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File: 61 KB, 409x595, 40436506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
759981 No.759981 [Reply] [Original]

I just learned of the existance of the Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics Series. I'm seriously thinking of re-buying a few books I already own just because these editions look so fucking awesome. Does anyone here know if the quality of the translations etc is up to scratch or what?

Link for the curious:

>> No.759988


>> No.759990

I think I just came.

>> No.760003

EXACTLY right. I believe my precise witticism was "Oh man, I just bookgasmed ALL over myshelf".

>> No.760000

how are these so cheap for leatherbound COLLECTIONS of books? da fuck?

>> No.760005

The books themselves are cheap, but SWEET FUCK is the shipping expensive for me. I'm an Ausfag, so I get fucked royally.

>> No.760015

I own this. It's very awesome, but if you look in the bottom right hand corner, you can see where the sticker used to be.
On my copy, it looks worse than this one. Pisses me off.

>> No.760018
File: 57 KB, 477x595, 41786522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture, of course.

>> No.760019

Goddamn stickers. They are the bane of our collective collections.

>> No.760024

Have you tried gently rubbing it off with a moistened towel? Perhaps with a weak mixture of isopropyl alcohol? I'm fairly sure that should be safe for leather, but don't take my word for it.

>> No.760030

Fuuuuck! >>760024 here, pretend I never said anything!

>> No.760028

Very true. Someone suggested I try an alcohol wipe to get the sticky off so I tried it.
It took off the gold and the black faded horribly. Ugh.

>> No.760037

Yeah. I'm looking at it now and you can still tell there was a sticker there. Fucking Barnes and Noble.

>> No.760045
File: 67 KB, 450x450, googone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in some Goo Gone

>> No.760048

Such a trend to repackage the same things over and over, there is nothing like an old cheap paperback for 50 cents of a great novel. Best deal on the planet.

>> No.760049

This exists?

>> No.760117

I don't know, man, I'm a sucker for pretty editions. I have 5 different editions of Alice here.

>> No.760128

I can't BELIEVE I let my girlfriend-at-the-time buy the ancient goddamn copy I found at my local OP shop. If I regret anything from that relationship, it is that.

>> No.760143

You guys really just discovered these?

They're pretty nice over all; I have the Divine Comedy, Poe's works, H.G. Wells' works, Alice in Wonderland, The Odyssy, The Chronicles of Narnia and the Grimms' Works.

They're all pretty nice, really. Durable on the outside, accurate translations, the original illustrations (if there were any). Unfortunately, the inside paper is very thin (like a bible's), and prone to tearing. Other than that, they're great.

>> No.760149

2/3 of the ones i bought had the binding rip a few weeks after i got them :| not bad for the price though.

>> No.760162

I see that they're releasing a complete collection of Lovecraft's fiction in october. That fucking excites me, guys.

>> No.760166

You have made my night with this information.

>> No.760212

Seconded. I've been watching to get a complete collection of Lovectaft's fiction writing for years now, and I've never been completely satisfied with any particular collection - either because of omissions, poor editing, whatever. If this turns out to be solid, I am going to flip out like a fucking ninja.

>> No.760242

Is there a photo of what the cover is going to look like? I'm having fun imagining what will go on it.

>> No.760249

Because it's shit leather, shit paper, and the same shit glue binding you'll find on any cardboard covered mass market edition. That's how it's so cheap. If you want something that will last, go with Easton press.

And $18 isn't cheap. You can get as new 2nd hand Easton press titles for around the same money on ebay.

Fuck barnes $ noble.

>> No.760273

I was thinking about getting a new Edgar Allan Poe complete works. I got mine on sale for $4 and the spine ripped cause it was made with really cheap material. Hopefully these would be better. Also want the Hitchhiker's Guide one too because I finished the first and wanted to finish the whole series.

>> No.760280

Exactly what I was thinking. How about bibliorgasm? Oh well. I guess it's basically the same portmanteau anyway. lulz

Also, I haven't used any B&N leathercovers, but Franklin Library editions are the bomb -- they usually have red chapter titles, gold edges, illustrations, thick pages and decent-sized print. I found a beautiful illustrated copy of "Look Homeward Angel" for $18 at a used bookstore, and I've a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's stories from them since I was eight and it hasn't shown any wear even though I've read it like a gajillion times.

>> No.760309

I have the one of Grimm's fairy tales. The paper's super thin and there aren't very many illustrations, but it's nice.

I mostly bought it to traumatize my little cousin when she asks me to read her a story.

>> No.760319 [DELETED] 



>> No.760324 [DELETED] 



>> No.760330 [DELETED] 



>> No.760387
File: 24 KB, 460x280, BernardBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asshole book buyer: Are they real leather?

Bernard Black: They're real Dickens.

>> No.760485

customer: I'll give you £40

Bernard: Are they leatherbound pounds?!

>> No.760499

You guys have to be patient with these books if you want to buy them. I've been to three B&N's around the US, and they occasionally have a deal where you buy one at 20 bucks, and then you get the next one for 10 dollars. I even found one once that was offering 20 for the first one you buy, then all the others were 10 dollars....I bought 6 of them. As for the stickers, all the ones I've seen are sealed in plastic, and the sticker was on the outside, so they are in perfect condition.

>> No.760518

Can these fine (and affordable) specimen, or something very similar, be located in the average Australian bookstore?

>> No.760598

do you have barnes and nobles there?
they are a product of their company so i doubt they sell them to other major chains

>> No.760599

they have to go with my wallet

>> No.762590

Online they've got the 'buy one, get the second one for $10' deal, but that only applies fr the first 2 that you add to your cart :\

No. Dear GOD no. I tried searching for them using their ISBN numbers elsewhere, and no luck. I knew that was going to be the case, but I thought I'd try anyway

There are no B&N in Australia, as far as I'm aware.