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7545536 No.7545536 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most depressive books you have ever read /lit/?

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>> No.7545538

Depressing? Bloke chills on a beach and starches a nigga. That be some gangster as shit, cuz. Ain't nuthin' to be 'fraid of, I TELL YA WAHT BOBBY.

>> No.7545543

If you think Camus is depressing, you don't understand Camus.

>> No.7545546
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Not depressive but definetly made me feel sad

>> No.7545554

I saw a post about new year books a couple days ago, there was a book there everyone was calling the most depressing book ever, can't remember the name though.

>> No.7545555

I thought the chapter on the nigger's isolation was the saddest part of the book

>> No.7545561

The same people think Kafka is depressing

>> No.7545563

Edgy word bro!!

>> No.7545564

my diary

>> No.7545566

The Recognitions is the only book I think will actually make you kill yourself if read too fast.

>> No.7545571

Edgy? Not really. He was a nigger. That's it. That's the whole point.

>> No.7545574

Women and Men caused me to call back home and tell my parents that I needed to be sent to a mental institution before I killed myself and my ex-girlfriend.

>> No.7545595

you triggered him

wow this really makes me not want to read it

>> No.7545618

Going off the existentialist vibe, Nausea by Sartre was pretty depressing.
My 15 year old edgy self loved it when I read it

>> No.7545626

Plebs get out

>> No.7545632


>> No.7545641

Somehow I'll give you sun was pretty depressing, but also All the Bright Places.

>> No.7545654

Agreed. The world envisioned by Camus in The Stranger is actually one of a utopic France. He has crafted a world where all Arabs are killed in the heat of the moment, in order for us to purge their violent peoples. The scene where Meursault is talking with the preacher is not a scene of anger from Meursault, but actually an anger of the Arab people's being channeled out in the preacher's direction. There is no thought that goes through the mind of Meursault but the wholesale onslaught of the Arab nation. And for that, I don't believe Meursault to have been the hero of the novel, but Camus, for saying with unreserved courage what everyone had been too afraid to say themselves.

>> No.7545672

this is pretty funny actually

>> No.7545785

No it isn't

>> No.7545830

We get it. You read the Meursault Investigation, aka deliberately missing the point the novel.

>> No.7545858

Meursault Investigation was critical of Camus' message though.

>> No.7546954

cruelty of birth or something along those lines

>> No.7546977

Flowers For Algernon

but it's also my favorite book

>> No.7546994

>finishing east of eden
>last scene
>remember staying all night at the hospital with my grandfather who had a severe stroke
>remember getting angry at my mom because she came too late in morning so I could go home and sleep
>remember getting called by my mom after like an hour of sleep at home

I miss you old man
I really do

>> No.7547065

You mean The Trouble With Being Born by Cioran

>> No.7547078

That shit tore me up cuz

>> No.7547262

thats the one >>7546954
im thinking of

>> No.7547289

Why do you not find the Stranger depressing? I literally finished it half an hour ago and saw this thread, I'm curious.

>> No.7547321

this desu

>> No.7547334

>i didn't find The Stranger depressing

*tips fedora*

>> No.7547500

explain lad

(But i haven't read it so no spoilers)

>> No.7548842
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am i a faggy tumblrina if i say this is the only book i've read to make me cry
i related to it so badly

>> No.7548848


Did you not read the part where it takes place in Algeria?

>> No.7548869

edgy quads

>> No.7548878
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>> No.7548885

algeria was french then pham

>> No.7548931

The Maimed - Hermann Ungar

>> No.7549335
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literally the only good chinese comic 2bh

>> No.7549339

Epic shitpost my friend.

>> No.7549349

>He hasn't read Oshimi's works
Still, i couldn't make it past volume one

>> No.7549359

>Still, i couldn't make it past volume one

What didn't you like?

also rec me some of his stuff, Aku no Hana first?

>> No.7549408

Reading Soumission by Michel Houellebecq right now.

Holy Christ, and I am not even a /pol/fag

>> No.7549410

Just read teatro grottesco too, that wasnt quite a walk in the park. The short story called "The Temporary Supervisor" really stuck with me.

>> No.7549467

>only good chinese comic
nigga youve only read punpun foh
this fool hasnt even touched any other asano

>> No.7549470
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>tfw this feels like my life except Pessoa can actually articulate his feelings better

>> No.7549473

I just finished The Crossing and it was unexpectedly brutal after reading All the Pretty Horses which was pretty joyous fare by McCarthy's standards. The whole ending of the book where Billy is carrying his brother's remains and when he runs into that old, deformed dog is absolutely soul crushing. All the hope he has in life is torn from him and he has no ties left in the world.

>> No.7549480

do you honestly believe any other manga holds up to other mediums besides punpun?

like 90% of all manga is garbage berserk ripoffs and the other half is cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.7549543

reddit: the topic

>> No.7549561

my friend the majority of ever medium is absolute trash. most books are trash, most films are trash, most anime are trash, but there are undoubtably works within each medium that stand out and can genuinely be called great
if you think oyasumi punpun is the only manga worthy of the title, then it's more likely you havent read very many manga than you've truly had a look at what manga has to offer

>> No.7549636

Is absurdism just another point/paragraph in the existentialistic philosophy? or does it deserve one of its own?

>> No.7549644

hmm perhaps i didn't word that right.

what i mean is, how many truly GREAT manga's are theret? 20? 30? now, how much truly great books/movie/albums are there? well over in the hundreds.

It seems that, although there is some really great manga's, it's a lot harder to find then other mediums.

rec me some good mangas tho

>> No.7549885

What is this? Very curious

>> No.7549919

then you werent too wrong i suppose
i would rec:
ultra heaven
20th century boys
other stuff by urasawa
strongest man kurosawa
lone wolf and cub
yokohama kaidashi kikou
boys on the run
stuff by yoshihiro tatsumi
onani master kurosawa
a distant neighbourhood

missed some but these are all good

that's oyasumi punpun

>> No.7549961

stuff by tezuka
a bride's story
number 5
nijigahara holograph
and other stuff by asano (punpun isnt the only shit that exists you fuckfaces)
a cruel god reigns

>> No.7550070
