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/lit/ - Literature

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7554035 No.7554035 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be srs. Literature is a part of the entertainment industry. I can download taylor swift's new album legally for £3 while lying in bed and it has some great fucking songs. How do you plan to have your literature compete?

Also do you agree that binge watching is a sign that the attention span isn't dead, or do you think that this is a mistaken conclusion due to the fact that the programmes etc themselves are served up in an ADD way (i.e. average movie shots being shorter)?

And I was reading an interview with DFW or something and he was talking about art being rewarding due to its challenge or something. If I'm not an autistically smart maths + philosophy double major, why should I even bother with challenging literature then? And why should I give a shit about dostoevsky's strawmen?

Also I almost went looking for a different picture but I realised that picrelated actually is related. Are you going to immediately shit on VR and dismiss it as worthless as videogames and "omg if you don't spend 23 hours a day reading shakespeare then kill yourself!"?

>> No.7554043

>paying for pop music
minorcase reee

>> No.7554054

I like reading. If you prefer doing other things, that's fine with me.
There are already enough good books written to last me a lifetime, so I do not care if literature can't compete with tv, music or video games.

>> No.7554057

Why aren't you out directly apprehending your instinctual desires by raping and pillaging? All art is a fagish diversion and waste of time? in fact why don't you go on disability, get committed to a hospital and be fed through tubes while masturbating constantly??? minimal effort for maximum enjoyment! fuck your jouissance, coprophiliac...reading books has gotten me laid every time.

>> No.7554078
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Why do you complain about strawmen when most of your argument is just that?

Art, according to Heidegger, is physical philosophy, it promps you to think about a certain topic or concept. Does everyone need to do this all the time? No, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Much less by people who choose to do so.

Being able to get pop music or trash tv has nothing to do with anything. People want it, they also want cheese, there is no correlation with literature.

Attention span isn't a genetic trait, it can't be mutated by exposure. If people have more problems with that now is just that they are bombarded from birth by stuff that rewards that and they have no reasson to think it's bad. It can be corrected or made worse. Humans have the freedom to improve things they want to improve.

Calm down, please.

>> No.7554089

>Literature is a part of the entertainment industry

are you implying the scope of your thread is relavent only to literature as part of the entertainment industry, or are you confirming that the reason literature exists is to entertain?

I don't think you're qualifying for the latter.

>> No.7554100

Nobody cares about what you do, faggot. You're a lonely waste of space anyway.

>> No.7554114

this is what /lit/and Continentals believe.

Do any of you faggots have a background in serious and scientific subject or do you all just spew out memes.

>> No.7554118

Lol OP I read your post and knew it would get awful replies. I think you worded it a bit poorly but you do bring up important points that academics/people interested in literature think about. Unfortunately this board is primarily NEETS or college freshmen who have superiority complexes so I doubt you'll get much in terms of insightful responses. You're likely to get better context on this question if you read New Yorker articles on the subject, which isn't saying much DESU.

>> No.7554123

Analitics have much lousier justifications of art, mostly limited to "whatever the institutions say it is", a la Danto. Gadamer has a much more comprehensive definitions of what makes art something above any aesthetic experience but its a bit too long for this kind of shit threads.

>> No.7554131

>knew it would get awful replies
>doesn't give insightful reply

Thank you for your comment mate

>> No.7554149

>justifications of art
making up shit is not a good justification, have fun with your fluff. Analitics refuse to make shit up or play fast and loose with words like Continentals, thus their claims about art will be more bare bones.

>> No.7554164

As I just said, there are analytic theories of how art works, Danto and Dickie come to mind, and they are laughable.
Also, I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the first step of the scientific process is literally making shit up. Maybe you don't think Popper and Khun are analytic philosophers, you are free to believe any fantasy you want.

>> No.7554170

This is wisdom,

To add to ADD, I have ADD and only say that because I signed the form, do I believe that it is in any way a constraint or a condition that holds me back? There's no sense to that, a crutch and an excuse are what they are in this case as ADD is too broad and too philosophical to be deemed a form of deficit, or disorderly. From one person to another, ADD is just an umbrella for numerous contributing factors and habits to be taking empirically.

>I was reading an interview with DFW or something and he was talking about art being rewarding due to its challenge or something

or something or something you seem pretty lost. You don't 'Challenge' literature, it challenges you. It won't challenge you unless you find something intrigueing in it that drives you to work in concert with it to develop something 'artistic' and maybe 'entertaining' to the public.

