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/lit/ - Literature

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7540700 No.7540700 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently studying Lit at Sixth Form/College
>find out I'm the only guy out of 18 females
>All we do is study shitty feminist lit like Angela Carter

This is not why I chose Literature

>> No.7540770

Angela Carter is pretty cool. A lot of her fans are ridiculous Tumblr people but that shouldn't detract from her stories.

>> No.7540781

I remember reading some kind of paper on literature theory in my final year of Uni. The professor who wrote was this crazy lady who would not teach any men and would eject male students from her lectures.

>> No.7540865

is it truly possible for a story to be feminist? does Carter hammer down those feminist themes in the dialogue or even the narration of her prose? or is your class simply looking at all her texts through a feminist lens?

>I haven't read Carter

>> No.7540868

I like Angela Carter. She wrote some interesting stuff.

>> No.7540914
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>mfw I used to make fun of female authors as a young lad because I thought they were shit
>mfw I actually read Woolf, Munro, Hurston, Carter, Wharton, and others and enjoy the shit out of them
>mfw now I just sort of chuckle at young undergrads insecure at reading females

>> No.7540975

sorry anon, you have the bad luck of attending college in the 21st century. your same story is being experienced by thousands of other students around the world.

>> No.7540983

transfer now or forever be a neuter

>> No.7542354

Excellent. You're in a course that challenges a lot of what you believe in.

If it changes how you think, it was fucking worth it.
If it doesn't, then you have some of the best possible proof that it was fucking worth it.

That, or you've discovered a bias within yourself that you should confront in your lifetime. In which case, it was fucking worth it. I feel your pain bro. But for four months out of your entire life, it's worth it. Keep it going. I'm there with you.

>> No.7543120

>if it doesn't change how you think, it was worth it
You are an imbecile.

>> No.7543181
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University, aka "Women's dumb fucking feelings zone"

>> No.7543210

STEM is the way out
Become an engineering autist like the rest of us

>> No.7543223

Read Jo Ann Beard and Leslie Jamison. Fucking great writers, first and foremost, while feminist ideologies that may result as byproducts from their writing are actually worth the study.

>> No.7543227

...er, Didion too.

>> No.7543241
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Engineering is how the LGBTs get their pound of flesh, if both personal anecdote and /sci/ are any indication.

>> No.7543255

Those authors are literal poshlost merchants though.

>> No.7543287
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>in an experiment, undergraduate participants received an objectifying gaze

>> No.7543328
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Feminism has hardly touched my university, eventhough one of the texts covers it. It just gets skipped over.
Once when discussing Jane Eyre in a lit class the teacher brought up feminism, girls in the class just say that feminists are nutcases and the whole movement is stupid these days is stupid. Felt like I was in bizaro world.

>> No.7543478
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>Discussing Pope's The Rape of the Lock
>Male lecturer says that Pope's scathing criticism towards women is often seen as misogynistic not didactic
>A female colleague raises her hand
>Maybe he is one of the first feminists for wanting women to see how their petty behaviour amounts to nothing
>then I fell in love

>> No.7543499

same happened to me both in my human rights class and in my business law class. 1 time a woman was unreasonable to me a number of women = to the number of her supporters supported me as well.one of them even repeated the same action at the later date. I once got criticized for calling an invalid an invalid instead of a handicapped (I needed to focus on the fact his legs did not work and handicapped was covering too much ground)in a fictional scenario where the guy wanted to install a ramp, 2 days latter my prof in human rights used the same terminology as me

>> No.7543503

why would you complain about high school literature class that takes like a few hours of work a day instead of just reading the literture you want to in your spare time

its not like you're in SOAS studying exclusively Asian authors for 40 hours a week

>> No.7543505

sixth form/college = uk high schools last two years

>> No.7543517

>Discussing continental philosophy
>Asian goes full "muh Lao Tzu"
>Other Asian goes "the Religious studies department is down the hall"

>> No.7543572

Feminist literature is absolute horseshit.

>> No.7543824

>tfw studying lit at probably the most highly-considered progressive university in the country
>classes are 90% girls who are all determined feminists
>tfw they're genuinely nice people and many actually read and like to talk about books without bringing a feminist critique in everytime
>go back home to london and encounter a group of girls from Durham
>'anon, that's sexist! you can't say things like that! patriarchy patriarchy post-colonial white apologist blah'
Since when are the more lefty and liberal students more tolerable than those at cloistered christian universities? what the fuck is going on with the hegelian wound?

>> No.7543831

I had the same exact thing when doing my a levels. just power through and get a good grade. im guessing youre reading the bloody chamber?

>> No.7543833

Pro-tip: Christian Universities don't actually exist.

>> No.7543847


Original first wave feminism in and of itself is not actually bad as a concept.

However, modern feminism, and modern feminists are incredibly moronic and intolerable. I was discussing philosophers with a former friend who became a feminist and this is what she said

>I feel like if Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, a lot of the Greeks and other philosophers were so smart, they would have recognized rights for women and wouldn't have been misogynists.

This was her argument. I decided to cut ties with her after this and a few comments about how she wanted to cut off the testicles of one of her beta orbiters who kept texting her. I'm not kidding either.

>> No.7544024

that's when i bring up crates and hipparchia and proceed to put it in pooper

>> No.7544037


Top lel anon

>> No.7544049


Honestly it is fine if she thinks that as long as she takes those thinkers seriously enough to engage them but if not, that is pretty stupid.

>> No.7544055

plato was egalitarian, schopey and nietzsche had mommy issues, etc. misogyny can most of the time be traced back to either: compromised belief systems due to ideology (i.e pretty much everyone after industrialization) or mommy issues (most germans). it's rarely a central, rationalized part of their system.

>> No.7544060

this is what feminists actually believe

>> No.7544268

>mfw my uni solved this problem with feminist containment classes

>> No.7544271

prove me wrong

>> No.7544569
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this and beta virgin fedora
which may stem from mommy issues
t. alberto feminossa

>> No.7545195


She doesn't. It's all just identity politics and let's play who is the bigger victim.