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/lit/ - Literature

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7533416 No.7533416 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to recommend ONE book to your eighteen year old self to improve your life today, what would it be?

>> No.7533446

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7533455

Notes from the Underground.

>> No.7533458

the god delusion

>> No.7533464
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Don Quijote

>> No.7533489
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>> No.7533717


>> No.7533724
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>the god delusion

>> No.7533726

who is this semen demon?

>> No.7533849

8th post in the thread.

/lit/'s getting slower every year.

>> No.7533985

Nietzsche (to force a crisis, not because he's right about anything)
Any Napoleon biography

>> No.7534054

Get out of /lit/ you fucking neanderthal.

There is no evidence of her being a slut either so learn learn insults or something.

>> No.7534087 [DELETED] 

i'm not eighteen yet.

>> No.7534111

enjoy your ban

>> No.7534116

i will

>> No.7534122

In Praise Of Older Women

so you're not such a relationship spastic

>> No.7534124

Bump for the orgasm phantasm.

>> No.7534139

Good idea, if you give him that maybe he'll change his major to something other than English.

>> No.7534207
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It's not PUA, by the way.

It's almost anti-pua in some sense.

>> No.7534275

The Stranger.

Then again, I doubt my 18 years-old self would find anything of worth on it.

>> No.7534381

17.5 reporting in. Awaiting ban.

>> No.7534536


>> No.7534553

Honestly this, if you are on 4 chin you are not even close to becoming a don juan

>> No.7534585

Who is this cock loch?

>> No.7534602

Bukowski's Women or Post Office.

I probably would've gotten hyped about it and read more in general.

>> No.7534605

Lolita maybe, wished I'd found it sooner..

>> No.7534632


>> No.7534836

Is that a fucking buzzsaw blade?

>> No.7534846

Introduction to chemical engineering 3rd edition

So I could change my major to something other than engi.

>> No.7534880

On writing by Stephen King. I don't think I'd have wasted so much time being ashamed of what I wanted to do.

>> No.7534902
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This book changed my life.
>inb4 you're not hard, strong, or as ambitious as the human adaptation of the protagonist would be
No shit. But it completely shattered my illusions of a "just world" and finally motivated me to start lifting among other things.

>> No.7534910

But I am 18 lol

>> No.7534937

so what book is it?

>> No.7534940

>he wasn't on his second read through of the western canon at age 18

>> No.7534945

This desu

>> No.7535121

Another 18 yo here, reading Ulysses at the moment, also here's a list of books I've read lately, recommend me moar of these books for 18 self lit: The Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco, Solaris by Stanisław Lem, Hamlet by W. Shakespeare (getting ready for Ulysses, here I start reading it), Dialectic of Enlightenment by Theodor Adorno, The Trial by Franz Kafka, Ferdyrurke by Witold Gombrowicz, Sklepy Cynamonowe by Bruno Shulz. I'm reading the Circe chapter in Ulysses right now, but I'm enjoying the book quite a lot.

>> No.7535130

I forgot to mention the Philosophy of New Music, also by Adorno, I'm getting into his works right now.

>> No.7535163

18 year old here
I didn't get it

>> No.7535187

[Spoiler] what was it ? [/spoiler]

>> No.7535190

I mean I am 18 years old. If that sentence wasn't correct semantically, well, english isn't my first language, but I think the correctness of sentences on 4chan overall is in most cases questionable anyway.

>> No.7535209

>Any Napoleon biography
I don't understand this meme. It's not like reading biographies of great men is going to make you become a great man yourself. The truth is that there aren't many opportunities for the average man to become a great man. Some people live their whole lives without achieving anything at all.

>> No.7535339

bump, any recomendations from my favourite literature board? (inb4 "kys")

>> No.7535343

my diary thb

>> No.7535345

it's about old ladies getting their heads axed

>> No.7535349

But I am 18, anon.

>> No.7535367

The Prophet Armed

>> No.7535387

Honestly the right book got to that kid at the right time. Notes from the Underground. Otherwise I'd tell him to just read more in general.

>> No.7535404

The Ego and Its Own.

Not even memeing, it's probably the most emancipatory book I've read. Though it's for a large part stating the obvious, it adds to it and states the obvious in a convincing manner that remains a good reminder to reread every once in a while.

At around 18 I (and probably most people) are sort of at a crossroads of doing what you want and doing what you should, and having a little extra support to do what you want probably makes for better choices.

Stirner is bretty edgy but he's also a bit like an unconditionally supportive mother.

>> No.7535405


A book, written by me, which is several hundred pages of "Don't take ecstasy", mixed in with the occasional "Don't fucking take ecstasy" and "For the love of fucking god don't take ecstasy"

>> No.7535410

Got a spot of the old serotonin syndrome or something, m8?

>> No.7535421


I read this when I was on /fit/ a couple years ago. It's philosophy falls in line with theirs really well.

"Try not to be a total fucking autist, and be an enjoyable person to be around and girls will want to be around you."

Well no fucking shit

>> No.7535426 [DELETED] 

Pretentious 14 year old here trying to improve his cultural repertoire so that I can feel superior to normal people, for no real purpose outside of being a socially excluded pariah
What books would you guys recommend?

