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7544721 No.7544721 [Reply] [Original]

How can a brother flirt at libraries/bookstores?

>> No.7544730

by not being autistic
which would mean not browsing 4chan

>> No.7544740

>Expecting to find worthwhile women in a bookstore
Yeah, ok. Have fun in the YA section.

>> No.7544741


>> No.7544747


>"Oh, I see you're checking out [Book]. I've read it too and found it to be very complex and compelling. I love [author of the book]'s books, and did my thesis on [other book by the author]. I'm very good at analyzing literature. Do you want to have a cup of coffee and discuss literature with me?"

>> No.7544764

be physically attractive. this is literally the only thing that matters. if you're good looking and approach women enough you'll be successful eventually. if you're not good looking there's no way to make up for it unless you become famous and powerful.

>> No.7544780

>physically attractive
H-how much is that in /soc/ points?

>> No.7544789


>I'm very good at analyzing literature.

You could also provide her a list of topics you would be happy to speak about, including a disclaimer that you sweat excessively and become uncomfortable during unplanned conversations.

>> No.7544806

you still need to have social skills even if you're good looking.

>> No.7544809

I've had people tell me I'm attractive before (completely without me prompting them to) but I don't know if I am. How to tell if attractive?

>> No.7544813

>Expecting to find worthwhile women.
Fixed it for you.

>> No.7544817

post pic

>> No.7544821

post pics in /soc/. don't tell us the results, just go away and don't come back.

>> No.7544822

By how much sex you have. Sometimes all I do is sit in a bar and women will come to me. I'm socially awkward so I only say a few things, then cap it off with "wanna get out of here?" That's all it takes.

>> No.7544825
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Hope that disclaimer is a footnote, young man.

>> No.7544826

what kind of things

>> No.7544829

t's too late for you

>> No.7544832

"Yeah, I got them 50 bucks"

>> No.7544836


No because girls will find whatever social shortcomings you have to be okay if you're attractive.
>"Aww, he's so nervous. That's so cute!"
>"Aww, he's so quiet. He's so mysterious!"
If you're good looking, you can only fuck this totally up if you act like an outright asshole. You're allowed to act like a bit of an asshole though, because then you're just confident and well-spoken.

>> No.7544837

wanna get out of here?

>> No.7544838

it helps a lot but even with bad social skills if you're persistent in trying to talk to women whenever you get the chance you will be successful in finding sex and even relationships with them if you're good looking.

>> No.7544840

you're moving too quickly for me.

>> No.7544841


>> No.7544843




>> No.7544844
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>mfw i'm a fat slob who doesn't talk to people
>still get unsolicited pussy

you just need not to be autistic

>> No.7544848

Just kind of clever responses to whatever she said. Women don't ask for much if you're attractive.
Or this:

>> No.7544850

>you just need not to be autistic
what book will teach me how not to be autistic. pls help.

>> No.7544854

won't you at least by me a drink first? i want to tell you about my conceptual poetry

>> No.7544856

Mane what's your game. Not talkin to people is kinda autist tho.

>> No.7544857

you're lying either about your looks or how much sex you get.

>> No.7544859

If you are not attractive the best you can do is to find a social context where your looks won't matter as much, i.e. a environment in which people are consuming alcohol, and also at night.

>> No.7544865

we can drink at your place. i hope you have a car.

>> No.7544867

I'm not a camwhore

>> No.7544868

silly boy, you expect a lady to drive you?

>> No.7544876

i'm a poet. i don't believe in having a car.

>> No.7544879

if one of these places has girls then it will also have good looking guys there so such a situation is probably even worse because there will be a surplus of better options for her.

>> No.7544891

Placing yourself in a competition between you and other guys is idiotic. It should always be a competition between you and her. Even better is between you and yourself, that way you're not worrying about what she's thinking. Just try to make it fun and it'll have a better chance of working out than if you're wondering if Charlie over there is 2 steps closer to boob touch than you are.

>> No.7544898

You're assuming the girl will actively be choosing her partner,what really happens is that whomever talks to her in a way she finds attractive gets it.

>> No.7544916
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>be me

>> No.7544924

Women don't read. Well, they do, but they generally only read children's books.

>> No.7544936

>Mane what's your game

i have no idea. my guess is daddy issues.

>Not talkin to people is kinda autist tho.

i have nothing to say. i prefer books.

whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night brah.

>> No.7544956

this. As a good looking male, looks alone aren't worth shit, and even if most women find your appearance and behaviour attractive it's not a guarantee they all will and you won't be rejected with the heart-shiv-twist from whatever woman feels like chalking up their cruelty quota for the month

>> No.7544961

who was she anon?

