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/lit/ - Literature

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761752 No.761752 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what are you reading right now, and what do you think of it?

I'm about half way through Day of the Triffid's, and I'm rather enjoying it. I did find Wyndham's rambling style a bit weird to begin with, but I've got used to it now.

>> No.761755

War and Peace

at the rate I'm going I will be reading it for the rest of my life

>> No.761803

Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being
So far pure genius

>> No.761808

franny and zooey
don't like either of the characters (lane and franny) so far, but enjoying the book
I think I'll like zooey more

>> No.761807

Gonna start on The Light Fantastic shortly, soon as the library opens.

>> No.761813

The Warrior-Prophet: Book Two in the Prince of Nothing series by R. Scott Bakker

Delicious epic fantasy brain candy.

>> No.761814

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

not bad
kinda enjoying it

>> No.761823
File: 51 KB, 315x475, everythingisilluminated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather dense, thickly layered fiction that is paced brilliantly. Not necessarily my genre, but I have no qualms with this book. Recommended.

>> No.761827
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Very very good.

>> No.761828

Frank O'Connor - My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories

Really great writing.

>> No.761833

Nearly finished Notes from Underground; will probably finish it tonight.

The first portion of the book didn't really grab me, but I'm quite enjoying the majority of it. If you can get past the fact that the character's rambling is utter arbitrary nonsense - which I suppose is what makes the book so golden - then it's a fairly enjoyable work.

>> No.761836
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Because it is Bitter and Because it is My Heart by JC Oates. My teacher told me I had to read it after she heard me whining about how I think Oates is a pretty mediocre writer. This book fucking sucks. Do not read.

>> No.761840


>> No.761884
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Just on Part Four of Gravity's Rainbow. I've grown to have something of a masochistic relationship with this novel; it's so confusing and obtuse and sometimes the prose is so dense and hard to follow it hurts, but I love it anyway; I love Tyrone Slothrop, I love the humour, and most importantly of all I love what Pynchon's made of the V2, the way he's made it into this almost mythical Rocket, a symbol for so many different things. Also, the World War Two setting is as interesting as it always is. Damned good book, then, unless the last 200 pages fuck up everything Stephen King style.

>> No.761891


Women must always prove how women writers are just as good as men.

And they always end up with egg on their face.

>> No.761896

i just read the gunslinger, and im going to start the drawing of the three next.

Gunslinger was good, what little characters there were were really interesting and the plot... well lets just say that was interesting aswell.

>> No.761898

Back to /r9k/ buddy.

>> No.761900

the silent cry by kenzeburo oe. third in and really good so far.

>> No.761903

kundera's only good book imo. and it was really good not great.

>> No.762346

William Gibson's Pattern Recognition and the Harry Potter series. I like Gibson's new spy-novel deal. Potter is tolerable.

>> No.762405

same situation

>> No.762413

I am reading Bleak House. Right now it is quite entertaining.

>> No.762415

I felt at some points in the Gunslinger someone should have been there to tell King he is not Tolkien.

>> No.762444

I'm about three chapters into The Stand

Not really enough to judge it.

>> No.762457

The Metamorphosis

Not too bad... kinda repetitive. Nothing really happens

>> No.762458
File: 277 KB, 585x893, the-windup-girl-by-paolo-bacigalupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading this right now.

It started out a bit... well, a bit inaccessible, but as the world fleshes out a bit more it becomes quite good.

It's quite an interesting social commentary. I suppose it's science fiction only by technical definition of being slightly in the future in a world where there is absolutely no more petroleum products or oil resources available in the world, and calories are the only form of energy really left.

It took some revving up, but I'm really enjoying it now.

>> No.762462


I enjoyed it and I liked the characters. However, I thought the mothers secret they were building up to at the end was that she slept with her son.

>> No.762466

Dresden Files.

>> No.762468

Dubliners. Just started on the fourth story.

>> No.762469

reading lolita for second time
it's amazing how every sentence works, knowing how writers think, nabokov must have agonized over each one and all of humbert's conversational sidenotes are funny as well

>> No.762475
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Me too! They start to get depressing as fuck. I'm worried to get to The Dead.

>> No.762479

Nocturnes, by Kazuo Ishiguro. I finished the third of the five stories, Malvern Hills last night.

It's much better than I expected. Very typical of his writing style, and each story is interesting and memorable.
I bought the hardback copy when it first came out over a year ago as it was as cheap as a paperback would've been, and it sat on my shelf waiting to be read.

>> No.762523

Reading Crime and Punishment (at /lit/'s suggestion!), about 100 pages left to go
Reading this book is blowing my mind, I feel like my eyes have been closed all my life and I'm finally reading for the first time. The way everything is described, the events, the hallucinations, the characters... it's an orgasmic swirl of awesomeness. I'm being kind of gay about this but basically it's really good and I like it.

>> No.762545

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I just started it so I'm not sure how I feel.

>> No.762646

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. It's pretty good, the style's weird as hell, and sometimes it's a little hard to understand what the fuck is going on, but other than that, it's awesome.

>> No.762658

Joyce's The Dead is my favorite piece of literature at the moment

>> No.762887

Reading the Odyssey for the first time.

Had no idea Homer's dialogue was so amazing. This book is chock full of some of the most intelligent, witty, and incisive conversations that I've ever read. The fate vs. will philosophy and the interactions between gods and humans is remarkably brilliant as well. I'm loving it more than I expected I would.

>> No.762944

I'm running in easy mode at the moment finishing 'Berlin' by Anthony Beevor. Just the downfall of the Reich and all that ting. Military history.

Gonna choose between Catch 22,The Idiot,The Posessed and C+P for my next read. Got some Joyce too

's comments have caught my attention

>> No.762969
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god, i love that book. i feel like /lit/ would bash on foer, though. if you like that you should also read his other novel "extremely loud and incredibly close". similar pacing, similar switching of plotlines, etc. it has a bit more post-modern stuff in it, though. fuck, that sounds pretentious. not trying to sound cool by using that term, its just kind of true.

but anyway, i'm reading moby dick right now. only on about chapter 17, but i'm really enjoying melville's writing so far.

>> No.763003

The Warriors by Sol Yurick
It's actually very good.

If you're thinking that it's similar to the movie, you'd be wrong...
They only really share a basic half premise..

>> No.763047

The Story of Philosophy .. Bryan Magee
Really, really need to get it finished .. damned you 4chan.