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/lit/ - Literature

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773524 No.773524 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.773526


>> No.773535

Excellent read.

>> No.773539

What's it about?

>> No.773548

It follows a family over 100 years, pretty sweet read. It was described to me as reading like poetry, which it does, but don't let that turn you away from it if you hate poetry.

>> No.773551


>> No.773557

The modernization of a small town, told via the very cyclical and parallelized (if that's even a word) lives of its patriarchal family. Told in the magical realist style.
It survived the translation to English quite well, imo, and it's both charming and complex. I would recommend it to anyone.

>> No.773596

Sounds interesting. Imma check this out.

>> No.773607

Supposedly Gabo said somewhere that he preferred the English version to the Spanish. I've never seen the actual quote though.

>> No.773759

OP here. I had no idea there was a /lit/ board. Rejoice!

My lack of board knowledge is attributed to my infrequent visits to this god awful website.

>> No.773763


To be fair, we suffer invasions from /b/, /v/, /a/, and /jp/ frequently, spoiling our beautiful little corner of 4chan.

Also, I was wondering when we would have a thread about authors who utilize Magical Realism in their works.

>> No.773770

True, this thread has been remarkably civil. Also, inb4 30-post argument about the definition of magical realism.

>> No.773779

I guess that's expected. Though, I am surprised that this thread has received an ample amount of attention. I thought the traffic for this board would be a lot slower.

>> No.773781


Oh, /lit/ can become balls-to-the-wall slow sometimes. Hours between posts, etc.

Happily, we're enjoying a lot of activity today.

>> No.773818

This is one of my favorite books. Best ending of any novel I've ever read. However, if you're a magical realism virgin I suggest you try some of Marquez's short stories before you dive into this. It's pretty monstrous in length. innocent erendera and the man with enormous wings are both great.

>> No.773861

Op here

I had never read, let alone, heard of magical realism before this book. Briefly, right before I picked it up, my buddy vaguely described it for me. I didn't really have any issues getting through it. :)

>> No.773871

May I suggest the works of Salman Rushdie?

>> No.773873

Seconded, also: Borges.

>> No.773882

Ah! Attributed to and not due to! Finally someone on this site who speaks proper English!

>> No.773894

Attributed by whom, Signore Grammar Nazi? "May be attributed to/is attributable to", or else a much simpler "because of/a result of".

>> No.773906

Quite correct. However, it is not a simpler form of "due to". The phrase "due to" does not exist in the English language, and yet even the litfags seem to ignore that.

>> No.773908

op -again.

I'll look into it.


>> No.773948


>> No.774101

>The phrase "due to" does not exist in the English language, and yet even the litfags seem to ignore that.

Apparently it does, O King, may you live forever!

>> No.774118


did you know moot is a thief? www.anonfalk.se except t instead of f in the middle because moot is a psycho 3561cec5bf5bc82a551dff9462523a1e

>> No.774126

This board is just as crappy as the rest. Fucking e/lit/ists thinking they're tough shit.

>> No.774132
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>> No.774199

I think you misread my post.

I need a smiley for sarcasm: ~.= ?