>> No.7544964

You're just not good looking enough then. I mean, yeah if you want a girlfriend you have to have some kind of charm. Just to get a cute chick to slickle your pickles though, all you need is a nice jaw line.

>> No.7544966

>No because girls will find whatever social shortcomings you have to be okay if you're attractive.
strait from the maw of someone who's not attractive and speculates on what it's like
>Aww, he's so nervous. That's so cute!
never ever, not if you don't fulfill at least the other two of three major elements of personality
>"Aww, he's so quiet. He's so mysterious!"
works exclusively for a shared social environment for a university class, and women still never do the approaching. You won't get a girl by just being mysterious, you'll have to initiate the conversation as well, because women literally never put in the work to do this

>> No.7544970

women read hardcore stuff it's just that they're incapable of meaningfully understanding any of it. they only understand women writers.

>> No.7544976

also to not be autistic

>> No.7544987

all of them. with that said I've had many great breezy successes with women. Actually it tends to be women who aren't American, Canadian or from the UK who are great easy companions but not the rest
you have no idea what you're talking about, please don't continue

>> No.7545008

Says the autistic "women are evil" r9ker.
Women are just like men, brah. They want sex, and they'll do it with whoever they find attractive. They'll bully their way past your social shortcomings if they just want a night. You need some real life experience.

>> No.7545015
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the age-old question; what do women want?

>> No.7545017

white people

>> No.7545021

Women want a man that conquers, so they can be master of the house.

>> No.7545022

a man. that would take them.

>> No.7545027

You guys are pathetic and know nothing about women.

Each one of you have this precious theory on how women work based on your selective attention to detail and ultra biased (a.k.a personal experience) anecdotes.

Utterly pathetic.

>> No.7545034
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How can brother fashion women getting club to capture wife?

>> No.7545038
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>> No.7545047

Oh, here comes the guy that spends all of his time alone in his parent's basement and never talks to women and yet still knows more than all of us.

Settle in and listen, kids.

>> No.7545051

This thread is full of the opinions of dead white men.

>> No.7545057

>using pathetic twice
Hmph..... amateur

>> No.7545063

Is this some kind of normalfag dick measuring contest?

>> No.7545070

*teleports behind you*

>> No.7545125

No idea what you're talking about. Never been to r9k in my life but I'm overwhelmed with the urge to call you a butthurt roastie. Biologically women want sex just as much as men but like I said the women from the aforementioned countries are desperate to not be labeled sluts and generally aren't even worth it unless youve met them organically

>> No.7545144

>worth it
Worth what? What kind of worth are you ascribing to the human mating dance?
Romantics are really ridiculous. Realize that human desires and needs are all just biologically fueled happenstance and art is the only thing that transcends.

>> No.7545148

I like how you exactly do that, prove my point.

You create a whole reality of my social state and use it to uphold your tightly woven beliefs, homoguy.

Hence "utterly", you mongoloid.

Gently engulf yourself into nothingness, you goose made of silliness.
Also I'm better than you.

I'll allow it.

>they fell for the "women want as much sex as men" memek

>> No.7545178

I'm sorry guys. I just like to shitpost on /lit/ because it helps take away from the loneliness of my life. I can't remember the last time I had a meaningful connection with any girl, let alone one outside my family.

>> No.7545185


>> No.7545196

you're a fag buddy

>> No.7545804

Bump. Let's return to the OP's question.

>> No.7545852


>> No.7545880

I understand.

>> No.7546920
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>> No.7546946

This thread is really /r9k/

>> No.7546992

Read Finnegans Wake aloud.

>> No.7547760

You don't, people are there for books not for friends.

>> No.7547768
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Asks the lotion wearer for its help, yes we do.

>> No.7548216
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>trying to be an asshole
>coming off confident and well-spoken

desu senpai

>> No.7548665


what is a woman anyways

>> No.7548688

this isn't true beyond first meetings.