>> No.7535431


Nah man, I'm off the shit and fine now, it just led to a whole lot of doing nothing but party for a long time and really resulted in some real delusions as to what I valued in life for a ling time.

>> No.7535432

Notes from Underground

>> No.7535435

That's pretty good advice around that age. I'm really glad I got fucking out of my system in my late teens/early twenties so that I can see it for what it is and move on.

>> No.7535439

>and really resulted in some real delusions as to what I valued in life for a ling time.
Were you starting a glow stick company or something?

>> No.7535441


Yeah, it was something I needed to hear too.
It seems weird to me now, but people need to be told that people (and the world in general) aren't going to change for them. At least, I needed to be told it.

>> No.7535450
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I prefer the "honesty" philosophy of Models

It helped me not only get several girlfriends, but also form stable, healthy relationships with other people, something I thought was impossible before

>> No.7535552

Thus Spake Zarathustra. For the love of God, Thus Spake Zarathustra.

>> No.7535573

the war of art- steven pressfield

>> No.7535612

>>7533416 the book of disquiet

>> No.7535662

What do you recommend to a 25 year old directionless, immature ex shut in nerd, but painfully aware? I have a starving ego desperate for validation, but at the same time I feel everything is meaningless and mediocre. Every single moment I spend in society is pain, almost physical. Everything ranges from shitty, mediocre, pretentious or edgy. But at the same time i don't wanna be some idealist naive hippy. That is just an escape, equally disgusting. I hate idealism. I need self determination, I need truth, no matter how cruel and cold.
Help me /lit/, I need guidance.
Sorry for the blog, i talk too much but this thread seems the right opportunity

>> No.7535695


>> No.7535721


>> No.7535730

Coming from someone who had similar experiences like you, becoming an idealist has helped me a lot in defining my goals for the moment and getting more sure about myself. And I'm not naive or not determined for setting big goals, because I know what risks I take and also what I have to do in order to achieve what I want. Being an idealist doesn't mean to take things the easy way, if met with discipline and and good planning it is something which can be more rewarding than trying to find the 'reasonable' ground. Because you have a mission.

>> No.7535731

nigga im 18 NOW boyyy

what should i be readin

>> No.7535732

You shouldn't be here.
Non-fiction only. Das Kapital.

>> No.7535747
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>> No.7535777
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>> No.7535784

go to reddit

>> No.7535788

>all these high school fucks on /lit/

explains a lot actually

>> No.7535796

vso patrician wow

>> No.7535799

read some stirner. take a load off

>> No.7535811
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>> No.7536007

Here is what I found the moral to be: Society doesn't like autists

>> No.7536019

Virginia Wolf's Orlando

>> No.7536029

mayba a tucking guide too?

>> No.7536311

Ur lucky I didn't find you earlier kid, because your skull is just asking for this banhammer

>> No.7536327


>> No.7536337

Is the apprentice actually any good? Has anyone here read it?

I don't agree with the man but he is very effective at selling his ideas to the public.

>> No.7536349
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Trainspotting. Pic related: it's me at 18 y/o.

>> No.7536432

Enjoy your teenage years while you can, spending time with friends and family if possible, reading as much as possible when not, not to mention getting /fit/ early. Save 4chan for those of us too far gone.

Also, Hamlet, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Thus Spake Zarathustra, The Old Man and the Ocean, Great Expectations, Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Venus in Furs. Just listing some I either read at the time or wish that I had.

>> No.7536456

this >>7535777

>> No.7536472

Paradise Lost

>> No.7536475


>> No.7536486

>There is no evidence of her being a slut
She's female, though.

>> No.7536488
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Tfw My mom bought me Solaris for Christmas, but it was the version with George Clooney on the cover. Her heart was in the right place I suppose.

>> No.7536594

do you mean the old man and the sea?

>> No.7536625
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Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) or The Ego and His Own

>> No.7536655

What would you recommend to a 16 year old guy that wants to improve his cultural knowledge.

Ps. English is not my first language

>> No.7536700

Roots The Saga of an American Family

>> No.7536707

semon demon =! slut

>> No.7536730

is it difficult to understand?

>> No.7536789

What would you recommend to a 3 month old girl that wants to learn how to walk and not fall over?

>> No.7536835

Being 18, I really wish I could meet my future self.

>> No.7536848

18 years old is already too late...

>> No.7536860

I'm 21. Not nearly as much change from 18 to 21 as say ages 15-18.

>> No.7536864

Some TS Eliot collection. It's what's just recently given me the final push I needed to dive into literature properly.

>> No.7536996
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>> No.7537094

Read the unabridged version of Finnegans Wake by Joyce. Start with something easy on the young mind. You'll enjoy it. Don't worry about what the others say. They're jealous of your youth and virginity.

>> No.7538475

It's been a while, but my reading is that Meursault's attitude is an allegory for how the universe feels and behaves. Our response to that is the Absurd condition and paradox. That kind of natural apathy is explore as well The Plague and the Absurd elements are more clearly laid out in Myth of Sysiphus - it's actually a rather optimistic philosophy.

And I'm 18 too anon, don't let a number hold you back.

>> No.7538633

diary of a wimpy kid senpai