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/lit/ - Literature

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7546312 No.7546312 [Reply] [Original]

checked the archive there isn't rly a shelf thread

Let's seem em m8s

Post recs and r8


>> No.7546318
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checked the catalog, that is

>> No.7546358
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Just gonna post my top shelf.

>> No.7546362

hiding the king huh

>> No.7546370

No king friendo. Too lazy to take pics of other shelves + have more books and another bookshelf coming soonTM, at which point I'll do a more complete set of pics.

>> No.7546388

nice m8

>> No.7546458

>only female author is edith hamilton

>> No.7546468

Yeah what a fucking shitlord

>> No.7546477

dylan thomas is good tho

>> No.7546484

kill all white men

>> No.7546488

dead white men oughta be illegal

>> No.7546499

>The term is used pejoratively in postmodern studies to denounce the body of scholarship as too biased to be useful today.
Holy shit, I had no idea this was a serious thing.

>> No.7546502

yeah before internet feminism the dead white men argument was all the rage

>> No.7546929

yeah definitely hiding the king

>> No.7546947

>checked the archive

So you just posted this without checking the catalog then?

Because these shitty fucking threads are all over the archive you dumb fuck.

>> No.7546952


>> No.7548069

less le ironic feminism posting more shelves thx senpais

>> No.7548365

whats that fat bob dylan book?

>> No.7548392

Truly patrish. Oralndo Furioso holy fuark.

>> No.7548394
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quality over quantity

>> No.7548423
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Did you take those two DFW books and stick them on your younger brothers shelf or what?

>> No.7548445

How is Orlando Furioso?

Have you read Innamorato as well?

>> No.7548556

>quality over quantity
Poe's law ITT. Is this really your shelf and are you being sincere?

>> No.7548716

common b8 pic, always with the same caption. don't know where it is from originally

>> No.7548901
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1 of 2

>> No.7548908
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2 of 2
You jelly?

>> No.7548912
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>> No.7548941
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>> No.7548956

Charity shop /10

>> No.7549012
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tres bien

straight back to reddit

Your library is about half amazing and half disgusting. It's very confusing.

>> No.7549094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7549170

>Isis Unveiled


>> No.7549287

>that godawful divine comedy
why haven't you burned it

>> No.7549376

I should. I even have another edition, which is better translated as well.

>> No.7549520

>all those Fausts
I may have them in Reclam and so they're tiny but just how much room can the English translations take up?

>> No.7549591

most confusing bookshelf ever
>the gnostics
>obscure tolken

and yet

>dat proust

>> No.7549593
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just started

>> No.7549601


You're off to a good start, really loving those Zweigs, I'm guessing Pushkin Press? Try Antal Szerb.

>> No.7549614

Nice selection have you read most/all of the stuff there?

also Roald Dahl is patrish as fuck, criminally underrated and unfairly typecast as merely a children's author (though he is an excellent one).

I like Faust and I like autistically comparing translations. Not pictured: Luke and Bayard-Taylor.

It's excellent. I claim no great understanding of it and I'm not sure on the quality of the translation (it's an old one from some defunct publisher) but the imagery and the poetry is stunning.

No on Innamorato.

>> No.7549615

Thanks. My sisters got me them cause they know I'm a huge Austrophile. Who's this Antal Szerb fella?

>> No.7549616

This shelf looks like you read ebooks, then buy a physical copy to put on the shelf.

>> No.7549621

been buying faster than I'm reading desu but nearly halfway through and yes, Dahl is top tier af and sure as he'll doesn't get enough love here

>> No.7549625

What do you mean? I hate eBooks

>> No.7549626

It's funny because you guys spend on this money on books to basically emulate the "classics/greatest hits" section at your local library.

>> No.7549631


He's not Austrian but a decent Hungarian writer, very unknown but I think you'll like him, Pushkin Press have translated most of his novels, I think. Anyway start with Journey by Moonlight, a lot of his books are mainly about people bumming around Europe while moaning about unrequited love but still fun to read just for the atmosphere.

