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/lit/ - Literature

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765601 No.765601 [Reply] [Original]

My aunt found out that I'm an atheist today and said that her husband says there's "no such thing" as atheism, or maybe it was no such thing as atheists. Does anyone know what the fuck he might be talking about? He's not some stupid hick, he's usually pretty intelligent, but I don't see how you can make that argument. At face value, the word itself means no more than "without a god," and I think I can argue for that case pretty reasonably.

Pic related, it's an "antitheist"

Also, to fit in, general atheism thread... any good atheist literature out there? I've really only read some Bertrand Russell and Hitchens' and Dawkins' latest.

>> No.765606

See what happens you fuckers? You fall for one retarded atheism troll and then a dozen more crop up like poisonous fucking mushroom hydra heads. Sage this shit

>> No.765608

Inb4 shitstorm of gargantuan proportions.

>> No.765613

What in that post is trolling? Mentioning Dawkins and Hitchens?

That actually did happen, and I'm genuinely interested in how someone can say there's "no such thing" as atheism.

>> No.765616

as Hitchens would put it - there shouldn't be a word for not believing in a god just like we don't need a word for not believing in santa or tooth fairy

>> No.765626

I've heard on more than one occasion the opinion that atheists really believe in God deep down, but only pretend he doesn't exist because they want to act immorally without consequences.

No shit. This is what fundamentalists actually believe.

>> No.765628

Probably some durrhurr foxhole bullshit.

>> No.765642

sure is summerfag in here g2/b/ edgy teens

>> No.765643
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we're bored

>> No.766187

I don't really think that we really need a word for atheism, it means not believing. whereas you have presbiterian and anglican and baptists and all that shit for christianity, as well as islam and judaism and all the other religions, atheism is just a lack of that. I'm an atheist and when people ask me what religion I am I say "oh, I don't believe in god" I don't feel the need to label myself with the same name as those annoying neckbeards in games workshop. I aint like those atheists at all

>> No.766190

wow i just realised how many times I said atheism or atheist in there

>> No.766191

Why is this shit in /lit/?

>> No.766200

/lit/ = sometimes we talk about books, most times we talk about political/philosophical/religious ideology

>> No.766211

No, you and a couple idiots who don't understand what this board is for talk about political/philosophical/religious ideology. The rest of us are trying to talk about literature.

>> No.766209

According to Althusser, all lit is ideology.

>> No.766217

like existentialism
the existentialism

>> No.766222

I didn't say I talk about those things.
I just meant collectively that's usually what /lit/ talks about.

>> No.766230

I am fucking tired of these threads.

>> No.766236
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>> No.766240

summerfags go to /r9k/

>> No.766245

If it weren't for these thread the traffic on /lit/ would be ZERO,
you know it to be true

>> No.766253
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because your posts have been SO enlightening thus far.

>> No.766261

not zero but we like it like that

>> No.766268

>any good atheist literature out there?

>> No.766286


Double tru.

>> No.766289

Oh, because people are supposed be not distracted by your thread derailment?

>> No.766330

another thing I want to get off my chest. In essence, any 'atheist' literature would simply involve no mention of theism. that simple. It bothers me when I see these other people who don't believe in god saying that religion is below them, yet they still feel compelled to argue against it, while I'm standing here going "whatever, I'm good"

>> No.766357

The Stranger is my favorite atheist novel written by a Christian.