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File: 58 KB, 378x500, arab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
753353 No.753353 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best book to introduce me to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? What books should follow? Obviously, I want as objective and comprehensive an account as I can find.

(Pic related - I have no idea of it's merits, nor have I read it. It was just one I scraped up from google images.)

>> No.753359

>Arab-Israeli conflict

Haha, good luck.

>> No.753363


OP realizes the potential difficulty/impossibility.

If anything, I'd like a few books that, if highly slanted towards one side on their own, can balance each other out.

>> No.753371
File: 49 KB, 312x475, israel-palestine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP also realizes that he chose the wrong type of picture for this thread; Israeli-PALESTINIAN conflict is what I'm looking for.

>> No.753509

David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East.

He's biased but fair, with references.

I don't know there's a "best" book.

>> No.753518
File: 11 KB, 450x563, mohammed_bomb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1. Read the Koran

There is no step 2.

>> No.753558

there is no objective in this. read a few and make up your own mind.

Jimmy Carters' book is surprisingly good.

>> No.753569

The whole idea was because Israel took Palestine and Palestine is pretty pissed off and they want their holy land back. The recent conflict near the Gaza Strip was because Israel put a blockade so the people of Gaza Strip wont get any supplies and that started in 1993.
And well right when they were getting supplies Israel comes in like the bully on the playground.

>> No.753581

No they put a blockade there so other countries couldn't send large weapons like SCUD missiles to fire at the Israelis.

>> No.753583


Israel's rationale for the blockade is that Palestinians elected Hamas as the their government, which effectively gave a terrorist organization control of import/export right next to Jewish-controlled Israel.

>> No.753584

well that's democracy for you.
illegal blockade is illegal.

>> No.753586

Oh shit I forgot to add that....

>> No.753589


>No they put a blockade there so other countries couldn't send wheelchairs to crippled Palestinian children


>> No.753591


Too bad the Israelis rigged the election as a false-flag tactic to give them a casus belli.

>> No.753600


Electing Hamas to a government doesn't make them not a terrorist organization and does not make them a non-threat. I invite you to compare this concept to how you probably feel about the war criminals in Israel's government (like Netanyahu, no less.)

>> No.753603


True or not, the only reason they can plausibly justify this is because Palestinians using non-combat vehicles to transport arms and fighters. The Geneva conventions are against that tactic for this very reason.

>> No.753604

It must be assumed that every single Palestinian is a member of the insurgency and treated as such.

>> No.753612

didn't say they weren't a 'a terrorist organization'

Bibby is the worst, no I mean Sharon; oh he's a vegetable now ;_;

>> No.753616

Well yeah, Israel is fucking paranoid.

>> No.753625

hope the JIDF doesn't arrive

dti :)

>> No.753630

Israel shouldn't happened, but you can't un-ring a bell. Now shitty people will act shitty to each other for the rest of time and nice people will suffer for it. Whaddayagonnado?

>> No.753642

go here if u wana debate >>>/gif/3405287 JIDF already arrived there

post more books

>> No.753647
File: 29 KB, 492x700, Norman-FinkelsteinHolocaust-Industry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.753662
File: 23 KB, 261x400, 9780141029726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.753678
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>> No.753683

If they are still a terrorist organization, then despite being legally elected it would seem you could still treat the officers as terrorists, that is to say bomb them where they congregate. That's what's so awkward when people elect terrorists for their government, normally you want to be diplomatic.

>> No.753697

I am not a Chomsky fan, but his books are actually pretty fair on the subject of Israel. It's just that "fair" translates to a big heaping of guilt for a lot of people that don't want to admit it, so he is denounced.

>> No.753706

but Israel are worse 'terrorists' in that case.

>> No.753718

What I want to know is, if Hamas is such a threat, why doesn't Israel just exterminate them already?

They've got one of the best military in the world, and the unconditional backing of the United States. They could do it easily.

>> No.753722

It might be true, but the current party in control of Israel are not internationally recognized as a terrorist organization. Also, if you join most political parties in Israel it is not a plank that you must destroy and torture palestinians and wipe out their land, but as a member of Hamas one of their planks is the complete destruction of Israel and clear anti-semitism. So, when one has signed on to that party, you can be assured that they are not interested in peace whereas with most Israeli political parties it requires discernment.

>> No.753725

Truth is, cos they aren't such a threat.

>> No.753740

its not explicit but its pretty much there in Israeli politics. Take Land. Kill Palestinians. Oppress Palestinians in Israel.
Israel is now so right-wing it's losing support from many Jews, even within Israel. Brainwashing can only go so far.

>> No.753752
File: 32 KB, 470x400, 470x400nelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one person's terrorist is another persons.... you know the rest.

Pic related - he's a terrorist according to some.

>> No.753761
File: 84 KB, 254x399, palestine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sacco ftw

>> No.753764

He was a terrorist. Google "South African necklace."

Not saying ending apartheid wasn't a good goal.

>> No.753770

"one person's terrorist is another persons...."
You're a terrorist - prove me wrong

>> No.753772
File: 41 KB, 336x500, ppna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually not a bad intro - recommending this for OP

>> No.753774
File: 40 KB, 335x500, Death in Gaza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go watch this - its online

>> No.753787

dude, israel was founded by terroroists - remember them gangs?
also see>>753678

>> No.753792

You are confusing groups associated with the foundation of Israel with the groups that currently run Israel. Also, the gangs you are referring to did not graduate to a political party.

>> No.753800

I'm not confusing anything - Israel was founded on terrorism - true statement.

>> No.753808

sure is objective in here.

OP, best way is just to read up on the history of the middle east as a whole. I recommend starting with a general history, such as Bernard Lewis's and going deeper in.

>> No.753818

no less a card carrying conservative than Wm. F. Buckley Jr. said that if he were born in S. Africa he'd be carrying an AK-47 right next to Mandela.

>> No.753826

there is no objective in this conflict

lets have some videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB_CKL5h2_8

>> No.753834

Good God, stay away from Bernard Lewis; his understanding of the Arab world is based on an over-simplified, 'LOL MUSLIMS FAULT' approach. If you're wanting an accessible, but still fairly accurate, introduction to the history of the Middle-East you can't do better than Albert Hourani's 'A History of the Arab Peoples'.

>> No.753840

See: Ehud Barak

>> No.753848

the girl in this vid is all the pro- israel posters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5drXEXkf9s

>> No.753858
File: 50 KB, 758x558, yahudi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also ariel sharon
pic related

>> No.753880

Both are assholes, Israel just happens to have more funding for their assholeness.

>> No.753938

arab's don't make up the entirety of the conflict however

>> No.753957
File: 31 KB, 321x500, american raj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a big fan of American Raj by Eric Margolis

>> No.753971


You are either a troll or just a stupid asshole. Read some history.

>> No.753972
File: 73 KB, 760x540, 1275515286773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.754022

But it's their struggles with one another, and with their colonial masters, that have defined the modern Middle-East.

>> No.754047

OP appreciates the guidance, and in retrospect shouldn't be surprised that this thread has spiraled into a quasi-debate.

Norman Finkelstein keeps on popping up when I research this topic - any opinions about him and his books?

>> No.754051

David Hirst - The Gun and the Olive Branch

>> No.754134

can't deny the truth

>> No.754137

Finkelstein ftw

>> No.755207
File: 17 KB, 300x300, they.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best book on the conflict. Fineklstein is a nazi scumbag

>> No.755227
File: 60 KB, 800x552, 01nixon-web-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP

That is the book we used in our Origins of Current World Conflicts class.

It was pretty solid.