>> No.7548700

>be in small independent bookstore recently
>shelves are real close together
>at the back standing at a right angle (upper body bent) and reading the book titles on the spines
>hear the bell for the door opening
>hear two girls talking and giggling quietly
>they see me and I adopt an erect posture
>they say something to each other
>the qtest one comes and stands nearby
>says "ummm" while softly running her fingertips along the books
>looks over now and then
>feel the spaghetti sauce literally bubbling in my fannypack
>decide to readjust my facial expression to reflect the way Tolstoy looks on the cover of "Boyhood, Childhood, Youth" since he looks deep and mysterious
>focusing on facial expression and her movements in peripheral vision
>she squeezes by and whispers "sorry"
>pick up a book by John Berryman that I know includes the poem "life, friends, is boring..." (only thing I know about him other than he jumped off a bridge)
>she stands nearby for a while
>can see her face turning every now and then
>hear a tapping noise
>her friend is standing at the end of the aisle tapping her foot
>finally comes over to her and says "come on I'm bored already"
>look up at them
>qt stares at me with a pleading expression, as though begging me to say something
>perform a subtle facial gesture of disgust, as though annoyed by their talking
>they leave
>depressed-seeming guy at the counter makes me feel guilty for just browsing
>spend over £30 on books I have no intention of reading or pretending to read on public transport for the sake of acquiring a gf

>> No.7548707

I had a very similar situation yesterday at a bookstore mane. But I was with my mom and the qt was with hers :(

>> No.7548709


Hop in a time machine back to 1999.

>> No.7548710

there's a huge difference between being quiet and being mysterious by not talking

>> No.7548756

Well I guess the fact you experienced something similar (though no doubt the emotional intensity of your own experienced was inferior to my own, owing to my heightened sensitivity and appreciation for the tragic beauty of life) is somewhat reassuring. There was also another occasion, which took place in a small independent-seeming, two-storey furniture and household items store near Kitty Ford, North Carolina. This happened in the summer of 2008. My aunt pulled up to the store and my sister (ten years my senior) and myself followed her inside. The large rooms were full of tables, chairs and smaller objects (mostly wooden and apparently handmade) and to navigate each one required each person to move slowly, and sometimes sideways, while the narrow stairs also required precaution and steady footing. I suppose the fragile arrangement of furniture and the fact that the store, being full of handmade-seeming and thus rather quaint and somewhat historic furniture, meant that most people we passed (mostly older folks) whispered and smilingly acknowledged one another in passing. This store was along a well-used main road, though was isolated enough to make these older folks simple passers-by and therefore strangers. At one point I noticed a girl who was around my age with either her elderly mother or grandmother. We looked at each other's eyes briefly before our respected "guardians" directed in us in different directions. This happened around three or four other times, and I noticed with some internal discomfort that each time her facial expression suggested she was becoming increasingly (or this is what I perceived at least) "worried" by our constant exchanging of glances, as though I was somehow following her around the store. Eventually she must have left while my aunt, my sister and I were at the back of the store, where there was a counter manned by another young female, in what appeared to be her early 20s. I imagine she was a college student home for break, perhaps working part-time and driving (or being up by a boyfriend or relative) to her home nearby. Maybe she worked there full-time and accepted this role as being representative of her social class, personal aspirations and so on. I don't know. In looking at her in the eyes also, I perceived a similar look of worry, this time twinned with a sort of pity or subtle, non-hostile disgust towards my existence.

>> No.7548797

Wow dat writing mane dat be super fine

>> No.7548798

>How can a brother flirt at libraries/bookstores?
One thing you could say is, 'Hey there big library/bookstore, I bet you've got a lot of books." Or 'I bet you know a lot of things with so many books.' Something to make the library/bookstore feel special.

>> No.7548799

Wow you're fucking lame

>> No.7548820

Why am I lame?

I am becoming increasingly convinced that as a consequence of my self-diagnosed (via a brief reading of a wikipedia page) "schizoid" personality, my admiration for and attraction to certain females can only ever exist when that female is pretty much a stranger to me, her qualities and disposition being inferred by me, mostly by way of imagination, as a means of recasting her physical form (with my imagined traits and so on) in the alternative reality that is my imagined life, a life that is superior to my own in terms of the amount of pleasure I experience and my overall satisfaction at the state of being alive and conscious of my being alive. I think this helps to explain why, despite being relatively attractive and gaining the occasionally explicit (though mostly implicit, to varying degrees) affection of several females I have been attracted to, I have no overwhelming desire (or perhaps need) to do anything more than analyse the situation and the emotions involved, until the time inevitably comes when she becomes bored or distracted by another male she finds attractive, at which point I become very despondent for a period before my emotional disposition reverts to a "normal" state. If I had approached the girl in the book shop, I would have essentially stepped out from the imagined world i have furnished so well with the phenomena (sights, sounds, etc) I have consumed and risked the disillusionment of a "real life" romantic relationship, one which I feel would have contaminated my inner life or lessened its capacity to make me feel intensely emotional or vicariously contented and happy.

>> No.7548824
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I have this general rule of thumb: If ever I'm talking to a girl about books, I will never fuck her.