Any good Austrian writers you'd recommend? Other than Zweig of course. Also you should see the movie Grand Budapest, a lot of his material was used as inspiration for it, you'd probably be able to get more references than I did.

>> No.7549637
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Patrician incoming.

>> No.7549649

>He's not Austrian but a decent Hungarian writer, very unknown but I think you'll like him, Pushkin Press have translated most of his novels, I think.
Sweet, I'm defo gonna hit that up.

>Anyway start with Journey by Moonlight, a lot of his books are mainly about people bumming around Europe while moaning about unrequited love but still fun to read just for the atmosphere.
Sounds based desu.

>Any good Austrian writers you'd recommend?
Robert Musil and Joseph Roth are two of my personal favourites but not quite as good as Zweig by any means.

>Also you should see the movie Grand Budapest, a lot of his material was used as inspiration for it, you'd probably be able to get more references than I did.
Patrician-tier film mate, absolutely adore it.

>> No.7549671

Why is there always a ninja sword?

>> No.7549674

not a single worn spine. Those books look as if they've never been opened.

>> No.7549677
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I have a lot of books so this is going to be long

scifi 1/2

>> No.7549680


>> No.7549684
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scifi 2/2

>> No.7549687
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the greeks/philosophy 1/2

>> No.7549691
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the greeks/philosophy 2/2

>> No.7549692
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New-ish to reading. All very enjoyable. Recommendations/memeposts welcome.

Because it's a sign of class; they're quadruple folded from artisanal nippon steel.

Looks good fella. How was Mishima? I'm quite interested in his works.

The dust jacket for Plato was shit, wasn't it?

>> No.7549700
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>> No.7549710

>he's actually starting with the greeks

>> No.7549713

I'm pretty OCD about my books desu, I don't even like opening them fully.

>> No.7549720

Mishimia is pretty good but Danny son, I'm mirrin dat Greek collection

>> No.7549721

It was actually really enjoyable; I'm really looking forward to Rollicking with the Romans desu.

>> No.7549724
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random scifi/horror/metaphisics

I got it used so it didn't even have one.
>modern library
good taste in publishers 10/10

>> No.7549725

Good on you mate. Have fun.

>> No.7549731
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>> No.7549737

Cheers lads. I have the /lit/ community to thank for my start.

Very cozy looking Shakespeare.

>> No.7549739
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history/politics and other stuff

>> No.7549746

>Narcissus and Goldmund
A patrician's Hesse to be honest, family.
Lewd, though.

>> No.7549749
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>> No.7549751
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random 1/2

>> No.7549756
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random 2/2

>> No.7549761
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the three books turned backwards if anyone cares

>> No.7549763

I'm missing two, sadly
I hate that it makes a picture, because it looks like I have a fucking picture on my shelf
why would they do that?
just print some nice books, please

>> No.7549770

i'm going to kill myself

>> No.7549772

Hopefully you'll like my Hesse section when I get some pictures (next week?) senpai.

>> No.7549800

>that katana

oh god

>> No.7549915

it's a volume of criticism by sean egan from 2006 going release by release through his catalog. read all of it, bretty good. I think it's called 'the mammoth book of bob dylan'

what's really good, though, is 'chronicles' by bob dylan himself

>> No.7549968

All this jealousy at my superior book collection. How about you sub-par degenerates post your bookshelves so we can marvel at your "plebiness" and we can all take turns basking in my superior taste.

>> No.7549978

>Harry Potter

>> No.7549983

>I am Manala
> haha

>> No.7549993
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op here. here are the other shelves in the apartment

1/3 my girlfriend's books

>> No.7549999
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2/3 mostly my books from home and school

>> No.7550006
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3/3 my records and some more books from home, books I was gifted etc

>> No.7550028

>that appraised game
disgusting, also why do people who like western fantasy always have eastern swords.

>> No.7550045
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new to /lit/ and reading in general, posting my humble collection

>> No.7550055

>some fantasy, dosto, orwell, and huxley
maybe check out some other dosto like notes from the underground and orwell's nonfiction

brave new world is great make sure you try to retain it and check back with it periodically later on

check the sticky if you ever need reading ideas

>> No.7550057
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would you recommend bloom's compilation of poetry?

