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/lit/ - Literature

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753998 No.753998 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the OP that 'promoted' a 4chan book club and that we (the ones who are in) suppossed to read this book?

Anyone finished reading it already?

>> No.754008

i still can't believe how /lit/ wasn't able to form something like a book club yet

>> No.754004

/lit/itzens live on different time zones
it's hard to get a book club going because not everyone will see the original thread
if only mods can sticky a book of the month thread like they do over there at 99chan

>> No.754021

It might work if we had a mailing list or something.

But yeah, getting a mod to sticky a thread would be the best course of action.

We could always have a set time, or even a couple of set times, where we start a thread. It could work if a few people volunteered to consistently post something at certain times.

>> No.754025

what does 4chan need to have a decent book club? i can help

>> No.754028


>> No.754031

We're meeting tomorrow to discuss The Sound and The Fury.

>> No.754044


so you are the OP who initiated this¿

>> No.754059

But I was there when it happened. Tomorrow we're going to select a new book, and it'll be due in two weeks I think.

>> No.754065


you already finished faulkner's¿

>> No.754068

Nah. I already had two books to read, so I'm going to go with the next book we choose.

>> No.754077


What time?

>> No.754086

heres the blog

>> No.754088

Considering eveyone's in different time zones.. I'd say someone will start a thread and try to keep it on the front page all day.

>> No.754099


what about THIS thread?


me too i'm going to start the next one, hope is an easy to get one

>> No.754112

One of the co-creators here.
We'll be discussing The Sound and the Fury tomorrow Sunday June 6th.
Also start thinking of suggestions for the next book.
(preferably something a little lighter...maybe more people will join in)

>> No.754119


right, but how are we going to choose the next book, how do we suggest one?

>> No.754122

In the next thread we decide.
That's how this one was chosen.

>> No.754125


and when is that gonna be¿

>> No.754133


>> No.754147



>> No.754157


Wouldn't Monday be better so we can keep the discussion focused on The Sound and the Fury instead of what are next book is going to be.

>> No.754164

The fuck? You faggots haven't read The Sound and the Fury before? What will the next book for the "4chan book club" be, Catcher In the Rye?

What is the fun of discussing classics which have been analyzed a million times and that everyone has read? If you haven't read The Sound and the Fury you need to gtfo /lit/ unless you're one of those people who only congregates in sci-fi/fantasy threads.

>> No.754173


>> No.754181


I think it's less of a standard outside of the USA. Could be wrong, though.

I only read Sound and the Fury in my second year of university, in a "fundamentals of literary studies" course. Never would have felt compelled to read it independently.

>> No.754196

i've read this book and i'm a freshman in high school

>> No.754207

Oh Stag...
You're so silly.

>> No.754220

I've started this book several times. For, like, the last month, every time I finish a book I think "Hm, maybe I'll give The Sound and the Fury another try," then I quit a few pages in. This shit is just so boring.

>> No.754230


I struggled through the first chapter too, persevere.

Once you get a grip on the general events and the characters' idiosyncrasies you'll realize how fucking brilliant this book is.

If you're having trouble just find a guide online to help you.

>> No.754231


oh and I should clarify that I'm Canadian. I find Americans tend to be a little self-important with their favourite authors. John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner are my favourite examples of "pretty good" authors they seem to think are "zomg so amazing."

>> No.754234


I didn't really find it difficult to understand, just really dull.

>> No.754237

Hey man.
Me too. And I was about to write a reply, but you replied first which basically said was I was going to.
That's cool, brah.

>> No.754240


No one worth their salt thinks Steinbeck is "amazing". He's important in a historical context, but as a writer he's not particularly gifted.

Hemingway has his issues but is such a unique voice that it's hard to fault him too much.

Faulkner is one of the greatest authors to have ever lived, just saying.

>> No.754241

>i'm a freshman in high school

Holy shit, I never would have guessed.

>> No.754250


Hmm, okay. I agree with your remarks about Steinbeck and Hemingway. Maybe there's something I'm not quite getting when it comes to Faulkner. I haven't read a book by him in years, I read Sound & the Fury, As I Lay Dying, and at that point I just lost interest. Is there something better? Or a particular thing about those two books I should pay more attention to, if I re-read?

Looking forward to tomorrow's discussion on S&F, by the way, even though I haven't read it recently and don't really have time to read it by tomorrow.

>> No.754396


I honestly haven't around to much Faulkner yet, but, even only having read 'A Rose For Emily', I'm tempted to agree with this. I've never been so impressed by the mastery of someone's writing style, and the subtlety with which he develops his themes.

>> No.754607

I like the book clup idea, but whoever chose The Sound and the Fury was a big retard. If you're gonna do a book club, don't start it with one of the most difficult works next to GR and Finnegan's Wake.

If you really want Faulkner, you should have gone with As I Lay Dying, which has the benefit of being short, and relatively accessible or A Light in August.

Can I suggest some Nabokov, The Trial or maybe Invisible Man for the next book club?

>> No.754610


I could do Invitation To A Beheading. Been meaning to read that.

>> No.754617

I could never get into Faulkner, I tried reading As I Lay Dying but put it down when I got tired of pretentious hillbilly talk.

My mother is a fish.

>> No.754628

Eff that, we should do Lolita or Pale Fire. Although a lot of people on this board have read Lolita, I think a group reading would provide for a really good discussion because of that, minus all the troll pedos, of course.