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7556456 No.7556456 [Reply] [Original]

Ready Player One

>> No.7556463
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>> No.7556605

This might be the worst thing

>> No.7556612

>“I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.”
― Ernest Cline, Ready Player One

>> No.7556668

>knocking a few protons off the hydrogen atom


>> No.7556671


>> No.7556690

cute geeky girls playing ukuleles, the most indie of string instruments. god i fuckin g love geek girls you know,

>> No.7556712

Ready Player one: A book designed entirely for nu-males

>> No.7556718


you are no better

>> No.7556741

Oh my god this is a lot worse than I imagined. This is so bad I've actually got some serious thinking to do.

>> No.7556749

I went in expecting it to be either self-aware parody or pure farce, but no, it's just like that

>> No.7556767

I have never used this expression before, but this passage is literally Reddit.

>> No.7556837

still less references than Proust

>> No.7556878

Is Reddit pandering the new romance novel?

>> No.7556899

OMG I totally got those 80s references!

>> No.7556910

>unironic fedora tipping
And you know his audience eats this shit up, too as pointed out by>>7556712

>> No.7556965

>Unpopular lit opinion
I liked the book. I expected nothing but something to kill a few hours, and it did its job well. It's a children's book without any literary value, but it can be enjoyable anyway.
Sadly, the board considers literature to be only books that 'goes deep into the abyss of human nature' (lit words), while being too young to understand a words of the books they talk about - literary discussions and literary critique threads make me cringe more than something that doesn't pretend to be anything that it isn't.

>> No.7556976

That hurt me. :^(

>> No.7556985

Yeah that's all nice and everything but those excerpts are objectively bad.

>> No.7556996

I find the book to be tolerable later on.
The author filled the first pages with random and unneeded references.

>> No.7557000


>> No.7557023
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How's high school going?

>> No.7557058

what are your favorite subreddits?

>> No.7557060
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>> No.7557072
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runnin for prez, loser

>> No.7557490

>create a thread asking reddit to list its favorite things
>write a book that spends two pages listing every answer you got as great things that reddit should be proud of liking
>become millionaire
The fact that this happened makes me want to vomit

>> No.7557529

who's more of a mongoloid idiot? the author or the reader who reads this and says, good, i'd like more of this.

>> No.7557536

Be reasonable, Mongoloids have better literary tastes than Ernest Cline.

>> No.7557565
File: 43 KB, 720x450, BulbousSalutations-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god it's really actually reddit in book form. It's... just a list of safe, approved pop culture for infantile manchildren.


Here, most of you have probably read it but here's a sex scene written by Morrisey.

>> No.7557598
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Every time I hear a success story like this, I think of how Kafka died alone and penniless, or how Melville was a pauper when he died.

Then I realize that the average person really has no taste at all, and that democracy is probably a huge sham while we're at it.

>> No.7557605

There's something about this that's so much worse than even the worst deprivations of puritanism.

This is like an elaboration on the term "sexy-tiems". It's just so fucking wrong.

>> No.7557607

Kafka wasn't really alone when he died. I think his gf (Milena) visited him at his sanatorium. Also, to a certain degree, his work was recognized within his own lifetime.

Melville wasn't appreciated until after he was gone, though.

>> No.7557636
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Until your college makes it mandatory for every incoming freshman to read it

>> No.7557648
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>Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on developmental psychology...

>> No.7557666

>>create a thread asking reddit to list its favorite things

>> No.7557673


Add to the list:

- Dante
- Hart Crane
- Milton
- Shelley

>> No.7557674

Yeah, wait, what? Is that what happened?

>> No.7557685
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I'm not saying that I think it literally happened, but he clearly picked things that the internet likes intentionally. I would not be at all surprised if he sat down with editors and added or subtracted to get what they agreed would best capture the "lmao such a nerd xD" demographic. It's just so transparently manufactured that I have no idea how anyone could read that list without noticing it.

The fact that reddit swallowed it shaft line and sinker is proof of a disturbing lack of self awareness. How? Are there really people that read that and smile and think, "Wow, I like some of those things! This is such a great book! I relate with the protagonist because I also enjoy le classic gem videogames!"

Yes. Yes, there are.

>> No.7557690
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>Then I realize that the average person really has no taste at all, and that democracy is probably a huge sham while we're at it.

>> No.7557691
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It's what I imagine the sexually-active/sexually-awkward band kids who went to my high school imagined sex to be like. Contingently funny and/or cringeworthy.

>> No.7557701

You feel definitely it was manufactured, I got just the opposite feeling to be honest, as someone who still goes on reddit occasionally I think it's just the sort of thing they would write themselves. Take a look at r/writingprompts, if it is an affectation it's flawlessly done.