>> No.7550062
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>> No.7550065

Crown & Country is a history book actually, very dry but incredibly informative too. I'd reccomend it to anyone else who doesn't know where to start with British History. Dostoyevsky is actually the only one I haven't read, because tomorrow I should get Notes from Underground and some other short stories of his in the post, and I'd like to start with that. Yeah, I didn't think the prose in BNW was on the same level as 1984 but I loved the exploitation of human sexuality and I think there's probably some symbolism in their I missed. Definitely plan to reread it this month or next. Just finished it yesterday.

>> No.7550067
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>> No.7550069

do you read many english-language authors? if you're curious about english poetry there are a ton of fat compilations of it to find inexpensively, like slightly out-of-date textbook editions whose value has dropped out

>> No.7550074

I'm yet to properly read it. I have, however, had a few skims through it. It seems like it's going to be very good; it has a very large selection of English language poets (in chronological order) -- includes all the 'main' guys, and a few lesser known ones.

I can't comment much further than that, but it does have a very large selection, with commentaries etc.

>> No.7550076
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>> No.7550077

Huxley spent his time doing all of the early psychedelics so suffice to say it's not really about the prose so much as what it contains

>tfw all of the childrens engage in the sex play so there is no concept of virginity

>> No.7550081
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>if you had grown up in BNW you wouldn't be a lonely virgin

>> No.7550089

it's okay desu it's just the repressive judeo-christian culture you were born into

go find some angsty atheist grl or art slut to shell

>> No.7550096
File: 1.47 MB, 3648x2736, 100_4920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read some tennyson, yeats and frost... and a bit of whitman. there was a good compilation of german poetry by a german critic, i like the idea of reading something similiar in english to see some canonic works

>> No.7550097

>implying I live in a repressive judeo christian culture
>implying every girl I know isn't a massive slut
>implying they still won't fuck me

I just want a cute wife and to live on a nice rural parcel of land

>> No.7550105

might i recommend becoming a humble shopkeeper and waiting for a right meek, bookish history major

>> No.7550114
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>> No.7550119

hnnng imagine sipping coffee or beer with your 20 something qt in a nice historical city while the shop is closed for the night and there's nothing but the smell of dusty books in the air

>> No.7550122

I'm sure bloom wouldn't put you wrong, then. I have this three-piece Harvard textbook thing which covers about all of them until the 21st century.

check out more whitman if you can
keats and the romantics if you haven't
maybe dante gabriel rosetti and longfellow
byron for some highbrow perversion
maybe some gertrude stein if you're up to the task

>> No.7550125
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>> No.7550126

yeah so my apartment ;-)

>> No.7550165


: ^ (

I think the key would be going back to school and getting a masters. That or making the local bookstores your second home.

there are definitely meetup sites too that have book clubs etc. Just troll them mate

>> No.7550167
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My humble shelf.

>> No.7550172
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i should have thought about college/university reading lists/compilations, thanks!

>> No.7550178

I would, but all my books are in boxes

>> No.7550218

Where did you get that edition of illuminatus! ??

>> No.7550307

half price books they had a ton of them at the time.

>> No.7550367
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>he read past god emperor

>> No.7550424
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>> No.7550569

The P&V translation of AK. Kill yourself

>> No.7550578

That is a nice vase.

>> No.7550596

Have you read it?

What translation do you prefer?

>> No.7550613

Always the Maudes for Tolstoy. They knew him personally.

>> No.7550619

Do you live in a Kubrick movie?

>> No.7550622

Is this an employee break room?

>> No.7550634

..Okay? Why would this matter if the translation wasn´t done like the translations of Nabokov his work where he helped out or partially did it himself with another translator.

>> No.7550641

Are you Dutch? Where did you pick up the complete fiction collection by Lovecraft? Also, was it worth the price?

>> No.7550662

Ive read maudes is out dated. There are two recent AK translations. And I've heard good things about the anthony briggs translation of War and Peace

>> No.7550665

>the greek myths i/ii
what is this?

