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760185 No.760185 [Reply] [Original]

The Dresden Files is the best urban fantasy series to date.

>> No.760189

>Urban Fantasy is a respected genre.

>> No.760211


>> No.760215

Dresden is totally shit so I can't even imagine how bad the rest is..

>> No.760216

I hated The Dresden Files...

>> No.760217


>> No.760223

I didn't read past the first two chapters of the first book, but I suppose I will someday. I have the first 3 books because I thought I'd like the series, so decided to buy a few right away since the shipping cost is kinda brutal (there isn't any edition of the original work in my country, only shitty translations).

>> No.760226

The last three books have been God tier.

>> No.760230

Where you from man?

>> No.760234

First and two are ok.
Three and following are awesome.

>> No.760235


>> No.760239

Brazil. I've looked everywhere (that was a few months ago), and I found nothing but a few translations. Feels bad, man.

>> No.760245

Anyone who can possibly hate this series is CRAZY.

>> No.760248

Vampiress that owns a brothel.
Wizard that posts ads in newspaper to pay his bills.

Lost me there.

>> No.760257

Don't worry, the vampires who run brothels are all DEAD.

>> No.760258

And the corny lame jokes. Oh God. I couldn't stand it

>> No.760260

What in the hell is wrong with YOU.

>> No.760279

And he uses a gun because there easy to use then a bitchy wand

>> No.760290

Man I flipped a bitch at the ending of the newest novel. Also, I very much enjoy these.

>> No.760292

yea I couldnt believe he was willing to fuck that demon-whore murphy

>> No.760302

I tried reading them, but he actually writes "(no pun intended)" after a really shitty pun in the second book. Stopped reading right there. Where the shitfuck was the editor?

>> No.760306

The Dresden Files is the greatest series written to date.

>> No.760323


First-person narrative, bro.

>> No.760331

Dresden Files fans = under 18

>> No.760383


Are you trying to imply that the writing is intentionally bad?

>> No.760487

I just finished the first one. It was really enjoyable. But some people don't enjoy genre bending books, so I can see how they wouldn't like a book about a broke wizard who fights evil demons while dressed in a black slicker, dirty sweatpants and old cowboy boots because the rest of his clothes were destroyed. I found it hilarious and awesome at the same time.

>> No.760496


Yes, as you can CLEARLY see, all the negative comments are about the genre bending..

>> No.760500

When I finally got tired of arguing with her and decided to write a novel as if I was some kind of formulaic, genre writing drone, just to prove to her how awful it would be, I wrote the first book of the Dresden Files.
- Jim Butcher, on having no integrity.

>> No.760506
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If you dislike the Dresden Files, you have a broken awesomeness lobe.

>> No.760515

It is sort of a Snow Crash of fantasy, right?

>> No.760517

>bawww the wizard in my book doesn't have a long white beard and prance around in the forest singing songs. I hate things that are new and different.

>> No.760520


More like a private eye detective noir crime drama with a wizard.

>> No.760528

Oh. Is the detective drama holistic?

>> No.760530

guys, the dresden series is pretty acclaimed and well loved. the negative comments seen in this thread is misguided trolling due to how /lit/ was flooded with dresden threads when it was first created (in the months leading up to Changes). these guys think if they don't troll hard and fast we'll be flooded with more threads, which won't happen until the short story collection is released in November or the next book next april.

don't panic.

>> No.760533

>stupid fucking bullshit wherein you impose the point you wish i were making on the one i am actually making because yours is stupid bullshit and mine is valid and not so easily derailed as your stupid bullshit

>> No.760537


>> No.760539

nice douglas adams references

>> No.760542

Nah. The series is fun, but it's pulp at it's purest.

>> No.760544


Of course it's pulp and no one ever denied that. But it's very fun pulp to read. It's good fun light reading.

>> No.760545

Are you implying a wizard detective wearing a trenchcoat and solving paranormal cimes is in any way new or different? Man, I like The Dresden Files and I still think you're a dick.

>> No.760546

Pretty much exactly what I said bro.

>> No.760550

Which is exactly what I said, bro.

>> No.760552

You bros need to have some sex. And let me watch.

>> No.760555

That's what she said.

>> No.760562

No, that's what I said.

>> No.760564

>implying you're not a she who wants to see some irl yaoi.

>> No.760565

>implying I'm not a flaming cockgoblin of a gaylord.

>> No.760568

>implying this thread isn't giving me an erection

>> No.760571

Well I don't want some gaylord watching me fuck some other dude, that would be gay. If you were a chick it would be a different story.

>> No.760579


How about I play pretend while that guy watches you fuck that other guy? Then everyone will be happy.

>> No.760613

i love the direction this thread took

>> No.760616

Five words: Watch Series by Sergei Lukyanenko

Don't know how's the english translation, but it's probably not that good.

>> No.760621

>implying the writing was good in original Russian

>> No.760641

>implying you know russian, nevertheless good writing.

>> No.760662

>implying you know what nevertheless means
Protip: you're using it wrong

>> No.760663

>implying unintendedly that he's plebeian bydlo

>> No.760671

Can we get back to the gaytalk? I was enjoying that. Why won't one of you imply some gay shit?

>> No.760678

I know Яussian well enough to tell that the writing was no good. Go read Nabokov for good writing in Russian and Gogol for the same in a fantastical context.
"Plebeian bydlo" seems redundant.

>> No.760710


>подразумевающий, что ты не хочешь хуй в твоём жопе, пидор

>> No.760724

I'm kind of hoping you implied I'm in a Siberian prison getting pounded by 4 Ivans and 3 Vladimirs.

>> No.760726


Well... close enough.

>> No.760736

Let me guess your name is either Vlad or Ivan.

>> No.760738


You can call me Vanechka~ :3

>> No.760745

I knew someone had to like these books - I absolutely hated them. This quote from wikipedia amuses me:

"When I finally got tired of arguing with her and decided to write a novel as if I was some kind of formulaic, genre writing drone, just to prove to her how awful it would be, I wrote the first book of the Dresden Files."


>> No.760747

Here's a translation should you want it:
">implying that you do no want a dick up your arse, faggot"

>> No.760748


It amuses me too because the haters think it proves something. We all know it's generic urban fantasy, but it's fun to read and that's all that matters with these books.

>> No.760750

Yeah. The author's dead, baby, the author's dead.

>> No.760754

Well, good that you enjoyed it - it's hard to express how much I didn't.

>> No.760759

Well then this is completely inaccurate with regard to my wants.

>> No.761875

I am so hard right now.

>> No.761885

Too bad urban fantasy is the shittiest genre to date.