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/lit/ - Literature

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774730 No.774730 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

Let's have a Fahrenheit 451 scenario. All the books in the world are being burned. If you could only save one book, which would it be?

Pic related

>> No.774734

Finnegans Wake because we can create the entire universe based on the text inside.

>> No.774738

The God Delusion

>> No.774741

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.774740

Do graphic novels count?

>> No.774746

The Dictionary

>> No.774744

The Bible is the only reasonable option.

>> No.774745


/co/ is that way ------>

>> No.774768


>> No.774839

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.774841

Actually, now that I think about it, this question doesn't really have a lot of urgency.
Ya can't burn digital books.

>> No.774858
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slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.774859

... I don't want to agree, but it's the only book that comes to mind that would be worthy to preserve as the last book in the world.

Fuck it, I'll just second that.

>> No.774867

>Fahrenheit 451 scenario
>Fahrenheit 451
>digital books

>> No.774889

I'm sorry
In which part of Farenheit 451 were there digital books?
Just asking.

>> No.774894

The Bible

>> No.774896


>> No.774895

The English Dictionary.

>> No.774907

An original First Folio

>> No.774920

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume One. (Anglo-Saxon through the Renaissance, I believe.)

>> No.774922

We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin

>> No.774942

I'll save my volume 2 and we'll be all set.

>> No.774950

Sir your one of the reasons I hate most book stores.

>> No.774957

And I'll save my Norton Anthology of American Literature.

>> No.774956
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>> No.774952

Mein Kampf

>> No.774958

Mr. Noc you have just caused me to fall into a tremendous fit of giggles. I needed that. Thank you kindly.

>> No.774965

Gravity's Rainbow.

It would take ages to finish the fucking thing, and even then rereading it has rewards.

>> No.774966

Awesome. I got my vol 2 for a few bucks at a book sale. That still makes me very happy.

>> No.774970


I can't even find a picture to express the level of rage I'm feeling.

>> No.774989

Sorry anon, Fahrenhit 451 scenario is now out of context, even if the books were ruled out, we still have copies of them in nonbook format... or were you talking about the wholecultural shink seeked by the people and only needing a slight help from government by the means of fire and steel dogs ?

>> No.775028

The original Shrek book.

>> No.775095


Let's have a Brave New World scenario.

Oh wait,

>> No.775113

Slaughterhouse Five is my favorite as well. But if you have the only copy, I'll take The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

>> No.775115 [DELETED] 

That's my all time favorite, too. But if you have the only copy, I'll take The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

>> No.775122
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>my face when I look outside and see law enforcement in full body armour and CCTV cameras on every corner.

>my face when we live in toalitarian state


>> No.775131
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>my face when I type to fast

>> No.775147

Infinite Jest

>> No.775148

hmm...would many of these books make any sense if all the books that came before them and informed them were gone forever? So, earlier=better: instead of the Bible, I say Homer's Iliad or the Odyssey.

>> No.775152

hmm...would many of these books make any sense if all the books that came before them and informed them were gone forever? So, earlier might be better: instead of the Bible, maybe Homer's Iliad or the Odyssey.

>> No.775153


>> No.775157

If older is better, you should take Beowulf, or the Epic of Gilgamesh.

>> No.775161

The Bible or The Brothers Karamazov, because I like them both.

Or the Epic of Gilgamesh, out of sheer regard for posterity. 4-5,000 years and counting.

>> No.775164

The Iliad came wayyy before Beowulf. The Epic of Gilgamesh would be good too, but the Iliad has been more influential.

>> No.775177
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>> No.775181
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>> No.775189
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>38 posts and 4 image replies omitted.
>No "The Republic"
>No Shakespeare
>My face

>> No.775191

The Bible is actually a good answer. I am not religious myself but in a shit world like that I think the bible and its intricacies and ambiguous nature could be the only thing that could swell an uprising.

Maybe a fundamental Christian world wouldn't be the best but it beats total mental slavery (besides you could get more lenient with Christian morals as your society progresses) and eventually you would come to this day and age.

