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/lit/ - Literature

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7557842 No.7557842 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post reddit looking books

>> No.7557851
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>> No.7557900

What's so reddit looking about that book?

>> No.7557905

Any mass market copy of a book.

If you don't have the authors original manuscript then whats the point?

>> No.7557907

cut the autistic "evidence-demanding" defensiveness, reddit

>> No.7557913
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>> No.7557914

>paying for things
>having money
>not being a poor fag who is intellectually superior but still poor as nuts
>not reddit
nope, thats reddit you fags are basically feeding the great corporate jew in the sky . Will you fight for the rebellion or not you gaping assholed shit lords?

>> No.7557919


The Count of Monte Cristo from that series isn't as terrible as the rest of them, but in general, they're pretty tacky.


Are you that guy whose jimmies got rustled in a man/woman thread because some anon wrote prove it at literally every sentence you produced and you couldn't?

>> No.7557922

Wtf is a man/woman thread you stupid autistic pony fucking inbred

>> No.7557966

Gaudy abominations.

>I'll take one of each good sir! xDD!!

>> No.7557976


A thread concerning men and women, you illiterate fuck. You know, we get these sometimes. Then we have the bitter virgins coughing up redpill theory they've read on /pol/, heartiste, and whatever other blogs are in vogue, set against the lame-ass cuck whiteknights who regurgitate the semen they've so happily lapped up from their bleeding-heart professors at a liberal art college.

Not too long ago, one anon just started demanding evidence and proof from all the redpill-fags, and they got flustered and angry.

Figured you were that guy, given that you figure demanding evidence is autistic and reddit.

>> No.7557979

Gotta love that totally pleb mixture of actually reasonable canon literature and total crap.
>Anne Rice
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.7558759

The simpson intro rip off

>> No.7558786

Love how some anons post cringey editions and others roast on them because they believe it is the literature they are blaming

>> No.7558840
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>> No.7558845
File: 185 KB, 1200x675, o-hobbit-edico-comemorativa-75-anos-capa-dura-j-r-r-tolkien-541201-MLB20268627808_032015-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about cool covers instead. I love my edition of the hobbit.

>> No.7558854

>the hobbit
reddit as fuck

>> No.7558859

Defining yourself by what you aren't (reddit) is the mark of a small mind.

>> No.7558875

To hell with that, I want to have the author's original thoughts (i.e., a brain in a jar).

>> No.7558877


>> No.7558892

It's funny how lit cares more about reddit than reddit about lit.
This is some serious delusion of grandeur.

>> No.7558894
File: 1.05 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when i was 7 yo I was constantly constipated, only shat once a week
> my dad bought some of those anus inserted pills to help you shit
> i bent over my bad and he put it inside myanus
> only after many years, when I was already a grown up i realized he took a whole lot of time to put those things inside my ass, 30 minutes to one hour.
> it actually only takes 5 seconds to put a pill inside your ass
> my faces when I realized daddy used to finger my butthole
I fap to this memory very often.

>> No.7558904

I am so sorry, I meant to post that on /lgbt/

>> No.7558913
File: 8 KB, 191x263, autismus maximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558933

> gold pages

I wish plebs didn't think this was sophisticated but I guess that's why they're plebs.

>> No.7558937

Back to reddit my friend

>> No.7558968

plebs don't care about looking sophisticated, only effete faggots like you care about looking sophisticated, plebs just like shiny shit.

>> No.7558969

Is that one of Tolkien's own illustrations?

>> No.7558977

Then why do plebs buy gaudy looking hardbacks that only serve the purpose of keeping their shelves occupied, never to thumb through them?

Are you telling me you've never come across a pleb that tries to convince others of being sophisticated?

Also who shat in your coffee, anon? What makes you so bitter today?

>> No.7558993

That this might be a suitable reply in /lgbt/ has me preoccupied.

>> No.7559026
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>> No.7559214

whats wrong with that? at least its not leatherbound

>> No.7559272

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.7559287

t. low IQ NEET

>> No.7559294
File: 13 KB, 183x276, overratedbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just to give you an idea of how pathetic this book is, Eoin Colfer, a children's author, has taken over writing the story.

Yeah. That's the level that reddit reads at. 5th grade level.

>> No.7559323
File: 122 KB, 930x621, Reddit-930x621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]