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/lit/ - Literature

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769811 No.769811 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.769851

Isn't this board called literature?

This is the political equivalent of Twilight you've got here.

>> No.769853



>> No.769862
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1266018658086s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't the most significant book of the 20th century
> implying it isn't a prediction of future events in the West

>> No.769863

>implying it is.

>> No.769867
File: 7 KB, 206x124, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impying it isn't based on what happened during the Bolshevik Revolution

>> No.769873

>implying I have any idea what I'm talking about because I would never read this garbage.

>> No.769877
File: 39 KB, 347x389, 1252474682846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can know it's garbage if you've never read it

>> No.769880

>implying you're not the troll here.

>> No.769883

Those are some powerful delusions you're labouring under son. But it's ok, nothing wrong with being stuck at 15 mentally. If I recall correctly 15 wasn't a bad age.

>> No.769884

Give me a example of objective morality

>> No.769889

When I become dictator I will kill all of you fucking tripfaggots.


>> No.769894

>Implying you're all not 13 year old basement dwelling faggets nor 20-30 year old socially inept "self-imposed" rejects.

> Yes, I am implying I'm in neither. I do get fuck pussy regularly and am an accomplished vagabond.

>> No.769895
File: 110 KB, 480x480, 1275555726565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when no one on /lit/ can postulate 1 genuine criticism of Mrs Rands philosophy, and instead resorts to ad hominems like the butthurt secondhander mystic Kantians they are.

>> No.769903

>implying you're a vagabond

>> No.769910


> Pseudo postmodernly implying I'm not.

>> No.769915
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1276041276944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people have to attack Ayn Rand's personal life to try and discredit her message

>> No.769919

>implying that the op should be raped by legions of bolsheviks.

>> No.769950



>> No.769962 [DELETED] 

sup, faggit. i'll humor you. remember i hadn't read the fountainhead for a few years but afterwards i'll admit the book made me think about different points for a while.
her characters weren't realistic at all. or if they are they're the type of people who i'd hate to associate with. i despised how you either agree with her philosophy or you're ensared as a toohey type character who no one wants to be.

i really don't like it when someone tries to get systematic with the nature of good and bad art. or a good life or a bad one. only someone with a twelve year old's ego would think that way.

don't get me wrong. i think an ego is necessary for any art at all to be created but i despise any extreme leaning in individualistic or communal thinking. in order to survive as an adult you need to be both. in order for society to survive as a whole it needs both.

Irony: EVERYONE who reads the fountainhead relates to the supposed rare lone-wolf character roark.

>> No.769973 [DELETED] 

sup, faggit. i'll humor you. remember i hadn't read the fountainhead for a few years but afterwards i'll admit the book made me think about different points for a while.
her characters weren't realistic at all. or if they are they're the type of people who i'd hate to associate with. i despised how you either agree with her philosophy or you're ensared as a toohey type character who no one wants to be.

i really don't like it when someone tries to get systematic with the nature of good and bad art. or a good life or a bad one. only someone with a twelve year old's ego would think that way.

don't get me wrong. i think an ego is necessary for any art at all to be created but i despise any extreme leaning in individualistic or communal thinking. in order to survive as an adult you need to be both. in order for society to survive as a whole it needs both.

Irony: EVERYONE who reads the fountainhead relates to the supposed rare lone-wolf character roark.

>> No.769974

Hi, I'm going to eat the troll bait.
Being that her philosophy is about how to live one's life, how she lived her own is of utmost importance. And hilarity.

>> No.769981

We live in a community. We are communal animals. This is not arguable.

So, when she tries to argue otherwise, she fails. Fail fail fail.

>> No.769984


For someone who glorified creators and inventors, it is ironic she didn't create anything other than a shallow philosophy and a couple of terrible and simplistic books.

>> No.769995

She also glorified serial killers. No really.


Please, attack the source without checking to see if the facts are accurate. Please do.

>> No.769998

sup, faggit. i'll humor you. remember i hadn't read the fountainhead for a few years but afterwards i'll admit the book made me think about different points for a while.
her characters weren't realistic at all. or if they are they're the type of people who i'd hate to associate with. i despised how you either agree with her philosophy or you're ensared as a toohey type character who no one wants to be.

i really don't like it when someone tries to get systematic with the nature of good and bad art. or a good life or a bad one. only someone with a twelve year old's ego would think that way.

don't get me wrong. i think an ego is necessary for any art at all to be created but i despise any extreme leaning in individualistic or communal thinking. in order to survive as an adult you need to be both. in order for society to survive as a whole it needs both.

Irony: EVERYONE who reads the fountainhead relates to the supposed rare lone-wolf character roark.

>> No.770599

bla bla bla bla


>> No.770602

if you can put up with crazy ass bitches and retarded philosophies, its not such a bad book

>> No.770609

she glorified philosophers and authors as well, actually.

>> No.770610

What rand has to say is no different than a lengthy book justifying the way a toddler's mind works. "I WANT THIS TOY. THIS TOY IS MINE, ALL MINE, I WANT MORE TOYS."

>> No.770615

>Implying you're not trolling.
>Implying The Fountainhead isn't the better book.

>> No.770630

>implying that's ironic in any way

>> No.770659