I just woke up... I wonder what I just typed there.

>> No.775201


>implying the bible didn't influence both

>> No.775202
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Voynich Manuscript

>> No.775204

> Bible influenced The Republic


>> No.775228


This guy
said the first folio. Unless there's a different playwright grouped into folios we've definitely had a Shakespeare suggestion.

>> No.775244

Everybody Poops

>> No.775279

No, I meant if all PHYSICAL books were burnt like in Fahrenheit 451, we would still have ebooks and shit to retain our knowledge and cul...
ya know what, fuck it.

>> No.775288

Ulysses By James Joyce

>> No.775289


>> No.775293


>> No.775322


Wait a sec. so a fundamentalist religious society would be better than a society like in Fahrenheit? So you'd much rather live in a fuck up world like in The Handmaid's Tale? I really don't see a lesser of two evils here

>> No.775329

The Bible might be a good foundation for free thought if no other texts exist, ironically.
The book that Montag's scholar old man friend cherishes the most is the Bible. It's either a spiritually numb world, or a world with morals and pretty damn good stories and philosophies.
You forget how much of an influence the Bible, along with other holy texts, have had on later literature.

>> No.775345


>> No.775348

yep me 2

>> No.775354

I'd save the Jungle Book. because it made me happy when i was little.

>> No.775363

complete dialogues of plato

>> No.775418

This, obviously.

>> No.775502

Naked Lunch.

>> No.775506
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Infinite Jest. I can't tell if you're joking or not. Listen, I own that book, I enjoyed that book greatly, But, and with all due respect mind you, I honestly don't see how this is the best book to preserve the human legacy.

Naked Lunch. Same question to you.

To that one anon pissed off that a couple people chose the bible. Get real you militant atheist. I disapprove of religion as much as the next intelligent guy, however, the bible truly does explain human nature better than anything else.

>> No.775526

Picture of Dorian Gray without a doubt.

>> No.775531

The Brothers Karamazov, all the way. It's got so many different concepts of theology and philosophy all wrapped up in it, it'd practically be worth saving a whole library. That aside, it's a cracking read.

>> No.775534

m-my God. THIS!

>> No.775547

The thickest and most extensive literary anthology I could find.

>> No.775557

Das Kapital

why not get a good economical system when we start again

>> No.775561

I will try reading Being and Nothingness.

No, I don't like it, I couldn't understand it, but if you have all the time in the world to read and understand that I'm sure that at the end of it all you'll be quite gifted in terms of thought.

>> No.775568

a LOT of religious fanatics and god botherers in this thread.

>> No.775570
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Pic related

>> No.775569 [DELETED] 

remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd www.anongalk.se except t instead of g in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef d1c92d92445e1fd252d630b61139075d

>> No.775579


>> No.775600

>All the books in the world are being burned.

someone didn't understand the concept of Fahrenheit 451

>> No.775688

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.775699

>calling someone else an idiot

>> No.775742

>>774768 yes
>>774952 yes

>>774744 fuck you

>> No.775746

>To that one anon pissed off that a couple people chose the bible. Get real you militant atheist. I disapprove of religion as much as the next intelligent guy, however, the bible truly does explain human nature better than anything else.

better than for instance the tao te ching?
or to kill a mockingbird?
or my personal favorite the Unbearable Lightness of Being, or a number of other books that do the same thing in less words without a bunch of fantastical mysticism and outdated dogma? I don't see how you can get anything substantial from the bible directly. Maybe by reading it you could garner a sense of how fucked up we are as a species.

>> No.775755

The Principia Discordia, because it is the last book that I should save.

>> No.775764

The Mahabharata. Indians knew what was up way better and way before those silly sand people started turning tribal prejudice into the word of God.

>> No.775767
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 51M33XQX5XL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to make love to a man.

>> No.775769

the bible

>> No.775794

I third The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.775805

trout fishing in america