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File: 37 KB, 182x284, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
767249 No.767249 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure you people get this all the time but I want to read some Lovecraft but never read any before and wanted to know where to start.

>> No.767251


>> No.767254

We should have a Lovecraft recommendation chart for instances like these.

>> No.767270

Is there any sort of chronology to keep in mind? What are some of his stand-out stories? Is there a good collection (print) that I might pick up?

Is there one? That would be helpful.

>> No.767279

Sorry, I don't read Lovecraft so usually ignore the threads. There's no chart but the Lovecraftians should be here soon enough. Wait a while and you'll get some real answers.

>> No.767286


The Curious Case of Charles Dexter Ward
The Call of Cthulhu
At the Mountains of Madness
The Color from Outer Space
The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Those are the few that are worth reading. Order doesn't really matter. Most of his other stories are just repeats of those ones.

>> No.767288

The Nameless City
The Cats of Ulthar
Pickman's Model
The Rats in the Walls
At the Mountains of Madness

>> No.767292

I've heard there was one about a guy who play a violin that was worth reading. Was it scary or just poignant?

>> No.767294

I guess you haven't read much Lovecraft...

>> No.767295

Saya no Uta. It's better than Lovecraft.

>> No.767301

You can go back to /a/ with your cartoons, ok?

>> No.767303

He asked for Lovecraft, not weeaboo bullshit.

>> No.767308


The Music of Erich Zann. It's not scary, but it's still quite good as it's not overexplicit like some of his other stories.

>> No.767330

Thanks for the recommendations so far. I'll keep a tab on this thread while it lasts and save any input for later. I think I'll read at least one of them in a little bit.

I'm an amateur cellist myself that sounds like something I might like. Is it The Music of Eric Zann?

>anime-style adventure game
No thanks?

>> No.767332

I guess it is The Music of Erich Zahn...

>> No.767334

There are a few good anthologies out there, that includes at least the really classic stuff like The Call of Cthulhu, The Shadow Over Innsmouth etc.
Just pick up whatever is available for a reasonable price where you live, there isn't really any "right" place to start.

>> No.767348

Man, why do people love The Call of Cthulhu so much? It's not even one of his good ones.

>> No.767351

Start with Herbert West: Reanimator. It's fucking awesome.

>> No.767353
File: 60 KB, 351x467, h.p lovecraft good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he wrote almost exclusively in short stories which have been loosely categorized into cycles if they deal with similar things. Some of his writing has elements of sci-fi, some of it has elements of horror, some of it has elements of fantasy. The genre is kind of labeled 'weird tales' which is kind of a cross roads between the three genres and has an emphasis on the weird, strange, and macabre.

>> No.767357

The Music of Erich Zahn
The Lurking Fear
The Colour from Out of Space

>> No.767362


Because it's about Cthulhu, which is the only thing Lovecraft ever made that anyone even cares about.

>> No.767381
File: 44 KB, 321x475, talesofhplovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pick up this book from the library tomorrow. The other nearby library had a bigger collection but it's already checked out.

>> No.767399


Only if you're a scrub.

>> No.767406


Great picks Anons

>> No.767485

My favorite stories were always The Festival, The Picture in the House, and Ex Oblivione. They're fairly short (especially the last one) and are a good introduction to the non-Cthulhu Mythos Lovecraft.

>> No.767501

Just buy a short story compilation and start from the beginning.

>> No.767564

Try The Tomb.