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7545356 No.7545356 [Reply] [Original]

Ran out of stuff to read over the holidays, back at work now but looking for some weekend reads.

What are some "Red Pill" books I can look into and not /pol/ teir shit. More along the lines of frederick niche or machiavelli?

Anything addressing the idea of technocracy or meritocracy is also welcome.

>> No.7545368

society of the spectacle

>> No.7545369
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>red pill

>> No.7545376

>reading to reinforce your own world view.

>>7544925 here is a good post.

>> No.7545384

escape from evil

>> No.7545879

The Peloponnesian War - Thucydides

>> No.7545886

the cat in the hat

>> No.7545887
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>frederick niche

>> No.7545898

I'd say Fukuyama is pretty interesting choice.
I'd also say just for kicks you should also read his End of History and the Last Man.

And I'll add something about nature of power;
Michel Foucalt's three lectures:
>Society must be defended
>Security, Population, Terriotry
>Birth of Biopolitics

>> No.7545901


War is a Racket

>> No.7545908


this is pretty good, if a little dense

>> No.7545933

Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism

>> No.7545942

Just read Freud, Nietzsche, and Marx.

>> No.7545943

Similar to this: Jean-Francois Lyotard: Postmodern Condition

>> No.7545950

he's not a very well known philosopher

>> No.7545985

Sorry, I should have been more clear in the OP.

By redpill I mean no leftism. Just anti-woman, anti-racemixing, anti-nonwhite, pro capitalism etc

>> No.7545990


this to be very honest and upright with you, family member.

>> No.7545997

Well Fukuyama still kind of falls under that.
But you should really go outside your own echochamber and read something that is against your worldview.
You could also read Schopenhauer, he's always quoted in anti-woman threads.

>> No.7546001

maybe ask /pol/?

>> No.7546020

No they're non-reading resentful idiots

>> No.7546027
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That got me good, anon.

>> No.7546037


sorry to break it to you pal but the term "red-pill" doesn't mean something that conforms to and reaffirms your worldview

>> No.7546048
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True red pill

>> No.7546087


top kek

>> No.7546118

That Greeks section is awful. Republic is a bad start to Plato, and the Metaphysics is an awful start to Aristotle.

>> No.7546136
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Revolt from the Modern World

so long as you have a proper classical background it's eye opening (ie, read the greeks first)

>> No.7546149

Both are quite simple especially with a good introduction and annotations. Read both first and other works later, had no problems whatsoever.

>> No.7546158

where is a good place to start with Plato?

>> No.7546162

The Republic

>> No.7546246

Euthyphro or Alcibiades I.

You wouldn't get as much out of the Republic with no good grounding in his thought.

With the Republic it's not that it's extremely difficult that you shouldn't start with it, it's that many misinterpret it, or don't get much out of it without having read his other works.

>> No.7546274

Lol. If it's really a "red pill", you get no say in what it tells you.

>> No.7546623
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>man I love technocracy the chosen elite should rule
>but no leftism

Americans have the most screwed up political composs, y'know?

>> No.7546650
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>> No.7546670
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>> No.7546710

The illiad

Zeus is red pill as fuck

doesnt take shit from hera or anyone and call them out on their shit.

>> No.7548328

James Burnham - Machiavellians :Defenders of Freedom

>> No.7548431

dude you can't just go back in time to 1960
if you want to be a traditionalist, that's cool, but you can't embrace capitalism in the same sentence and not have everybody think you're the biggest idiot possible/trolling