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/lit/ - Literature

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764382 No.764382 [Reply] [Original]

What's the book-equivalent of the psychological-horror of Silent Hill?

>> No.764387

The Bible.

>> No.764419

i would like to know this as well.

>> No.764731

Deathbird Stories, Harlan Ellison
The Overloaded Man (another collection), JG Ballard

>> No.764734

Stephen King

>> No.764759
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>> No.764768

Jacob's Ladder.

You should already know this being a Silent Hill fan. To be honest though I'm not sure if the movie was based on a novel?

>> No.764783

Don't see how that previous post was a troll, especially since one of the streets in Silent Hill was named after Kings' Alter Ego Richard Bachman.

>> No.764795 [DELETED] 


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>> No.764811

Because Stephen King is shit compared to Silent Hill.
Yes, you heard me: A videogame is better than a book.

>> No.764838

Shut the fuck up you pretentious bitch. If it weren't for King, SH would be a LOT different.

>> No.764841

Probably but just because Stephen King is the low-level base doesn't mean that Silent Hill is so much better.

>> No.764842

Stephen King's arguably the best short story writer still producing shit in America.

>> No.764844

Stephen King makes fucking bricks...

>> No.764845

Link please?

So many fucking books under that name, can't find a plot outline that matches

>> No.764849

Silent Hill and King's works may have a lot in common, obviously because King inspired certain aspects of SH, but you can't compare the quality of the two. To do so would be absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.764850

Go fuck yourself.

You actually read his short stories?

>> No.764854

is that a challenge?

>> No.764856

King has released hundreds of short stories. He is one of the most prolific short story writers in the world. He's got what, like six or seven books full of short stories now?

>> No.764860


Look, kid. Silent Hill is highly over rated. Just because it was the first time you ever saw a horror videogame when you were 14 doesn't make it good. King's writing is far better than what is laughably called a plot in Silent Hill.

>> No.764862

>Has never played Silent Hill 2

>> No.764866

I never claimed that Silent Hill was better. Maybe you should leave until you gain something resembling reading comprehension? Go play Silent Hill 2 while you're at it.

>> No.764868

I have played it. It was pretty good for a videogame. But even the best videogame plot is weaker than a Stephanie Meyer book.

>> No.764869

Leave /lit/ you faggot. Dont come here trolling when you don't know shit.

>> No.764876

That's so fucking wrong it isn't even funny.

>> No.764882

He's right though.

>> No.764884

I'm afraid he isn't, and you must be absolutely clueless to say so. I'd recommend you stray away from the shitty blockbuster releases that are hyped by sites such as IGN.

>> No.764887

This is the wrong board faggot.

We discuss LITERATURE here, not video games. So I'm sure form the majority of our experiences, the plot within novels that we enjoy are better than that of a video game's.

>> No.764889

It's true. Videogame plots are all retarded. The only reason they work in videogames is because gamers are used to stupid plots, and because you only get the plot in little bits and pieces between hours of gameplay. If you got the whole plot at once like a book or a movie, you'd laugh your ass off at how stupid it is. That's why videogame books and movies are so terrible, because the plots of gamers are retarded.

Let's face it. Silent Hill 2 is a Lovecraftian story about a guy with a giant metal pyramid on his head who was created as a sadomasochistic punishment device. Pretty silly, isn't it? It's laughably bad when you really sit down and think about it.

>> No.764888

Not my fault someone decided to start the topic. Take it up with the OP if you have a problem.

Perfect reply, though. Nothing but insults and directions to another bored because you can't prove me wrong.

>> No.764892

Something tells me you're saying that because it's a video game, and for no reason other than that. The amount of symbolism in SH2 would have been praised, were it in a novel instead.

>> No.764894


No. The "symbollism" in Silent Hill is cliche. There was nothing original or intelligent about it. Everything in it was taken from books, many of which are more than 100 years old. The only reason you though it was good was because it was your first exposure to those ideas, which are old and played out in literature. A book with the same plot would be a joke.

>> No.764897


>Deathbird Stories, Harlan Ellison

>The book includes a 1973 introduction and a stern caveat lector page advising the reader against enjoying the volume in one sitting.

Huh... interesting.

>> No.764898

Not the case. Besides, who cares if something is cliche? Nothing is original at this point; it all lies in the execution of the ideas being presented. I guarantee your favorite examples of symbolism would sound no better, were you to simplify them to the point that you simplified Pyramid Head's role in things.

>> No.764899


>Implying that the important part of Silent Hill 2 was the plot, and not the psychologically scarring horror

>> No.764901


Honestly if you thought Silent Hill was deep and meaningful, I suggest you hang around /lit/ more often and read some classic books because you're woefully uninformed.

>> No.764903


You deeply misunderstand the meaning of the word cliche

>> No.764904

And what would your recommendations be, you pretentious prick? Chances are, I've already read anything you could think of that's apparently so superior to SH2.

>> No.764907

I didn't imply that. In fact I agree with it. What made Silent Hill enjoyable was the atmosphere and direction. It was wonderfully creepy. It just wasn't very intelligent and the plot was ridiculous. I enjoyed SH for the horror elements. It was quality mindless entertainment, not deep symbolism like this guy is claiming. I don't even think he knows what real symbolism is.

>> No.764908

To add to that, most of the posters here choose to discuss shitty fantasy books, rather than anything with any sort of actual value. I'll have a hard time finding anything around here that's intellectually stimulating, aside from the classics. And let's face it, at this point, who doesn't know about those?

>> No.764909


>> No.764912
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I'm reading this:

I was the fag that originally brought up Stephen King by the way.

>> No.764915

Deathbird stories is a very good book.

Author is right in that each story should be taken one at a time, and room left after each to think about it. IMO it isn't extremely scary, but each does really fit with the silent hill mentality in a way.

>> No.764917


Wow, funny you should post that, of all things. I ordered it Sunday.

>> No.764925

It's good man. Layed out chronologically. I was tempted to read Notes from Underground first, but I'm being good.

>> No.764946

I've added it to my wishlist. Ta.

>> No.764956

I know you're about to refer to planescape torment, ico and shadow of the colossus when asked for examples.

The narrative is far above other videogames, but still far below than any piece of literature written for people over 12.

>> No.764965

>Silent Hill 2 is a Lovecraftian story about a guy with a giant metal pyramid on his head who was created as a sadomasochistic punishment device.

Uh...wow. That's such a terrible summary in so many ways. Way to oversimplify there, mate.

>> No.764976 [DELETED] 


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>> No.764989


I do like that he once said something about how horror doesn't need to be plausible. what makes it scary is that it's not plausible, but here it is happening to these characters.

>> No.764999

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but allow me to throw in my 2 cents as well. No one but an idiot would cite ICO or Shadow of the Colossus as games 'better than a book', because their narratives are virtually nonexistant. In ICO it was "rescue the chick - solve puzzles and fight shadows on your way out" and in SotC it was "revive dead chick - fight colossi and, in turn, become one, to achieve your goal". I haven't played Planescape Torment, but I hear that it's all about the story. Still, having not experienced it first hand I won't comment.

>> No.765008


love from /x/

>> No.765023

>Stephen King's arguably the best short story writer still producing shit in America.
>Stephen King's the best writer still producing shit.

Sure SH is influenced by his works. That doesn't make his works good suddenly. It doesn't make them bad either, but it sure as hell doesn't make his stuff good.