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/lit/ - Literature

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773911 No.773911 [Reply] [Original]

So visited my local bookstore to pick up The Brothers Karamazov. Two cute girls behind me ask what its about.
>I respond "Morality and God's existence"
>They respond "Ooooo must be a advanced read like TWILIGHT

....pic related my face

>> No.773915

So visited my local bookstore to pick up The Brothers Karamazov. Two cute girls behind me ask what its about.
>I freeze in place, and stare straight ahead.
>I pretend like I haven't heard them, and they laugh at me.


>> No.773918

damn you must have tapped dat bro u sooo kool g

>> No.773919

So I ordered The Brothers Karamazov online and didn't have to deal with any of the dip shits at my local bookstore.

>> No.773920

I'm skeptical.

>> No.773922

So visited my local bookstore to pick up The Brothers Karamazov.
>Two middle-aged bull dykes behind me ask what its about.
>I freeze in place, and stare straight ahead.
>I pretend like I haven't heard them, and they laugh at me.


>> No.773924

maybe they were actually just trolling you

>> No.773928

That sounds probable. They'd have to be ignorant tweens to say something like that, or just trolls.

>> No.773932


So visited my local bookstore to pick up The Brothers Karamazov.
>Two middle-aged bull dykes behind me don't say anything to me, because even though they aren't attracted to men, they can still tell that i'm extraordinarily ugly and want nothing to do with me.
>I freeze in place, and stare straight ahead because even though they're obviously gay, I'm petrified of everything with a vagina.
>I pretend like they talked to me.

>> No.773933

This is the problem with 4chan, we have become so used to people trolling that we forget retarded people actually exist.

>> No.773940
File: 11 KB, 320x180, facepalmtaiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green text thread
>my face

>> No.773943

thanks for another thread about twilight

>> No.773944

And then they proceeded to discuss literary themes common in Dostoyevsky's works and OP MISSED OUT BECAUSE HE FELL FOR THEIR TROLLING.

Wie schade!

>> No.773947

>must be a advanced read like TWILIGHT
Where do you guys get these? They crack me up. I'm happy I'm not living in America.

>> No.773950
File: 31 KB, 500x666, great-chive-photos-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would ask why you stopped by a book store to pick up a book you've read but judging from your answer of what its about you obviously haven't. you read the spark notes description of it online and it said its about "god and stuff" so now you feel you have a deep understanding of it

>> No.773951

wrong response, op. you should've said something clever in hopes of getting laid by those two cute gals.

not really clever- but i would've said, "its about a young man who meets two cute girls at a bookstore who both fall madly in love with him. their friendship is tested but they both learn to share this man's affection." at worst you'll never see them again. at best you could ask them to hang out and not be a doofus.

>> No.773957

lol hope you're joking with that one there

>> No.773962

you realize those were most likely the socialite whores that hardly ever read and things like twilight seem epic to them?

>> No.773964

>is so virginal it's INSANE

>> No.773965

So I was chilling in the local bookstore with my best friend Anna and this guy picks up TBK, so I ask him what it's about.
>the idiot thinks it's about morality and God's existence
>I decide to troll him with twilight

>> No.773970


Nigga got no game.

>> No.773971
File: 148 KB, 450x403, what-you-did-there-i-see-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna? Anna Karenina?

>> No.773972

People who think women can troll forget that they lack the ability to think creatively.

>> No.773973

I was in the mood for a random fuck so I asked this ugly dude what his gay book was about and he said this bunch of faggy shit like a nerdy cunt so then there was a nervous silence and the twat walked out all embarassed lolol

>> No.773974 [DELETED] 

no and no. lol

i live with my girlfriend so i'm obviously not a virgin. i'll act like a goon to talk to pretty girls. i don't care. i'm too damn old to care. i'm 28. seriously- its better than saying what op did. it is idiotic, yes- but a response like that is bound to catch someone off guard. that's always funny in my book. who cares if op said something stupid though? like i said, worst thing that can happen is he won't see them again. obviously if these were girls he knew from school or the neighborhood he'd have to behave himself differently.

