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7533687 No.7533687 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck GRRM and his fan-fuccbois.

>> No.7533694

not literature. reported

>> No.7533716
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>> No.7533803

Not interested in it, really. Martin is the sort of fantasy I'd like to see less of; he's just recycling stuff from European history/mythology and adding sex scenes. Tyrion's an ok character though, you could do something with him in a different context.

Actually, what the genre needs is a three-year moratorium on anything with a knight or dragon in it.

>> No.7533813

I bet you're the kind of faggot who is into The Dresden Files.

>> No.7533824

Nope. "Urban" is just as bad most times. Do like a bit of Mieville though.

>> No.7533833

Call me a fuccboi.

Though, I feel A Storm of Swords is the only book in his series that is recommandable, since the rest are just tomes of eating, travelling and fucking. ASOS is all of this, albeit with action.

>> No.7533866

It just really pisses me off tho. I read the first 6 books and got really invested in the story/characters, and then I read this bullshit



>> No.7533895

When you green light a series based on a book series that not only is not finished, but that takes the author approximately 4-5 years to get each book done, you're going to face some bumps.

>> No.7534722
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I'm done caring. He obviously doesn't give a shit about finishing the series. Why should I?

He has all the time in the world to write 3 novellas, open a theater, edit like 20 anthologies, write TV episodes and pilots, but doesn't have time to meet several deadline for the Winds of Winter. Give me a fucking break

He's obviously bored of writing ASOIAF or he's written himself into a bottomless plothole.

>> No.7535247


Yeah but idk I don't blame him. Obviously it's his fault for not just getting on with it and putting it behind him but I can understand him not being interested in it anymore.

When he's done with it I'm pretty certain he'll go full Harrison Ford.

>> No.7535370

I hope he starts the winds of winter off with some kind of mass extinction level event which resets the status quo.

>> No.7535374

Tyrion is a typical Captain Jack Sparrowy, Han Solo-y, Deadpooly witty bantery smart reddit character

>> No.7535375

the thing is, he doesn't owe anyone shit

>> No.7535384

Except the thousands that have spent money buying his books.

I wouldn't mind if I could read the book and decide how much I was willing to pay after, so I'm not left with paying for crap like affc and adwd.

I don't watch the series because it's shit, so it pisses me off that people who just jumped on the bandwagon with the TV show will know how it ends before me.

>> No.7535570

Tyrion is an annoying self-insert faggot. Arya and Sansa are much more interesting.

>> No.7535610


It isn't about owing.

He can do whatever he wants, but he is a fat piece of shit.

>> No.7535673 [DELETED] 

>>he doesn't owe u

Whatever. For me it's like with the Star Wars prequels and how their sheer unrelenting shittiness killed any interest I might have had in seeing Force Awakes or whatever it's called. A year ago reading this snotty little piece


would have pissed me off no end but now I'm like ehh, fuck it. It's too late, I don't give a shit anymore and there are too many other good books to read.

>> No.7535677

>>7533687 yeah man fuck them fan fucbois

>> No.7535705


>>he doesn't owe u

Whatever. A year ago, reading that snotty little piece above would have pissed me off no end but now I'm like ehh, fuck it. It's like with the Star Wars prequels and how for me their sheer unrelenting shittiness killed any interest I might have had in seeing Force Awakes or whatever it's called. It's too late, I don't give a shit anymore and there are too many other good books to read.

>> No.7535708

He's somehow become trapped in an ancient paradox.

In order to write TWOW, GRRM must first write half the book.
In order to write half the book, he must first write half of the half.
In order to write a quarter of the book, he must first write an eighth of the book.
And so on and so on. There is an infinite number of steps required to write the book.

GRRM follows this paradox to its logical conclusion and discovers that writing is impossible.

>> No.7535865

I wish he applied that paradox to eating.

>> No.7535885

I think he should just spoil the ending on his blog before the next series of the show starts and then retire on a Caribbean island and enjoy good food and black pussy for the rest of his life like we all know he wants to.

>> No.7535895
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>tfw everyone gets exitedabout fucking other fuccbois
>tfw no one wants to fuck you

>> No.7535965

>I don't watch the series because it's shit, so it pisses me off that people who just jumped on the bandwagon with the TV show will know how it ends before me.

Eh, I think his blog post makes a sound case about how much the books and show have diverged. A shitload of relevant characters aren't alive anymore in the show or were never there to begin with, and the storylines of those who are left are barely recognizable to the source material.

I'm just glad he decided to say SOMETHING about how it's (not) progressing.

>> No.7536001

He has, it means he can never finish eating. He just likes that result.

>> No.7536178

True but are you really trying to say because of that we should all just be ok with the situation? I agree he doesn't "owe" anything but we all certainly have the right to bitch about it.

>> No.7536358

The main thread of the story is the same.

Just different people doing it.

>> No.7536817


He's got a lot going on psychologically, though, from the stuff that comes with being a dwarf in that society to his fucked-up relationship with Tywin. Jon Snow's far more self-inserty imho.

>> No.7537120

I think Martin's fantasy is some of the best.

He constructs Westeros to be a world that is believable and complex; not just heroic mythology. Writers should be taking more cues from him, not fewer.

>> No.7537153

if you're a petite, slightly chubby redhead girl wearing a skirt and high boots I'd fuck you

>> No.7537165

The show is entertaining enough that whatever ending they give by season 8 will be satisfying. The fat man is too busy ranting about football to write anything more.

>> No.7537968

Here is your (you)