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/lit/ - Literature

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764853 No.764853 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so as a spin-off from the De-con thread, can we have a more general theory discussion? What kinds of schools do like get a kick from, who is your favorite theorist, within literature and philosophy, etc.?

Give and take reading suggestions!

Lately I've been trying to read up on MacLuhan (the Gutenberg Galaxy) and find his theory of media very interesting.

I've also spent some time on the problems of nihilsim, from Nietzsche to Heidegger to Beckett to Derrida to Vattimo understood as a relation between language, meaning and being and the idea of the subject.

I've also been quite preoccupied with the relation between drugs and literature and would recommend Marcus Boons "the road of excess" and Sadie Plants "Writing on Drugs" as very encompassive and comprehensive introductions on the subject of literary history through the objective of drugs.

>> No.764861

All I can say is that I hate most Naturalism.

>> No.765478