>tl;dr: don't talk about books, talk about her

>> No.7548838

For a start, you're a virgin. And this 'I'm a genius' phase won't sustain / fullfill you. But you're young, you'll learn. Probably the hard way.

>> No.7548839

but what if I dont care about her

>> No.7548840

Then you will continue masturbating to your screen

>> No.7548862

>decide to readjust my facial expression to reflect the way Tolstoy looks on the cover of "Boyhood, Childhood, Youth" since he looks deep and mysterious

Wew, you are a faggot son.

>> No.7548953

wow you really pulled a george berrycone there

>> No.7548967


I'm not sure if I am attractive but my thinking is that I can't be completely ugly because I have dated a couple really hot girls before and hooked up with a few more at parties and such so I can't be, you know, completely repulsive but maybe I'm delusional and on drugs.

>> No.7548969

As someone who works at two bookstores please do not fucking do this. It is painful to watch people do this, and people do it way too much. You will never not seem like a creep or a disruptive asshole or both. Don't make me kick you out before you have a chance to pay for whatever stupid Modern Library 100 Best novel you came to buy and then never actually read.

And don't hit on me either.

>> No.7548973

Take a 5 lb gourd and shove it down the front of your pants. Then put on sunglasses, bitches is all about sunglasses.

>> No.7548976

>And don't hit on me either.


>> No.7548983

I'm the complete opposite. I've had people tell me over and over that I'm attractive, but I haven't really been with many people. I've only ever dated one person. On the other hand I've also been socially awkward for a large amount of my life and spent most of my time dealing with personal tragedies (death of mom at 13, just before starting HS & death of dad at 18, just as I entered college) such that I never felt I'd be able to connect with anyone. Now that I'm finally starting to move past that it's becoming really easy for me to just BS with people and chat up girls who SEEM receptive.

>> No.7548988


I'm a guy but want to be friends? We can go to bars and probably get rejected upon drunkenly hitting on qt's and shoving copies of Schopenhauers The World as Will and Representation and his essay on women in their face before being beaten up by their football playing boyfriends Chad and Biff.

>> No.7548997

I'd love to but the last time I drank I got yelled at by my doctor. Apparently bipolars aren't supposed to drink a fifth of vodka in one night. Who knew?

>> No.7549004



Oh what I'd do for some right now. Started another college semester a couple days ago trying to stay sober in general after Christmas break.

>> No.7549028

So edgy.

>> No.7549057

never had a gf lads

>> No.7549061

Me neither, but since I'm poor as fuck I wouldn't be able to hold on to a girl anyway.

>> No.7549063


You're not missing out on much

>> No.7549077


Anyway, heres how to do it at a cofee shop if the right conditions are there.(you dont have to be model handsome)

sit at a couch or a seat near other seats where it's easy to talk to whoever sits next to you. as the person sits down and starts reading wait a bit, dont approach them immediately. dont wait to long either because it will seem like you were overthinking it and are nervous (which you probably are, you fucking autistic neet.) look up at them and simply ask 'what are you reading?' dont smile or frown, just ask politely. think of some tangentially related topic about the book or anything you know a bout it and mention it. that's it. it's not fuckng hard.

source: I've had several encounters like this and got two dates out of it. fucked once. not the best track record but if you want more you best be good looking and charming.

>> No.7549087

OK guys, you two are so bohemian and shit. Meet in a bar or something and suck your own cocks so each other can see.
God, I bet you like Bukowski.

>> No.7549099


>Implying that's a bad thing

And no I don't really like Bukowski but I'd be willing to wager you are a fan of Leibniz, optimistic faggot.

>> No.7549100


don't do this, it's fucking annoying.

>> No.7549106


Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I'm messaging you because you're a female reader , 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, I'm not a stereotypical /lit/ Schopenhauer misogynist. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D

>> No.7549113


I'll sit on your fucking face in the kitchen.

>> No.7549116


:O will you let me breath every few seconds?

>> No.7549155


Might make me turn the page if I'm in the mood.

Keep working on it anon.

>> No.7549213

Edgy? How is that edgy? It was sarcastic because, I cannot stress enough how fucking idiotic that was of me to do.

There's really no need to be so vitriolic. As for Bukowski I've never read him. Truthfully the last thing I read was Dog Songs because I saw it in B&N the other day and it reminded me of my childhood dog.

>> No.7549217

>I'm SOOOO bi-polar today hehe
>Oh Em Gee alcohol is like so addictive and awedome! XD

>> No.7549232

Nah man it fucking sucks. I have to take medication for it everyday and if I forget it wreaks havoc on my emotional state. I also see a psych once a week just to talk shit out.

