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7551428 No.7551428 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7551429


>> No.7551432


>> No.7551442

What's with all the pornstars today? That's Faye Valentine/ Faye Reagan btw. Her best scene is the Gauntlet 3 where like 5 guys cum inside her and Rebecca Linaeries eats it out of her pussy and feeds Faye the cum. Some people say she has genital warts but I haven't seen any outside of some specific pictures.

Bretty good scene.

>> No.7551446

>you will never get a blowjob from Faye Reagan

why even live :(

>> No.7551476


>> No.7551478
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this is real

>> No.7551483
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>> No.7551485
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>There are literally thousands of words I will never need to use in the English Language

I will continue to not use them desu.

>> No.7551488

wtf is this? it's either pc nonsense for dendrophilia or it's some kind of slur dendrophiliacs use for their fellows who only fuck the tree when it's dead. what a godawful decade

>> No.7551497
File: 62 KB, 999x1000, d8f5a86f-9aa6-4b59-8c33-915d2697d821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great time to be alive

>> No.7551506

lumbersexual is a derogatory term for those wannabe masculine hipster men who wear plaid and have shitty beards

>> No.7551508
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This is a surprising good representation of the age
>mfw cuckservative

>> No.7551511
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>> No.7551517


>> No.7551524

>wannabe masculine hipster men who wear plaid and have shitty beards
There's a whole lot of redundancy in this statement.

>> No.7551527

those are just called "lesbians" and they're more into silicone than wood i believe.

>> No.7551542

They are mostly just shitty portmanteaux though. A couple of words awkwardly run together in order to try and encapsulate--and for the most part condemn--some supposed social condition. These aren't words of any moment or significance they are just lazy journalistic shibboleths.

>> No.7551545

I really like the scenes where she and her friend 'reluctantly' engage in lesbian ass licking

>> No.7551570

Lesbians don't dress lumber style but I still kek'd

>> No.7551583

I had a video on my old laptop of her and some other qt redhead deepthroating a cock. It was pretty hot except for the fact that it was in HD and I could see a ton of details like bumps on the guy's dick and cartilaginous stretch marks and shit. Imperfections that ruined my immersion for an otherwise beautiful threesome.

>> No.7551616

Yeah, but check the talk pages for both hipster sexism and hipster racism. Mods consider them irrelevant, even a fucking radfem wiki doesn't have this shit.

>> No.7551618

>basically all portmanteaux

>> No.7551623

>it's either pc nonsense for dendrophilia
top kek, friendo

>> No.7551641


One of my favourite scenes ever

>> No.7551649

The whining will never end, will it? Leftists will just keep complaining and complaining until the end of time, perpetually heaping up smelly little orthodoxy upon smelly little orthodoxy just so they have something to bitch about. They belong in gas chambers, or at least reeducation camps. It's the only way to get some rest from this ceaseless assault of meaningless noise.

>> No.7551653
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>chapulling colorado

>> No.7551662

Stanhope did a bit on HD porn, similar reflections.

>> No.7551665

quit your whining nerd.

>> No.7551668

Why did they let a pornstar advertise their products? Or was this before

>> No.7551676

The new left has nothing to do with any kind of left-wing thought. They never read Marx, Debord, Foucalt, never engaged in any kind of meaningful critique of capitalism (which won't go away in the foreseeable future, btw). Instead they indulge in endless quarrels about identity politics and other trite bullshit.

>> No.7551680

Please end my life.

>> No.7551681

>Faye Valentine
That Betamax episode of Cowboy Bebop, though...

>> No.7551694

I'm just a voice in the wilderness. The left owns the media and entertainment industry and academia. They hold incontestable power over popular culture. It seems unfair to equate my complaints with theirs.

>> No.7551695

You mean the american left, don't you? in the rest of the world we call that right wing.
I personally feel your guys are, in the best of cases, cornuservadores.

>> No.7551702

Yeah, I meant the American left, even though I'm a Yuropoor myself.

>> No.7551722


It's just part of their marketing campaign. Their ads are soft-core porn. Their website is too, at least their underwear section (they don't use photoshop at all in the images of their models)

>> No.7551726

Faye Reagan is really ugly without a cock in her desu

>> No.7551744

I don't know, but I'd be interested in more

>> No.7551800

The right-wing/left-wing spectrum in a country depends on what is feasible in that country. An American liberal doesn't become a conservative in Sweden, just as a Swedish conservative doesn't become a liberal in the U.S. Their liberalism or conservatism depends upon the resources, challenges, and culture of their country.

>> No.7551807

while you are right in general terms, from an outsider perspective both american parties are identical in everything except discourse. there used to be people who had a left wing perspective but they have been absorved by something else, I guess, or sent to mars.

>> No.7551810
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Mfw these things

>> No.7551827

Well one of my old friends was from Norway or Finland, can't really remember which one, and he was a conservative there, but he said over here he supports our liberal candidates and would be seen as a left winger.

>> No.7551854

This meme is so old. Go back to reddit.

>> No.7551868


>complains about liberals complaining
>meanwhile on Fox News Christians are talking about how "persecuted" they are because someone wished them happy holidays

Thankfully this election will prove your little echo chamber permanently irrelevant.

>> No.7551887

>The way she begs them to cum in her pussy


>> No.7551889

funny how the conncept of the 'SJW' has blown up in the last couple of years. Back in my days we called it being a decent fucking human being. There was no 'political correctess' either, just these little things called EMPATHY and NOT BEING A FUCKING DOUCHEWAD

>> No.7551903

What does my anecdotal evidence have to do with your (false) claim of me browsing reddit?

