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7544963 No.7544963 [Reply] [Original]

For the past 6 months since I finished university i have done nothing but procrastinate while browsing 4chan a tonne and drinking too much coffee and having junk food almost everyday while telling myself that it's the last time I'll have it.

I have concrete goals (learning programing) but I can't decide on what sort of work system to do. Work all day? Work for 9 hours per day? Work on one thing until I finish it? I also worry that even having a schedule or system is like I'm cucking myself by making myself worry. I should do everything without any sort of sytem.

What is your opinion? Have you had any of these feels?

>> No.7544965

post about books you useless piece of shit

>> No.7544977

Try killing yourself. It'll all go away.

>> No.7544985

I write when I'm tired or drunk. Both times my writing is almost unreadable, but enjoyable. It's like a surprise :')

>> No.7545370
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I'm reading this book and the idea I'm gathering is that routines are necessary to success. Even if it's a ridiculous set of rituals you do daily, the consistency allows for higher productivity in reaching your goals.

>> No.7545494

>reading a book about successful people's routines
>concludes routines are necessary for success
way to gather data, cuntshit

>> No.7545524

how about you fucking start and see what works for you

own experience:
>last summer want to make musical gains
>read about hemmingways strict schedule/others swearing by strict schedules
>apply similar aesthetic
>few cups of coffee sit in front of laptop for 5 hours each day writing songs even if what i was writing was shit (then switch to guitar because 5 hours is not enough)
>do this for a couple of months, my songs become sterile and boring
>worse: i stop enjoying it
>take couple week break, go back to chilling and writing when i feel inspired or whatever and don't continue songs i know will be shit
>happy again

but that only work if you feel up to it often... if you're not a schedule person then don't force yourself onto a schedule... but if you're a lazy shit who won't start then it doesn't matter because you need one