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/lit/ - Literature

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7534094 No.7534094 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what do you recommend for literary magazines? I've gone through a few issues of The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Brick, and Prairie Schooner. I really haven't liked any of it. Nearly all (if not all I can't remember) are about exotic/minority characters, they have no real edge to them, and the style of the writing is always very safe and not unique. Only one story about a nun trying to get a suicide victim a proper burial in The New Yorker was fun/interesting to read.

tldr; what are some good literary magazines?

>> No.7534360
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>> No.7534380

Nature Futures


But sometimes there are some gems in there.

>> No.7534394


>> No.7534423

Everyone recommends McSweeny's, but based on what you've read, that'll be more of the same.

I might recommend sci-fi stories (below is a link to someone arguing the case why genre fiction is greater than literary fiction)


...but sci fi has been slowly strangled by the literary fiction that has made shit of a lot of fiction. (Try reading Clarksworld without noticing the dull tropes of New Yorker fiction that snuck in). The only genre that is consistently safe is erotica, if you can stomach the sloppy writing. What it lacks in style it makes up for in earnesty.

I've never seen a lit mag that wasn't mostly garbage, though, so good luck.

>> No.7534477
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Dropping my New Yorker subscription after I picked up on how it's calculated to be an unchallenging source of cocktail party talking points to a particular urban smug demographic.

I love The Paris Review though. Otherwise most of the short fiction and poetry I read comes recommended by friends.

>> No.7534491

Cake Train, read some while on vacation in snowy Colorado and it was the comfiest thing since sliced bread.

>> No.7534677
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Ill give this a shot

Not really down for sci-fi, though I am going to give horror a shot.

I was actually thinking of giving The Paris Review another shot since I only read two issues, compared to The New Yorker where I read like 7

Never heard of will consider

Seriously though, is a huge portion of North American literature right now all about being
>an unchallenging source of cocktail party talking points to a particular urban smug demographic

I'll take DFW's nonsense pomo stories over another story about some starving kid being saved in India

>> No.7534758

I got this for Christmas, feels elite senpai

>> No.7534827
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What are the stories like?