>> No.7557704

>high school
It is an awfully childish picture, isn't it? It reminds me of the way my loli gf and I used to have sex almost """"""ironically""""""

>> No.7557705


>> No.7557716

Honestly, I feel bad for calling writing that anybody has published shit. I mean, I get that sometimes there are certain things that are just objectively bad, but at the same time, these guys were able to publish a book in the first place and here I am barely able to be satisfied with my own shitty drafts of a short story.
Were Dante and Milton unrecognized during their time? I'm curious since I've tried researching this and I've barely been able to find anything.

>> No.7557718

>all the bitter fags ITT

at least he made a hit that's soon to become a movie directed by Steven fucking Spielberg. when's your masterpiece coming out?

>> No.7557733

I feel like the similarity is probably because /r/writingprompts is another game of pandering to reddit. This is the biggest criticism 4chan has of the place: every post and comment is an endless attempt to cater to the widest audience possible so that they can get upvotes and be visible.

The result is nothing but a bunch of bland, safe opinions in an endless echo chamber. No real discussion on the website, and nothing interesting whatsoever in the reddit money vacuum that is Ready Player One. The book's audience consists of people who will buy it because it compliments things they like. That's it.

>> No.7557736

>how Melville was a pauper when he died

I can't help but feel sad for him every time I look at my copy of Moby-Dick. He created such a masterpiece, and the stupid Brits couldn't appreciate it's magnificence and forced this opinion of negativity onto Americans when it reached the American public.

>> No.7557737 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7557753
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>barell-rolled across Ezra's howling mouth

>> No.7557767

pretty difficult being appreciated when less than a hundred people on earth are able to get what you're talking about

>> No.7557801

How are any of us supposed to make it if Melville couldn't?

>> No.7558125

did you know devo was a new wave band that had a song called mongoloid? the 80s, man, absolutely great!

>> No.7558127

>Kafka died alone and penniless
he didn't, stop talking out of your ass

>> No.7558129

spielberg is a hack, too, so it's just fitting, that he would direct this shit

>> No.7558137

>someone actually looked at this and published it

>> No.7558138

I would rather be a failure than create garbage lit for garbage people. In fact, I think just about everybody on this board would agree. U only got 1 life bro. Why waste it shitting up the world for everybody else?

>> No.7558140


I don't cringe as much as I respect the dedication. It's a retarded endeavour, but the tenacity is astounding.

>> No.7558150

wouldn't you? it's almost screaming "GEEK GOLD" at you

>> No.7558167

Anyone got anymore excerpts from Ready Player One?

>> No.7558176

But Proust could write.

>> No.7558368

>I would rather be a failure than create garbage lit for garbage people. In fact, I think just about everybody on this board would agree.
People agree because they are capable of neither. Most people here like to fool themselves into thinking that not being successful writers is a matter of choice, that they are choosing to sacrifice themselves for a higher art, but it's simply an excuse for not being able to produce anything decent, not even at the level of this garbage. Also, like most talentless people, all seem to spend a considerable amount of time not proving themselves to be better by means of their talent and literary knowledge, but bashing against other in order to be in a better position - that's the loser's way.

The book is trash, that is true, but it's better than anything someone from lit could ever write.

>> No.7558498

"Bazinga" - Cline p. 67

>> No.7558499

The backlash against RPO is mostly sour grapes.

>> No.7558538

>Implying reading isn't a creative act

>> No.7558539


>> No.7558542

"I can't just invent a meme, I need time" - Cline p. 88

>> No.7558543

>he bumps his shit thread

>> No.7558642

I just got here, and besides a period doesn't mean a meaningless effort at false regalement. The dot of which you speak is the symbol of a man who is nothing more than appalled at the sight before him. The single penniless outsider amongst the ellipses of confrontation. It speaks not for itself because its presence speaks bolder words than it will ever imagine. The period is an emblem of nothing more than contempt for one's position. In the terms of your fellow shrieking redditors of which you beckon yourself a proud bump along the smooth stuble of the internet; JUST.

>> No.7558712

Ready Player One reads like one long, entertaining cringe thread. I still think it's a good book in terms of what it aims to achieve.

>> No.7558741

Isn't this pasta?

>> No.7558750

I'm actually listening to Pink Floyd now and I feel bad because of this.

>> No.7558781

Yeah, pastaed straight from the book

>> No.7558867

Is this some kind of "Flowers for Algernon" scenario where the protagonist matures or is this characteristic of the entire book?

>> No.7558890

I want to strangle the author

>> No.7558971
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>tfw this is getting an adaptation directed by Spielberg

>> No.7559169

he "matures" on the last two pages of the book when he decides vidyas are evil and you should "just b urself :^)" in the real world