>> No.7550670
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>> No.7550678

Mishima books any good?

I only read sound of waves

>> No.7550683

>the anthony briggs translation of War and Peace

yes it's very good

>> No.7550684

Not that guy but:
How could a translation be outdated? It's not like the English language has transformed since then.

The Maudes are very good imo, definitely among the best, if not the best.

>> No.7550687


>> No.7550695

looks like one of those flash room escape games
there's definetely a key or some shit in the slot behind that microwave

>> No.7550703

Try the Corpus Hermeticum

>> No.7550712
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>> No.7550717

>he reads nothing but meme books

we bagged another one boys!

>> No.7550718

what drugs do you do

>> No.7550719

>falling for memes

>> No.7550724

>actually giving money to tao lin


>> No.7550732

why so i can help you form some generalized idea about who i am as a person? im good.

>> No.7550735

>nothing but /lit/ memes
>being this buttblasted over an innocuous question

brainless drone confirmed

>> No.7550737

if you're rich i think you do pills and if you aren't then you smoke weed and find coke where you can get it

>> No.7550738
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only kidding
dude weed lmao

>> No.7550745

thanks anon

>> No.7550753

I guess certain words and phrases fall out of fashion, and need to be replaced with more common idioms.

>> No.7550754
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No it's the second kitchen. My home has a study but I hate sitting there sinds my dad died behind his desk.

I also like reading in the storeroom. It's quiet.

>> No.7550786

your place looks comfy mane

>> No.7550787

do you feel like you fit in yet?

>> No.7550791

Post the study.

>> No.7550795

what is the alternative to read stuff i don't like?

>> No.7550809
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It's cold as fuck.
Needs to be completely renovated, can't afford it.
I'm moving out.


>> No.7550817

Goddamn that's great. Love the windows.

Do you have a little ladder to reach the top books?

That wallpaper over the fireplace tho

>> No.7550845
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Just a step. It's just an old Dutch home, so many have these windows. Not a rare thing and it makes the place a nightmare to heat, they are wafer thin.

I'll miss the bar in the basement.

>> No.7550856

where you live, anon?

>> No.7550921

Shit's cash. There isn't one book of his I haven't enjoyed.

Knickerbocker did that edition. Also Barnes and Nobles do a hardcover collection as >>7549724 shows.

>> No.7550930

Haha cheers. Got it whilst on holiday in Rhodes.

>> No.7550938

What do you do when you have that many book shelves and you run out space?

Also, are you a lawyer or something, what the fuck is with all those binders?

>> No.7550948

who wrote the far right book?,I 'read' it when was 12

>> No.7550973

Also I'm not Dutch, why do you ask?

>> No.7551109

Because my good sir, eastern culture is objectively superior to western culture. Any true patrician would know that.

>> No.7551129


>> No.7551139

My maynnn!

>> No.7551143

thanks m8, i'll keep my eyes out for the future

>> No.7551272

that bookshelf facade for a chimney is avoidable

>> No.7551594
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>> No.7551632

How come Julius Caesar is the one Shakespeare play you have?

>> No.7551714

A lifetime of books purchased. Doesn't include my comic collection or ebooks

Thinking of getting of mice and men, but I want something more contemporary.

>> No.7551715

dude what the fuck is that HG Wells cube holy shit

>> No.7551717
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forgot my pic lul.

>> No.7551862
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I'm just now getting into reading desu

>> No.7551892

Pretty sure it's Folio Society Bulfinch.

>> No.7552569

Your gf's read Nabokov's The Gift?

>> No.7552631

its Robert Graves version of the Greek myths.

after reading the first one I immediately bought all of the dune books

its on my list

Baxter Philips

>> No.7552654

The two johns would be proud.

>> No.7552661

that is a smexy bible and edgar allan poe.

>> No.7552662
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>> No.7552668
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Posted this in the desk thread but figured what the hey bails?

>> No.7552674

>leatherbound dan brown

>> No.7552676

Wew lad

Got lost on you way to reddit?

>> No.7552696

What? Dan Brown's pretty good. He reminds me of Dante Alghiere in a way with the religious stuff.

