No.7760832

fuck off mate

>> No.7760843

The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? How have you reached the conclusion that something as prevalent as narratives is non-existent?

>> No.7760848
File: 38 KB, 347x530, 7-oyster-the-age-of-innocence[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7760875

They were too wealthy to be considered upper middle class, imo. Also, who exactly was an intellectual in that? Both Archer and May were absolutely devoid of ideas, and Olenska, well, I guess she's bohemian and all, but she doesn't seem to have much intellectual ambition either.

>> No.7761133

millennials are pathetic