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753726 No.753726 [Reply] [Original]


Not to be a faggot or anything, but could you recommend me some good Fantasy books I should pick up? I'll pretty much read anything so, yeah. Thanks.

>> No.753734

The Prince of Nothing series by R. Scott Bakker

>> No.753748


Sounds good.

>> No.753753

Its alright. ASoIaF is better, but everyone knows that. Try Brandon Sanderson, he's pretty good.

>> No.753769


Do want.

Also, on a side note; has anyone read The Painted Man? I'm the only person I know who's even read it :< It's fantastic for a first book. It's even getting a movie. Shame the last book is due for release in 2012.

>> No.753773

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is pretty good.

>> No.753775


I was thinking of starting that series next.

>> No.753778

>Enter a world where darkness belongs to demons

As opposed to all the worlds where light belongs to demons?

>> No.753781


I just finished the book the other day, and I enjoyed it a lot. The next book doesn't come out until Spring of 2011 though.

>> No.753786

Wow, I just finished The Painted Man - stop reading my mind /lit/

Scar Night and Iron Angel, if you haven't already read them. They're cheesy but fun.

>> No.753790


Oh, definitely this then. It's superb.

>> No.753796

Scar Night - sounds good.
Iron Angel - also sounds good.


I thought that but the book itself is amazing.

>> No.753819


Regarding The Painted Man....well, it was alright.

I felt it started off really well, introducing a really simple but interesting and effective concept (especially the idea that it was our future). Then it started skipping years, adding meaningless characters like Rojer, using dull plot devices, and never really exploring the depth of it's potentially innovative concept.

It read like a really long recap of events, or a bunch of short stories stuck together. I would have much preferred it if it had paced itself, exploring Arlen's character more, and getting into the business of the wards - what they looked like, how they worked exactly, the history behind them, etc.
Leena wasn't a bad character either, the chemistry between her, Bruna and her village providing a great view of the other side of the world and other things.

I was hoping the "battle wards" would just be a deceptive description for using normal wards offensively that nobody had figured out yet until Arlen cut off One Arm's arm, but it turned out they were just in fact magical bits of text in an old temple to put on things. A disappointing and obvious route, really.

It was a good read but missed out on a ton of potential, both in its world, characters and concept. If it was going to be a trilogy it should have finished its first book halfway through The Painted Man. It attached you to this character as a protagonist, just to pull you away for the rest of the book.

So, I recommend The Name Of The Wind - an example of really good chronological storytelling, focusing on one character, effectively explaining and exploring its concepts and it just generally reads like The Painted Man should have.

>> No.753822

is that painted man any good?

>> No.753828


There's a small 161 page grimoire that explains arlen's character more and has all of the wards n shit in it.



It's definitely worth a read.

>> No.753829

The First Law trilogy (starting with The Blade Itself).

>> No.754036

I found the Painted man had a much better world built than the Name of the Wind, which i found rather flimsy and poorly built

>> No.754062

name of the wind barely starts on its world to be honest
judgements on world-building are off until there is a world with building to judge
it is implied that there will be more world in future installments

>> No.754064

ever read the dresden files?

>> No.754103

Why do people bother recommending anything other than a Song of Ice and Fire?

Perdido Street Station is awesome as well, but I hear China Mieville's other books don't hold up.

>> No.754120

Re-reading Song of Ice and Fire over and over again gets boring.

>> No.754126


Its not a bad world, but its not the greatest in the fantasy genre either. I was more entertained by Kvothe's adventures and cleverness.

I liked the fact that he was good at everything, because we didn't have to read page after page of him learning shit.