>> No.7552698

Nope. I can proudly say that I've never been there.

>> No.7552700
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>> No.7552702

You belong there though.

>> No.7552708

How are they different? Dan Brown is a good writer who writes about the religious. He's about as good.

>> No.7552710

k baits gone far enough

>> No.7552714

>falling for bait

Here's (you)

>> No.7552715

Nah. I like it here. /wg/, /co/ and /lit/ are based, senpai.

>> No.7552718

Okay, he's not the best but he's decent. Surely, more people buy his books than Dante Algheria's.

>> No.7552726

No need to drag out the joke anon, you can relax.

>> No.7552733

It's not a joke. "If noone goes to a play, then the playwright hasn't succeeded in his duty."- Moliere. The same principle holds true here. If noone reads Dante than he has failed as a writer.

>> No.7552742

Whos Molière lol sounds like some dead white guy nobody reads

>> No.7552751

You're missing the point. Dan Brown is objectively more successful because he makes more money and is more popular. There us no reason that you can't enjoy him.

>> No.7552765
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My shitty shelves.

>> No.7552834

I hope one of them is the Glass Bead Game, like Narcissus and Goldmund it's timeless in a way the beat hippie manifestos Steppenwolf and Siddharta will never be.

>> No.7552863

>Whos Molière

im fucking triggered

>> No.7552872

I think that guy was just "ironic shiteposting" or didn't understand my argument.

>> No.7552900

Anon it's accented and capitalized, there's no way that was serious. Not like the other one saying Dante "Algheria".

>> No.7552912

look this is your mistake: everybody reads these pictures from left to right so you cant start with dfw and pynchon. Also mb just put taipei in the garbage bin for real desu

>> No.7552913

What's your problem with Dante Algeria?

>> No.7552942

Not as good as torquato tuscany

>> No.7552985

Okay, I accidentally misspelled it. BIG DEAL. We all do. How does that debunk the quote from The Critique of the School for Wives? Also>>7552913 wasn't me.

>> No.7552992

>Not doing Arthur Tuscany (Toscanini)

>> No.7553022


>hey guise, do you like my dad's place?

>> No.7553396


Well it was his place, now mine, soon someone else.

>> No.7554124

I keep the no fears farther bellow

>> No.7554133

Is that a bucket of protein powder with the hobbit on it? Power from the SHIRE

>> No.7554138

The bible was printed in 1958 I believe; there's a photo of pius XII in it. The other one is all of his stories and many poems

>> No.7554332

You appear to be me from about ten years ago. In case you are, dont bother with college and dont bone any of your roommates is my solid advice from the future.

>> No.7554348

I know most people here are new to lit, but you guys really need to form some kind of independent taste. It's always the same shit every single time.

>> No.7554385

honestly, what's even the point of reading dostoyevsky if so many other people have?

>> No.7554395

I only read randomly generated strings of data.

>> No.7554399


Only people with good taste ITT

>> No.7554410

You must have mediocre taste

>> No.7554414
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That's not the point i'm making. Even in the canon there are so many other works people could be reading or have on their shelf. I'm not deriding people because their shelves aren't filled with obscure works people have never heard of. But it's really just the same books over and over. Heck, i'm not even really moaning at people just having this stuff, it's understandable that people on here new to /lit/ just have /lit/core stuff, i just don't see the point of having the same thread all the time if there is no variety whatsoever.

>> No.7554437

What do you mean by /lit/-core? You down have your 4chan goggles on do you?

These threads are good for a comfy browse, recommendations, advice, etcetera

>> No.7554445

Yea. You have to actually point out specific books you want to talk about with anons and you're more likely to get some genuine discussion/recs.

>> No.7554454

I agree, problem is, some people use these threads as a competition, rather than a way of finding new books to read

>> No.7554461

Abuse of a thing says nothing about the thing itself. Every thread can get abused (and do, this is 4chan), so whatever.

>> No.7554465
File: 1.71 MB, 5459x4094, Kindle_Voyage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My extensive collection right here.