>> No.773975

So visited my local bookstore to pick up The Brothers Karamazov. Two cute girls behind me ask what its about.
>I respond "Morality and God's existence"
>They say "But what do you know about morality and God's existence? You aren't even human."
>And then I was a bear.


>> No.773979

The girls were also a bear.

>> No.773980

methinks the lady doth protest too much

>> No.773981

tell me what you would've done.

>> No.773983


Said nothing and removed my trousers.

>> No.773986


I don't know why, but I'm almost certain that you play D&D.

>> No.773987

gone to KFC gotten a family sized bucket, watermelon. and a grape soda. then waited for those girls to leave work. assaulted robbed raped and killed 'dem'

>> No.773989

>no and no. lol

>i live with my girlfriend so i'm obviously not a virgin.
>i'll act like a goon to talk to pretty girls.
>i don't care.
>i'm too damn old to care.
>i'm 28. seriously- its better than saying what op did.
>it is idiotic, yes- but a response like that is bound to catch someone off guard.
>that's always funny in my book.
>who cares if op said something stupid though?
>like i said, worst thing that can happen is he won't see them again.
>obviously if these were girls he knew from school or the neighborhood he'd have to behave himself differently.

>> No.773990

alright. you win.

>> No.773991
File: 27 KB, 653x463, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So We're The Brothers Karamazov and we're hanging in this bookstore.
>These chicks come up to us and ask us what we're about
>We respond "Morality and God's existence and other shiznits", advanced reading like Twilight
>They respond "Ooooo, wanna come to our party?"

...our face when the nerdie guy was mad jealous

>> No.773992

girl here. if you had said that to me, i would have laughed at you and not with you. there's no need to say cheesy shit like that.

>> No.773997

>They respond "Ooooo must be a advanced read like TWILIGHT

I have no doubt that a cheesy line would work on these girls.

>> No.773998

thanks for reposting, asshole. lol

i did play d&d in middle school. that was 15+ years ago.

>> No.773996

yeah, but why not actually say something intelligent and/or funny in place of that?

>> No.774002

you have no sense of humor bitch
what would you have preferred

>> No.774005

So visited my local bookstore to pick up The Brothers Karamazov. Two cute girls behind me ask what its about.
>I respond "Morality and God's existence"
>They respond "Ooooo must be a advanced read like Advanced Differential Geometry by Michael Spivak"

>> No.774007

sorry, it just sounds like something a fat guy with long hair would say.
just smiling would be better than that.

>> No.774008

>implying i would be interested in you

actually my girlfriend would probably punch me in the face.

>> No.774013

The line he said wasn't even funny , it's too awkward. Something shorter like "it's about a nerd and 2 chicks having a threesome" would be funnier.

>> No.774018

yeah, totally not cheesy

>> No.774020


oh god please never speak to anyone

>> No.774025

Different poster here, but you do not have a girlfriend. (If she's over 165 lbs. she is not a woman)

>> No.774028

Bitches and whores.

>> No.774030


You are welcome. By the way, is there really more than one person in this thread who can't use capitols, or is there a lot of samefaggotry going on?

>> No.774029

So my local bookstore visited me to pick up The Brothers Karamazov. Two cute girls behind it ask what its about.
>My local bookstore responds "Morality and God's existence"
>They respond "wtf? dayum girl, when did local bookstores start to talk"

>> No.774039


>> No.774045
File: 38 KB, 415x332, washington-dc-us-capitol-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to use it!

>> No.774044

look a grammar nazi who can't even spell kapital properly.

>> No.774047

>implying the Borders next to World Market and Ross is a local bookstore

>> No.774051
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My spelling error pointed out.
>Not in green text.
>My face.

>> No.774058


Yeah, because the cute girls that work at bookstores never get hit on by nerdy losers.

Whatever shitty line you come up with, I guarantee they've already heard it at least twice from some other fuckwit that thinks he is clever. You are a customer. They are working. They secretly hate you.

>> No.774062

OP got trolled or invented the story.