>> No.7551910


you can tell that place is ran by "liberals" because "libcuck" is just as prominent here.

>> No.7551925
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>> No.7551932

Hey! Louis CK! First time here or do you enjoy /lit/? What have you been reading lately?

>> No.7551943

according to the article is a term used among conservatives to refer to the more left leaning ones, a way of saying traitor to the cause.

>> No.7551952

He's clearly Dan Harmon, you just don't get his voice.

>> No.7551964

This website is full of awful neoreactionaries

>> No.7551970

what diferentiates them from old reactionaries?

>> No.7551980

The term was a major twitter trend, and it was even mentioned on television.

>> No.7552022

It's honestly good to see people rejecting your pathological definitions of decency and empathy. I hope soon we can completely ignore the standards enforced by such sleazy moralists.

>> No.7552026

They use memes

>> No.7552042

I really don't know where this Louis CK cuck meme began, he bashes all the fucking races all the time even in his tv show

He only bashed white people like in one tour and now everyone's anal about it

>> No.7552048
File: 196 KB, 480x409, widget_islamic_a-tatooed-kafir-becomes-a-muslim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone uses memes nowadays.

>> No.7552061

I was just saying your post was trying to sound like him.

>> No.7552069

That wasn't my post, I just like Louis CK.

>> No.7552170

god damn, just watched this, and it was pretty great. Better than anything I've read recently, at least. Thanks /lit/

>> No.7552226


>> No.7552269

>What's with all the pornstars today?
accepting porn stars gives you openminded brownie points

>> No.7552562

You sound like Patrick Bateman.

>> No.7552583


>> No.7552600

>The Stop Phubbing campaign site, and related Facebook page, was part of an elaborate public relations effort designed to promote the Macquarie Dictionary of Australia. In the media, the website was originally credited to an Australian college student named Alex Haigh, who had been interning at McCann and was subsequently hired. A film, titled A Word is Born, describes the entire process and serves as an ad for the dictionary.

>> No.7552627

>You mean the american left, don't you? in the rest of the world we call that right wing.
This is retarded, stop saying it now. The rest of the world isn't comprised of Sweden and the UK.

>> No.7552660

>Phubbing is a term coined as part of a campaign by Macquarie Dictionary to describe the habit of snubbing someone in favour of a mobile phone. In May 2012, the advertising agency behind the campaign—McCann Melbourne—invited a number of lexicographers, authors, and poets to coin a neologism to describe the behaviour. The term has appeared in media around the world, and was popularized by the Stop Phubbing campaign created by McCann.

Stupidest shit I've ever heard. Wikipedia is full of cucks.

>> No.7552683

>Wikipedia is full of cucks.
It's not Wikipedia, it's goddamn Australia mate

>> No.7552687

This is one of the best posts I've seen on /lit/ in a while. Thank you for posting this, friend.

>> No.7552707

>hipster racism
Mentioned in http://nymag.com/thecut/2012/10/age-of-hipster-sexism.html (as linked in the article 'Hipster sexism'), which, when describing 'hipster sexism' as being connected to 'hipster racism,' links to http://gawker.com/5903468/a-girls-writers-ironic-racism-and-other-white-people-problems with this quote
>Maybe we should call it ‘ironic racism.’ It's a distancing gesture, racism with the acknowledgment that I should know better and I don't care. Assiduously casual, meant to demonstrate a kind of worldliness or edginess, ‘hipster racism’ acts like a behavioral flannel jacket...

>> No.7552719
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>Normie didn't make the cut, but Hipster sexism did

>> No.7552722

kill yourself, frog shit

>> No.7552809


imagine her taking a fat greasy poop

>> No.7552855

I doubt you have to imagine.

>> No.7552894

Fun fact: Faye Reagan has drug problems, which caused her longtime boyfriend (who is in a lot of videos with her) to break up with her. In a recent video of her (PornHub viewkey 651982487), she looks like she's gained weight, her face looks gaunt and pale, and she's clearly on drugs in a shitty hotel room. She barely opens her eyes through the whole video. Pretty sad.

>> No.7552909

>being this knowledgeable about pornstars

eww, you're gross

>> No.7552916

Literally just found this out tonight. Someone at the top of the thread mentioned genital warts, so I Googled that to see if it was true, and I found a thread about how she was JUSTing herself.

>> No.7552918

>pornstar in being drug and std-ridden


>> No.7552924

>eww, you're gross
Let's play "second-grade girl or internet leftist"

>> No.7552933

bet u heard that a lot lmao

and im redpilled, so not leftist. I am against porn as you can see (and masturbation, its' degenerate)

>> No.7552945
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>> No.7552951

>your defense is to call me the second-grade insult
>im red-pilled
So you're an idiot from /pol/ who is essentially the same thing as a Leftist, good job.

>> No.7552955

It's actuallly true though. Swedish as well as other scandinavian rightwing parties are all on the left of the democrats

>> No.7553067
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>According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the term originated on websites such as 4chan (specifically the /pol/ imageboard), the far-right message board My Posting Career, and the white nationalist site The Right Stuff.[12]
SPLC does their homework, but that was forced

>> No.7553093

>Republicans are nothing but the 'controlled opposition' completely in the hands of the political left, whose only aspiration is for those rare occasions when those hands pat them on the head, and the media rewards them with the coveted adjective 'moderate': these are the cornuservadores.