>> No.7549252

not really. People either like to talk about the book their reading or not. if yes, then conversation ensues, if no then they will say so. dont be autistic, people (outside) are able to speak to each other.

>> No.7549309
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lay down your critique on Bukowski, please

other than him being a pussy-whipped cuck

>> No.7549313

Why would you want to flirt with your brother?

>> No.7549478

no I'll kill you.
What I mean is don't get in a habit of it. don't be that guy making everyone uncomfortable and then getting kicked out for it.

>> No.7549487

M-mate, o-oniichan

>> No.7549511

Please, tell us more. You should drop your tumblr too mane.

>> No.7549669

I like it. (While also dismissing it as the idea is coming from your merely temporary complexes.)

Hopefully you're not to lazy to eventually write something that benefits someone else.

>> No.7549780

Right there with you man. I don't even try IRL anymore.

>> No.7549856

How2find a fuckbuddy? Not really interested in a gf (I value my solitude too much) but it would probably nice to have sex every now and again. Would I be better off with prostitutes?

>> No.7549895

>blah blah blah feminizing manhating bullshit

Take feminists advice if you want to never get laid!

>> No.7549907

Please don't tell me that's a real thing

>> No.7549918

Fuckbuddies are for people that have a lot of female friends already. Just buy it man. You can even have it delivered nowadays.

>> No.7549927

/soc rated me 8.5 out of ten, so I dropped out of school because I'm set for life.

>> No.7549962


I'm speaking as a gay guy who more often than not gets hit on by women.

intersectionality, bitch

>> No.7549964

I thought this was pathetic until I realized it was satire...right?

>> No.7549972

She looks like she gives bomb head

>> No.7549977
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Literally Ignatius Reilly

>> No.7549987

Really Sam Patched that one kiddo.

>> No.7550051


Look, it depends on your actual willingness and your capacity to socialize.

If you're able to socialize somewhat, try something like Tinder.

If you're a bit of a sperg, find some sort of club or group of females where you can socialize "indirectly", maybe through your university.

As an example, I got lucky enough to have female coworkers who were really into board games. I found myself regularly being a group environment where I could talk to a group of females for hours very easily, because it was just about Risk and Settlers of Catan. I was too socially retarded to actually talk about anything else, but I was relatively polite and I did my best to make my presence be worthwhile and to add cool memes to the group so that I would be invited again. I never acted sex-deprived in any way, and treated the girls as totally platonic during these events, but naturally I grew closer to one of them and we became fuckbuddies.

Some other anon described how he started a book club at his university and ended up obtaining lifelong friends and a GF, because all he had to do was read and discuss the books in question.

There are dozens of random-ass activities that are mostly populated by females who wouldn't mind someone like you around as long as you weren't hygienically disgusting or a net-drag to be around.

Buying sex sucks. You might think it's good to get the physical release, but having sex with someone you don't care about rips at you emotionally and makes you feel lonelier than before.

>> No.7550083

I find fuckbuddies exhausting enough, but gf is too much trouble. It all costs too much time, really.

Also, girls who read Harry Potter and have psychological problems are tiresome

>> No.7550117

I feel like fuckbuddying is a lot easier when you're gay. Of course there's always gonna be drama but, like, there generally just seem to be less rules and baggage between two gay guys just sort of winging it as opposed to a guy and a girl doing the same thing. Monogamy seems to be more ingrained as a concept in straight people and that's just too intense.

at any rate from experience when people hit on you in coffee shops or bookstores or something they tend to be following the kind of mental scripts that make them really boring

>> No.7550143

Well, it's possible that she will progress from harry potter onto better things, but maybe not. I believe every sperg starts with the psychologically problematic girls and then learns to avoid them, moving on to girls who are actually interesting and worthwhile

>> No.7550158

I presume the cost of easier fuckbuddying is a harder time finding a long term relationship.

>> No.7550179

>rips at you emotionally and makes you feel lonelier than before.
You're a fag bro.

>> No.7550239

This is correct. It isn't as if every girl on entering is handed an inventory of all available men in the vicinity.

>> No.7550339
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>> No.7550355


Except, you know, every single one of your male ancestors was probably as hideous and deformed as you, yet they all managed to bang.

You are the only link in the evolution of your line that has not managed to procreate with the genes you've been given.

Given sexual and natural selection, you're actually better off than all those that came before.

Maybe stop being a bitterbitch and a resentful defeatist?