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7550952 No.7550952 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth to read Christopher Hitchens or is he just a contrarian fedora tipper?

>> No.7550966

The guy wrote articles for like 4 or more major publications for more than a few years. He's written everything from rehashed bullshit to cutting and necessary criticism of religion. Some of it is worth the time of day, some not.

>> No.7550989


He's written volumes, and some of it is legitimately interesting. Memes aside, Christopher Hitchens was a very good writer, and in my opinion is worth reading if you are interested in the craft of writing.

>> No.7551008

I like Peter better. He's more agreeable and has better values and political sense imo.

>worth reading if you are interested in the craft of writing.

Which ones?

>> No.7551035

I thought that one was a christard?

>> No.7551047


Many of his fans are insufferable, but the man himself was not. Some of his stuff is definitely worth reading, although he shines brightest as a public speaker.

>> No.7551055

blood class and nostalgia is quite interesting. his newspaper columns can be ok too when he steers clear of religion and iraq

>> No.7551058

Yes, Peter is a Christian.

>> No.7551083

he's worth reading

try to get a hold of his collection of essays Arguably

here's one text where he's at his best

>> No.7551086


He's christian, anti-drug, anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality, anti-birth control, anti-evolution, denies man-made climate change, anti-feminism.

4chan probably loves him cause he is not a soft pussy libtard SJW.

>> No.7551098


Which speeches are worth watching?

Any debates?

I don't know much about him besides the memes.

>> No.7551126 [DELETED] 


I really like "Axis of Evil revisited" from 2009 on Youtube.

>> No.7551128

not that guy, and I actually prefer his writing

>anyway, if you're in for his voice...

loved him on c-span

his religion speeches are ok albeit repetitive(worth watching how he's debating against represntatives of different religions though)

there are other things he's in, search for them on youtube

also complations of his speeches are shit, unless you wanna be an edgelord

>> No.7551142


I really like his numerous appearances on C-SPAN, which are generally focused on contemporary issues. But obviously these are no longer current and one would have to be curious about them in order to find them interesting.

If you're more interested in his religious critiques then the IQ squared debate he did with Stephen Fry is pretty good.

>> No.7551147

I really like "Axis of Evil revisited" from 2009 on Youtube.

His religion debates are not worth watching. Spoilers: his opponents can't prove God exists. Nor can they prove religion causes more good than it does bad. At best you get a chuckle, watching a clown like Al Sharpton making a fool of himself.

>> No.7551153


Oh, and can't forget his debate with George Galloway. Fine mudslinging from two masters in the art.

His TV programme about Mother Teresa was great too.

>> No.7551161

His religion debate against Peter is great, because whenever Peter brings up a good point and begin clapping Christopher gets all flustered and starts saying stuff like "WHY ARE YOU CLAPPING FOR HIM AND NOT ME? CUT THAT OUT RIGHT NOW!"

>> No.7551167

He sounds like an idiot.

>> No.7551174

There's another debate which the two brothers had just after Peter released his book 'the Abolition of Britain'. Peter absolutely decimates Christopher throughout and apparently Christopher was trembling with rage as soon as they got off the stage.

>> No.7551175

Anti-evolution? Explain

>> No.7551182

He's not really anti-evolution, or anti-feminist. I think anon is exaggerating

>> No.7551189


>> No.7551190

or anti homosexual really

considering that anon also referred to him as a "christard" it's fair to say he might be a little bit biased. I don't agree with much of what he says but he's an interesting man. Much like his brother I prefer his talks to his writing though.

>> No.7551206

Haha, what a fat ugly cuckolded shit

>> No.7551216

First article is pointless and second article raises good issues re skepticism:

>All I ask is that people keep thinking about this, don't get frightened of doing so, and don't try to frighten others into orthodoxy, or to misrepresent opponents' positions.

As usual from Peter, well said.

>> No.7551221


>> No.7551223

He was a crass, boorish drunk. Not worth paying any attention to.

>> No.7551226


Is he drunk?

>> No.7551229


He was an alcoholic for a long time

>> No.7551230

You can always focus on the stuff he wrote before 9/11 and the whole atheism stuff began.

>> No.7551240

Hitchens fan:
>articulated, well read, reasoned.
>hurr KEKKEKCcukccuckc

>> No.7551250

go back to reddit

>> No.7551261

Is this a new meme, for the Redditors to tell /lit/ users to go back to Reddit? If so, it could be a good way to usher in a new generation of a Reddit-controlled /lit/.

>> No.7551262

yeah, they've tested it out on all the dank meme boards to great success, now they're moving in on the last bastion of true 4chan elitism

>> No.7551278

>they've tested it out on all the dank meme boards to great success

And which boards would those be...?

>> No.7551282

/tv/, /pol/, [r9k], /b/, /v/, the usual trash.

>> No.7551461

If he's in public he's drunk or very close to it.