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/lit/ - Literature

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7551335 No.7551335 [Reply] [Original]

Let's keep this based on the book, not the TV show "the expanse" on syfy...


I've read a decent amount of Sci-Fi in my life. But I was really, really happy with the way this series is turning out. I'm on book 2 "Caliban's War". While the premise of colonies, and colonial based war, and disease isn't anything new to Sci-fi, I really loved the way this book is handling it's spin on it. Check the link above for a good synopsis and summary. It's a very very gritty, realistic book that involves racial tensions between Earth,Mars and the "Belters". The inequality, predjudice and what not just make the book more than mere Sci-Fi to me. The author(s) nail the concept of to me, what it would be like if humanity did expand. We would project our racial separatism to the people who go off world, as being "Them vs Us" type mentality

Even the characters I get a real sense of humanity for. So much so, in book two, the character Prax's daughter goes missing, and there's like two chapters devoted to him looking for her. For a second I forgot I was reading a scifi book, and was just so engrossed for the story of this dad searching for his little girl, it was amazingly well written..

Anyway, is anyone else reading this series? If you like sci-fi with lots of character dev. And a nice balance of military, marine space combat..I can not recommend this one highly enough. First book in the series is Leviathan Wakes.

>> No.7551373

is shit.

>> No.7551412

hoo kay, great dialogue...anyone else have a profound opinion as well?

>> No.7551424

I'm afraid that of the five /lit/ posters who actually read, not a single one read the book you've mentioned, sorry.

>> No.7551441

well of course, is shit too!

>> No.7551687

Yeah, I've read it. Waiting for the latest one to come out in paperback, and hoping they don't use TV cover for it.

>> No.7551815

Guys what's happened to /lit/? When did this happen? Where will we go when all the newcomers have turned this place into /r/books? Hold me tight I don't want to lose you.