>> No.7555212

oh come on tai pei was really good

>> No.7555270

>he fell for the tao lin meme


>> No.7555282

>he fell for the tao lin is a meme meme


>> No.7555291
File: 52 KB, 500x367, tao lin meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the man has excellent taste

>> No.7555300

they fell for the reading meme


>> No.7555305

What's the point of recommendations from people here though? If the bookshelves are any indication they only know about canon 101 so you are going to get nothing recommended to you that you couldn't find in google in 5 seconds by just searching 'western canon'

>> No.7555327
File: 2.89 MB, 3186x1569, 20160107_214721-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.7555347

there are plenty of people here who've posted interesting shelves with more than /lit/core. Just talk to people you think are interesting then.

Or just ignore these threads if you really don't like them.

>> No.7555361

I agree many have canon works (no shit) but many have lesser known works.

>> No.7555368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7555376 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7555517

this senpai isn't OP but OP here and I agree

>> No.7555551

check out Ravelstein by Saul Bellow, its a quasi-fictional memoir of Allan Bloom (COTAM author) of whom he was a dearest friend

>> No.7555915

I see quite a few shelves here that make me think the people who own them aren't bores. Previous threads have been full of /lit/-core shelves though.

>> No.7556034

alright who's not boring? compared to the average litizen, that is

>> No.7556310

there's a definitive list of western literature out there?

>> No.7556346

More or less yes. People will bicker about details but only idiots or ideological polemicist will deny the existence of a Canon.

>> No.7556356

it's not mentioned as much in the internet days, but yes.

there's always debates about what belongs and what doesn't but that's to be expected.

>> No.7556358

that's a sick photo of Chicago

>> No.7556360

are there any good lists that give you a rough idea of what's included?

>> No.7556368

here is Bloom's list

in a way, you can consider everything Modern Library publishes as their 'canon', and so on.

>> No.7556371

thanks anon

>> No.7556449

Did you come from /v/?

>> No.7556968

even with canon works there are translations, editions, versions, etc.

>> No.7557287

> The Gnostic Bible
Are you an Atheist?

>> No.7557688

No why?

>> No.7557962
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>> No.7557982
File: 835 KB, 1183x1200, Harold-Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That site itself has a list of way more books from the canon than blooms list itself

Got a bunch of lists from various places, and if you look at the index it has a list of all the books from every list complied by time/culture. It even includes the Eastern canon.


Keep in mind though that this mostly focuses on fiction and poetry ect, there are some philosophers and historians and the like included, but their are more expansive lists of those elsewhere.

>> No.7558006

are you muslim or just intrested in fiqh?

>> No.7558007

lovecraft, melville and dumas all look gay as shit

>> No.7558010

I'm a Muslim.

Lovecraft one isn't terrible really. Dumas, yeah, looks kind of childish.

I regret getting the Moby-Dick one, as it's my favorite book and the one I have has the design of the cover literally disappearing.

>> No.7558014

are you that shia bro? btw why don't you quran in your shelf?

>> No.7558015

Nah man, I'm sunni.

I got the Quran in the living room right now, as my bookshelf is in the study.

>> No.7558016

allah is a spook, you can stop now

>> No.7558019

I'm fine where I am right now, thanks.

>> No.7558027

go be 16 somewhere else lmao

>> No.7558031

why are you sunni? primarily due to how you've been raised?

>> No.7558041

I don't know really. My mother is a Sunni, and my father is a Shia, but I didn't like the way the Shia worked. It was a little too traditional for me.

>> No.7558048

where do you live akhi?

>> No.7558050


>> No.7558051
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>a little too traditional

>> No.7558060

wait, are you baiting or not? from my limited knowledge of islam i always reckoned that sunni was the traditional side, whereas shia was more 'flexible'?

>> No.7558063

Dude what.

Sunni is the flexible one, Shia is the one where they still pray with a little circle rock, and once a day every year stab themselves in the head for someone that happened over a thousand years ago.

>> No.7558073

Ayatollah Khamenie and some other big ayatollahs declared self harming in ashura haram, but some still do it. but it's not much widespread in Iran.

>> No.7558077

Well that's good, it's a shame that some people still do it though.