>> No.774064

Hi, femanon here. So my girlfriend and I were in the bookstore the other day, having a fun debate about which translation of the Iliad was best (she swears by Lattimore, but rereads the Fitzgerald occasionally, I find that Fagles is a nice compromise) when we see this dorky guy grabbing a copy of The Brothers Karamazov. To tease my friend (who got her BA in Russian lit), I ask him what it's about.

He says "Morality and God's existence."

Seriously, that's what he said. I almost busted up laughing. Dorky guys are one thing, but dorky guys trying to act like everyone they say will go over your head are the fuckin' worst.

So my friend, completely deadpan, says, ""Ooooo must be a advanced read like TWILIGHT."

I'm about to die from trying to stifle my laughter, and the guy gives us this really disgusted look and stomps off.

I laughed so hard that I was gasping for breath.

Then we met up with my friend's new boyfriend, and went back to his place where he ate us both out.

I need more days like that.

>> No.774066

is this everywhere or do you live near me?

>> No.774067

>download brothers kamarazov in ebook form from planetebook.com
>not have to deal with dumb kids who can't mind their own business
>read it at my own leisure on my ebook reader even when it's dark in my room
>save money on electricity and lesser carboon footprint because i didn't have to travel all the way to the bookstore
>found out i was a bear
>i don't understand human language, i am literally slamming the keyboard with my bear fists at randomfa aklane;nlgfdgah

>> No.774069
File: 92 KB, 472x600, roflbot-kLso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.774076


Typical ereader user.

>> No.774082


the girls aren't working

>> No.774089

OH NOEZ he addedz an extra O'sss.

He muste be an idiiot.

>> No.774096


Typical ereader defender.

>> No.774140


u suck

>> No.774158 [DELETED] 



>> No.774182

>girl here
>implying girls can read, let alone do so willingly

>> No.774185

did you know moot is a thief? www.anonfalk.se except t instead of f in the middle because moot is a psycho d51254d8f51d1e7936a7c8c669a9fec0

>> No.774209

So I visited my local bookstore to pick up the Brothers Karamazov. Two Cute girls behind me ask what's its about.
>I tell them the story of the Grand Inqusitor
>They kiss me


>> No.774214

The Grand Inquisitor

>> No.774217


Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou

>> No.774224


>> No.774231

So I visited my local bookstore to pick up the Brothers Karamazov. Two Cute girls behind me ask what's its about.
> I respond 'Morality and God's existance'
>They tell me my father Fyodor will not give me my rightful inheritence. I marry one of them, fuck her around. Nick some of her money. Fall in love with a prossie. Go to kick my dad's head in. Assault my servant Grigory in the process. Chicken out. Bang my prossie. Get arrested. Find out everyone thinks it was me who killed my dad. My brother tells me it was the servant - Pavel who killed my father. RAGE QUIT.

>> No.774299

I live in Southren California


>> No.774317

so do i
doesn't mean shit

>> No.774330

My God.

I live in Northern California.

>> No.774334

You must not know the

>> No.774340

Is this an epic /lit/ thread?

>> No.774345

Are you kidding? You must be blind and deaf, the amount of idiocy in So Cal is unbelievable

>> No.774370

oh oh i have one too guys

At local book store browsing their comic section.
>Pretty girl asks me about my favorite video game
>blush and give only curt responses until she leaves.
>Feel like a fucking idiot for several months after.

>> No.774384

At least they're reading. I rage whenever I see a facebook profile that's like "Books: lol i don red."

>> No.774388


>> No.774393

If this really happened, you should of exploited their idiocy to your advantage

>> No.774403

Yeah, that sounds like a true story.

>> No.774405


damn that girl on the left has got a five-head amirite?

>> No.774406



>> No.774410

OP got trolled. HARD.

>> No.774419

sorry you're life sux

>> No.774445

For how long now has /lit/ been /b/?

>> No.775019

Since school let out.

>> No.775035

Since day one, if I remember correctly. One of the first threads I remember reading was "future memes of /lit/."

>> No.775068

Gawd this place is shit.