You've got a mind for marketing yourself when you don't sound like you have any passion except marketing yourself.

I'll call you Little wolf on Wallstreet.

>> No.7554182
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I like you too, anon. Stay strong.

>> No.7554191


>they both think of art as a means to an end in terms of marketability and moneymaking
>they can't even see the scope outside of cashflow to consider the joy taken in producing something artistic.

I'm not saying you're both total morons or anything, but have you tried making art?

Yes or No

>> No.7554205

>the first step of the scientific process is literally making shit up
Nope, unless you consider accepting empirical reality as making up shit (if this is the case do not reply, I have no time intellectually challenged). Science also make takes time to make sure that its theories line up with empirical observations. You should probably reread Popper and Khun. (we all know how pissed at you Continental fags for twisting his words)

>> No.7554212
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>I'm a scientist who went for an arts degree
>yeah I suck at science too actually

>> No.7554231
File: 97 KB, 800x874, sellswords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't consider 'Empirical reality' as making shit up, you consider the diverse application of algebra and logic statements in conjunction with materials, engineering and heuristics before you even begin to know how to push weight in the scientific realm. You're conceited and lost, but your demographic isn't small. luckily they have no ambition to do anything but make money and whine, so it's no hindrance to most people.

>> No.7554235

>do you agree that binge watching is a sign that the attention span isn't dead
An attention span in not required to exhibit compulsive-addictive behavior.
Cigarette smokers are not paying attention to their cigarettes, but they need one hovering in front of their face to calm them down anyway

>> No.7554242

Art used to be something to cherish

Now literally anything could be art

This post is art.

>> No.7554257

I cherish this post

I appreciate and adore the subtle modifications the idea goes through when the words are posted by different users and interpreted in different contexts.

That post is art, and the medium is contrast and memory.

>> No.7554268
File: 52 KB, 486x345, mememonger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, pretty good at science. Honors degree in Physics.

What are you trying to say Hans? It looks to me you are just another constructivist who denies empirical reality in an effort to elevator your crackpot thinking to level of Science or beyond. I have lost nothing, enjoy your future as a NEET.

>> No.7554283

I like the cut of your jib, young fella. Wanna team up to fight crime?

>> No.7554286

from where, devry institute?

community college pls go

>> No.7554289

Well if you wouldn't mind committing crimes as well then I'm in

>> No.7554295

wow such denominational logics

how about this one

Art used to be expensive to make

Now there's so many affordable mediums

Too bad everyone suddenly doesn't meet my narrow requirements.

You know what your problem is? You have no friends who like art and you don't get out to see it often enough.

>> No.7554297

it's a meme you fucking dips. google this post is art

so many newfags on this board baka

>> No.7554303

if Devry offered a degree in Physics it would still be more challenging and rigorous than a humanities degree from an Ivy

>> No.7554312

You have a piece of paper that says you're literate and can do maths. But you don't invent do you?

What is physics without the intuition of the machines that measure those parameters, You think we solved this shit? Because we touched the moon and blow shit up?

>> No.7554319

Yes, I was referencing the meme.
Please think before you make rude posts, friend.

>> No.7554320

>calls someone a newfag on a blueboard

If I'm a newfag, that's your first post.

>> No.7554323

>he fell for the stem meme
>fell for the prestigious schools meme meme

>> No.7554350

Inventing is easy, any person who knows how to code can invent today. Not claiming we have absolute knowledge, but yes we have higher certainty in our knowledge because we have touched the moon and can blow shit up. That is infinitely better than just being able to draw glyphs on parchment.

>> No.7554379


anybody who can write in English can write something meaningful

>> No.7554390

And given an infinite amount of time monkeys will produce Shakespeare

But Shakespeare didn't need an infinite amount of time.

>> No.7554401

>But Shakespeare didn't need an infinite amount of time
Or was he just the monkey that got lucky?

>> No.7554407

that's a well known mathematical fallacy predisposed by grossly unregulated parameters

I have been trolled well. Goodnight

>> No.7554431

se mi waifu.

>> No.7555280

you don't ask that, at least I doubt the guys in /a/ wait for their animu waifus to consent.

>> No.7555315

He fell for the rigor meme
Gtfov rrdditor tbdh