>> No.7558151
File: 347 KB, 1080x1234, _20160108_124825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully

>> No.7558172


Mirin the Oscar Wilde tome.

>> No.7558177

where did you get that oscar wilde edition?

>> No.7558184

I got it from a 2nd hand shop for €5.


>> No.7558439

Nice joyce section.

>> No.7559141


Vriendenprijsje van maken?

>> No.7559152


>mein kampf next to the quran

How apt.

>> No.7559197


>> No.7559621

>korea the impossible country
i really liked that book

>> No.7559752
File: 1.89 MB, 2204x3920, bs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen a shelf with non-english book
Is it against the bookshelf thread etiquette ?
I started reading english book only recently, please don't be mean

>> No.7559766
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>> No.7559769

There's literally a Spanish shelf and a German shelf in this very same thread you blind fuck

>> No.7559773
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>> No.7559777
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>> No.7559780

You're mean

>> No.7559782


>shelf full of meme philosophy
>game of thrones and the martiain

do you also own a fedora?

>> No.7559808

Dear Lord no.
GoT are gifts (I enjoyed the first three books though)
I don't own the martian, you must have misread. The photo is pretty blurry, mea culpa.
Most philosophy books were for college. I have read some several times though (Wittgenstein, Frege, Leibnitz ...)

>> No.7560002
File: 24 KB, 350x400, dUuwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull the other one anon

>> No.7560032

>yes please
get the audio book grrrl

>> No.7560065
File: 46 KB, 560x560, my-brain-is-full-of-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People do this?

>> No.7560299
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>> No.7560320
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>> No.7560337

Dan Brown is like scooby doo tier

>> No.7560340


Holy Fuck that random placement of 3 Calvino's in the second pic not with the rest in the first pic is killing me.

>> No.7560344

Please rearrange and take a new picture, please.

>> No.7560453

>he fell for the greeks meme

>> No.7560469
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>> No.7560476
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>> No.7560477

Thank you senpai

>> No.7560741

Yes i do

>> No.7560981

People don't?

>> No.7561205


YES! This picture is so good. At first you think it's a modest trolling attempt by searching /r/books. BUT look at the bottom-right shelf. Do you see it? It's fucking FRANZEN. This is truly an elaborate troll

>> No.7561246

The House Stark Journal is what does it for me desu senpai

>> No.7561277

I think Samurai swords are really badass. They're for decorative, combat and self-protection purposes as I like to say.

>> No.7561283

>I think samurai swords are badass
>...as I like to saw

ew you have a go-to party line for your decorative swords fucking nerd alert

>> No.7561291

Many people are thrilled with them. I tell everyone about my swords. I often practice with friends. Hardly nerdy at all, I'd say.

>> No.7561499


Not jelly, but damn does my bookshelf look a fuckload like yours. Good shit you have there, m8!

>> No.7562576

Does no one alphabetize their books? I can't imagine having mine randomly placed on a bookshelf.

>> No.7563152

>I used to read darren shan
right in the feels

>> No.7563157

I like rough chronological order

>> No.7563162

>Alphabetizing with no regard for genre.

The only way that makes sense is by separating into categories and going alphabetically.

eg. Literature/Fiction, Technical/Science, etc

>> No.7563209

If that's the English translation of Metro 2033 and you haven't read it yet, DON'T.

The translation is terrible

>> No.7563324

>studied for hundreds of years
>foundation of western civilization
the classics to hard for you, or what?

>> No.7563338

Can confirm
>Man Walks Through a Tunnel

>> No.7564650

It's signed.

>> No.7564750

You're the first anon I've seen in these dumb threads with a Riverside Shakespeare on their shelves.

>> No.7564878
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1932[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the top shelf for now. There's no real order to the books, I'm working on that.

>> No.7566217

Yeah, some people actually like to take care of their books.

Weird isn't it?

Ever considered killing yourself?

>> No.7566336

>open one of my books fully
>it tears right down to the spine
One of the most painful experiences of my life. I learned my lesson that day.

>> No.7566433

ASP 3.0