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/lit/ - Literature

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755416 No.755416 [Reply] [Original]

So, what degree /lit/ has ?

>> No.755423

computer science. minor in lit. wish i would of did it differently. I like reading but....studying lit is a totally different thing.

>> No.755426

law. i wish I had a lit degree but it leads to no job, so...

>> No.755430


>> No.755434

Yeah....the only thing you can do with a literature degree is go all the way through phd, and if you're lucky you get a university position making 33k a year, teaching lit to retarded niggers.

>> No.755435

Working towards Music Performance, and eventually a Masters in Orchestra Conducting.

>> No.755443

if you say so. i'm not american.

>> No.755452


>> No.755533


>> No.755564

no rat race crap for me

>> No.756014

I'm 3 years into medicine.

>> No.756033

Masters as a Hairdressing Technician.

>> No.756042

BA History
MA Asian History

Great to study, not much use career-wise (poor liberal arts students!). Might get back into academia as a result though. If I were competent in any of the Asian languages I probably would have finished my PhD by now (yes, that thought makes me rage).

>> No.756045

English, fuck yeah!

>> No.756047

I'm thinking about an English/Mass Comm dual major. Anyone have this or know someone who does? I would like to be able to work after I'm done. Money is not important to me though, just enough to live on

>> No.756049

Philosophy dropout. Regrets of ill discipline all around.

Though I pretend this

>> No.756053

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

u mirin my career opportunities, litfags? lol jk it's cool.

>> No.756059


>> No.756065

Psychology major, but since I consistently get fuckwin marks in /lit/ subjects I'm thinking of swapping over. But then, no prospects and shit.

>> No.756067

Starting the final year of my BA English degreee in September.

>> No.756069


Any job prospects? I'm just starting my English degree and I met this kid who had just finished. He was a total fucking loser with 50k worth of loans. He worked at a day labor place. I'm not even kidding or trolling. He actually kind of scared me a little seeing as how he has the same thing I'm going for. To me some people will just be losers with or without the degree but fuck man it was disheartening

>> No.756070


> 50k worth of loans


>> No.756071


You're kind of a judgmental prick.

>> No.756074


Be that as it may it doesn't change the facts. You seem to have taken that post pretty hard, are you headed in the same direction?

>> No.756091

> if you're lucky you get a university position making 33k a year
That sucks. One of the colleges nearby pays profs at least 45k, and that college is cheap when it comes to paying their employees...

>> No.756099


No professors are making 33k. Elementary school teachers make more than that

>> No.756104


Adjunct professors make significantly less than 33k a year. And with no benefits.

Of course, if you're lucky enough to get a full time position, you'll be in better shape, but getting a full time professorship in any of the humanities is incredibly difficult.

>> No.756118


Just be smart about it and you'll have an easier time. I got a 4-year honours BA in English lit. I could do my master's and go places pretty easily, because I specialized in medieval & renaissance, with a focus on poetry, which is rare (most people specialize in 19th-20th century, and do novels). So I'd be a competitive candidate for literature departments.

That having been said, I'm going into Law school in the fall. So I guess I'm living the dream as far as this guy's concerned:


>> No.756124

Doing a 4 year BA in Modern Languages at Durham, focusing on modules of French philosophy and literature.
I originally applied to do English Lit but then realised I didn't want to be a teacher/unemployed.

>> No.756125


>> No.756151



>> No.756156

Anyone currently seeking a Masters or higher in Lit(or any humanity discipline), I suggest you read this article. If you still want to go afterward, you'll know it's really the life for you.


>> No.756157

BSc Economics
MSc Finance

Thinking of applying to some PhD Finance programs next year..

>> No.756160

Nobody wants to write with their English degrees? I mean, that's why I'm doing it.

If I fail miserably i'll just do a degree in chemistry. I fucking love chemistry, but I love books more.

>> No.756163

>Adjunct professors make significantly less than 33k a year.

Even yours says 49k. Why would you post that? You just proved yourself wrong.

>> No.756168

Start Geography degree next year. Whether BA or BSc has yet to be fixed.

>> No.756173

Almost done with my bachelor in web development. Wish I had chosen a more traditional subject though. Like philosophy or lit.

>> No.756193


>>756151 Here

I'm not the guy you were talking to, I just wanted to show that it's lower(and that numbers on some website shouldn't be taken as gospel).

Being an adjunct is a shitty job, regardless. You've got no benefits, no job security. You've barely got an office(and the one you might get will have your name scrawled on a piece of paper taped to the door, reminding you daily how very impermanent your position is).

>> No.756196

Studying English Education. I really wanted to teach college, but I'll probably end up going into the public school system instead.

>> No.756215

You make kitty scared D:

>> No.756216

About to get my bachelors in psychology. Now I have to find a fucking job.

>> No.756218

bsc physics & math

>> No.756221

BA Psychobiology
MS Biodefense

>> No.756225

Bsc Environmental Science.

>> No.756231

English degrees don't teach you how to write, you can either do it or you can't.

>> No.756235

And yet you still ended up on 4chan.

>> No.756234 [DELETED] 

So chemistry and study creative writing in your own time you idiot. Then you've got a decent degree to fall back on if the writing doesn't turn out. An English degree does not teach you how to write, it teaches you how to analyse other peoples work. As a chemist you should have some experience of that anyway.

>> No.756237 [DELETED] 

So do Chemistry and study creative writing in your own time, you idiot. Then you've got a decent degree to fall back on if the writing doesn't turn out. An English degree does not teach you how to write, it teaches you how to analyse other peoples work. As a chemist you should have some experience of that anyway.

>> No.756264


In a way this entire thread is quite depressing.

>> No.756278

BSc Math, bailed on my MSc

>> No.756279

>implying you to waste 4 years on a degree to "write good"

Protip: if you can write, then good for you; but if you can't, don't delude yourself into thinking that investing thousands of dollars will make you write better. Plus, what happens if you write good? Publish a novel? Alongside with other "writers". Life isn't like what Kerouac has written on On The Road anymore, sadly. :T

>> No.756282

In my final year of accounting, with a professional accounting extension, and a minor in taxation.

Then after I graduate, I'm going to hopefully get a nice graduate position, get into tax and get my CA

>> No.756287

>Life isn't like what Kerouac has written on On The Road anymore

Implying it ever was and he didn't die a horrible slow death. Don't talk about these things that you have zero knowledge of

>> No.756290

Have a degree in English but realised how useless it actually was so am now in the final year of a mental health nursing degree.

>> No.756294

I like how you purposely disregarded the bulk of my point and strawmanned your way out. Stay classy, English majors.

>> No.756299

Not the guy you were talking to, nor an English major. But since the last sentence basically summed up your theory, I thought it would be sufficient to respond to it

>> No.756301

Creative Writing and Directing.

>> No.756363

I have a degree in music and music education.

Yeah, I know....

However, I am professional musician and I make a pretty good living of it. I realise I've been etremely lucky though.

>> No.756369

ehm.. that sounds better without the typos.

>> No.756375

bachelors in economics

>> No.756490

BA History and Politics

>> No.756519

working on my masters in architecture.

>> No.756526



>> No.756694

Bachellor in english-spanish translation

>> No.756697 [DELETED] 


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