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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 165 KB, 841x841, 1440635017009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7559400 No.7559400 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about the Bible, Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, Crime and Punishment and any other Christian literature you can think of.

>> No.7559406

20th century had a lot of great Catholic authors, Greene, Tolkien, Wolfe, O'Connor, Chesterton. Any more notable ones? Especially outside English language.

>> No.7559409

>Christians in charge of literature
Books with Christian themes that aren't direct bible fan fiction are trash. Yes, even Dostoevsky.

>> No.7559410

Shusaku Endo

>> No.7559414


>> No.7559516


>> No.7559799

I wouldn't say Dostoyevsky is trash, but I do think he can be a little heavy handed with his Christian ideology sometimes to try and make a point. The ending of Crime and Punishment made me want to puke

>> No.7559817

They are exemplary of Christ's teachings.

>> No.7559866


Does Tolstoy count as Christian? I mean in terms of his own personal theology, which was pretty idiosyncratic.

Also that pic is deeply saddening.
'We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.'
--Jonathan Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects

>> No.7559923

No, he was excommunicated.
That's just being a fedorapleb.

>> No.7559934

How would Jesus deal with the harlots in that picture?

>> No.7559940


Read "The Idiot"? For a bible thumper Dosto really lays out the cynicism towards Christian ideals in a secular society. Almost as if everyone is better off without any interaction with a (debatable) Divine. Maybe it was my translation, but the cruelty, muddy prose and grueling conclusion left me depressed at the idea of Christ than hopeful.

Maybe that was his point?

>> No.7559943

jesus loved whores, read your gospels son

>> No.7559944

The gOD Delusion.

>> No.7559953

The point was fuck women.

>> No.7559959

I don't think that a church excommunicating someone makes them not a Christian (except in the eyes of that church). But ultimately there is some criterion or line, even if it's impossible to determine on a human basis. And at least some of Tolstoy's writing would be generally considered Christian, I would think, at least in terms of aspects of Christianity it espouses or reflects.

>> No.7559966

Whatever, I'm a Christian so I get what he's trying to say I just hate those and he was saved and everything was okay forever types of endings. Seemed a little too neat and tidy for the story I had just read.
Yeah it's my favorite book of his. I kind of see it as the reversed inside out version of crime and punishment. I loved the ending of that one

>> No.7559981
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>> No.7559989

He denied the divinity of Christ.
That's what automatically makes you a non Christian.
It's moralistic, with Christian morality of the time as a basis. It's not very, at least from what I've read, spiritual as in having faith, mysticism, spirituality and all that.
I liked the ending since Raskoljnikov had just about everything he needed and wanted for a decent life at that point.

>> No.7559999
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>> No.7560004
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>> No.7560035

Yeah I guess maybe I was a little hard on it. It honestly wasn't even that uplifting, just in contrast to the rest of the book it was. It was a little predictable though, but hey so is life

>> No.7560041

His novels much more often than not have a sad or bittersweet ending.

>> No.7560048

Goddamn, I wanna die suffocated by the thighs of the hoe on the right.

>> No.7560083
File: 367 KB, 888x1224, Christian mysticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7560110

one on the left is built like bas rutten though, that midriff

>> No.7560159

Just about anything Dostoevsky wrote after he got out of prison, really.

The Way of the Pilgrim

Herman Melville was more of agnostic, but he as very drawn to, and influence by, Christianity. Moby Dick and Clarel (an epic poem about a Christian who goes through a crisis of faith) are both very good Christian literature

Beowulf was written by a Christian and some aspects of it have been see as Christian allegory.
Jesus was pretty polite to sluts

>> No.7560927

The fuck does A Wrinkle In Time have to say about Christianity?

I feel like people are too quick with the trigger on whether something is Christian lit, at times.

>> No.7561830

Miguel de Unamuno

>> No.7561833

City of God desu

>> No.7561844

He would try to mend their ways. Also, anyone read the Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan is underrated on here.

>> No.7561865

Most is English or Russian or Latin in original here so everything else gets overshadowed.

>> No.7561899

Bonjour Reddit

>> No.7562200

Wow how that meme has metastasized

>> No.7562263

It doesn't even make sense anymore

>> No.7562364
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Abby Lee Brazil my friend

>> No.7562425

East of Eden
Ben Hur
A Tale of Two Cities
Pilgrim's Progress
I really like works that try to focus on the Old Testament, since it reads more like an epic that sweeps through the history of the Israelites and then those amazing poetic, wisdom, and prophet books that give it such a grand resonance. Paradise Lost is my favorite.

>> No.7562467


This thread is such a bizarre mixture of the sacred and the profane

>> No.7562507
File: 81 KB, 805x1000, Loth_and_his_daughters_mg_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like the bible itself

remember when Lot's daughters got him drunk so they could seduce him in order to let him inseminate them?

>> No.7562518
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The sacred and the propane

>> No.7562535
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"OF Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,
In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of Chaos: or if Sion Hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd
Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th' Aonian Mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime."

>> No.7562621


>> No.7562623

wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.7562723

i had always heard reference to how christianity was basically neoplatonism, and always wondered how much truth there was too it

then i read augustine's confessions, and funnily enough, his moment of complete spiritual conversion to christianity is immediately preceded by him reading neoplatonist literature and getting into some kind of heavy trance and "everything finally making sense to him"

just a cool detail i guess

>> No.7562729

she has a very characteristically brazillian beauty that's really kind of endearing despite there being something "masculine" to it

>> No.7562736

Does LOTR count as Christian lit?

>> No.7562764


>> No.7562770

its not literature its fantasy

>> No.7562773

brothers karamazov is superior to the bible to be fair

>> No.7562796

They only exist through the other.

>> No.7564150

Is John Green christian?

>> No.7564338


C.S. Lewis:
* Narnia
* Space Trilogy
* Screwtape Letters

>> No.7564353
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I say a novena everyday for the sins /lit/ commited one year ago today

>> No.7566141

>dubs quads on an image that gets trips

>> No.7566148
File: 219 KB, 1026x548, prot cath books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy time to post my fav Christian troll image

>> No.7566166

>tfw I remembered the names and the best scenes of the two chicks the second I clicked on that pic
>tfw American christians would prolly want to crucify me

>> No.7566565

saucity sauce it baby

>> No.7566833


>> No.7567020
File: 53 KB, 302x475, Paradise Lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here of course is the representative for Protestantism.
O$teen is an utter charlatan