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754424 No.754424 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely no likeable characters.

>> No.754427

Actually, I thought the characters were the only good parts of the book.

>> No.754431

> Actually, I thought the characters were the only good parts of the book.
Who did you like?

>> No.754433

I didn't SYMPATHIZE with any of them, but I thought all of them were interesting. They were well defined and diverse.

>> No.754443

>I didn't SYMPATHIZE with any of them, but I thought all of them were interesting. They were well defined and diverse.
I found them all to be cynical and full of shit. I guess that's the point of the novel though: 'cynicism of the roaring twenties.'

>> No.754447

Likable =/= well written

You can have neither, one without the other, or both, but they are not directly related

>> No.754448

That's the point.

>> No.754452


>cynicism of the roaring twenties

Yes, that is what the people around Gatsby and Nick are supposed to represent. If you think Gatsby is cynical you just read the book wrong.

>> No.754454

I kind of agree. I didn't really care what happened to anyone. Made it hard to enjoy the book.

Self-important Americana.

>> No.754455

Um I think you're forgetting about this minor character name JAY FUCKING GATSBY. Seriously, he's probably one of the most likable characters ever.

>> No.754459

why are there no nice editions of this book anywhere? I swear to god it's like the only good copy ever made was the first printing.

>> No.754460

You guys are right, Gatsby is pretty cool. Annoys me that he wants to be with Daisy so badly, though. I guess his attraction to things he can't have is part of his character though.

>> No.754463

He wants the American Dream. Daisy is the American Dream.

>> No.754467

> Gatsby is the American Dream personified
> Pursues lost cause, and is doomed to fail


>> No.754468

Not really. Gatsby is a romantic in the purest use of the term. Daisy was his childhood love and he sees a perfect world as one where he would be with her. The only reason he strives to be part of the upper class is so that he can be wth her.

>> No.754469

> Gatsby is the American Dream personified
I agree with this more-so.

>> No.754472

I thought the part with Gatsby gazing out at the green light was sad.

>> No.754481

Okay so we've pretty much established that Gatsby is the most likable character, but can we all agree that Nick is the most despicable?

>> No.754486


Big muscle head guy (forgot his name) was easily the worst.

>> No.754487


No, I hated Daisy so much that my hate for anyone else is overwhelmed by it. Bitch didn't care about her baby, her husband, the man she supposedly fell for and about the fact she killed someone.

>> No.754489
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>Most despicable
>NOT Daisy

>> No.754496

Ok maybe Daisy was an extremely shallow, moraless character, but Nick started the novel by stating how non-judgemental he was, and then spends the entire story judging people and being a spineless douchebag.

>> No.754511


To be honsest, I would judge Tom and not shake his hand. He was a fucking bastard.