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/lit/ - Literature

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7528314 No.7528314 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen a sociology thread on /lit/ so I have no idea if this will be a bust, so I felt like just throwing out a few things.

Who else here is into sociology or social theory, or studies it professionally? I stopped studying it after it became endless data analysis and quant with really boring basic theory.

Once a prof. told me we all had to decide if we followed Marx, or Weber, and all sociology can be traced back to one or the other and gave different conclusions. We had to pick a team. What would you pick?

-Who is at the forefront of sociology currently?
-Who is at the avant-garde of sociology?


I was considering teaching myself the whole field. My proposed reading list in brief:

-Marx and Weber
- althusser,braverman, mills

-symbolic interactionism/phenomenological sociology
- berger/luckmann, garfinkle, goffman
- blumer, cooley
-ethnomethodology, social constuctionism

- levi-strauss, foucault

-baudrillard, lyotard

-Actor-network theory
- Latour

>> No.7528317
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>> No.7528334

Bump for curiosity.

>> No.7528348

You probably won't find anything here. A significant number of this site's users despise the discipline.

>> No.7528360
File: 156 KB, 580x672, veblen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thorstein Veblen is way better than any of those pretentious eurotards

>> No.7528387

idk, he kinda literally wanted STEMs to rule society : / If he saw the way stemfags act today I bet he might not think the same way.

>> No.7528407

>he kinda literally wanted STEMs to rule society

Young Veblen was essentially an anarchist. The older Veblen was more of a technocrat. You can see a change in his though from Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) to The Engineers and the Price System (1922).

>> No.7528414

Literally, who?

>> No.7528423

Your pleb is showing, anon

>> No.7528432


>> No.7528438

I don't think you're in the right place. Check /his/.

Anyway, give a try and read Martin Heidegger “Being and Time” then move on Jacques Ellul's “The Technological Society”, Norbert Elias' “On Time: An Essay”, Herbert Marcuse's “One-Dimensional Man”, Hannah Arendt's “ The Human Condition” and finally Bernard Charbonneau's articles. It's a great thinking process I went through during my college years.

>> No.7528535

OP here, I actually have been occasionally reading one-dimensional man the last few months, to me he writes a lot like mcluhan, I like his aphorisms but overall it starts to break down for me.

I'll check out your other suggestions too. I've always jumped around in terms of theorists and never done anything systemically or chronologically, and wonder if that is worth it.

>> No.7528549


C'mom son, that ain't even a real science.

>> No.7528562

I didn't know we could only be interested in science. Guess all this literature thing is also a garbage.

>> No.7528578

C'mom nigga, if you really want to learn how the world works, then read books about anthropology, psychology and economics.

>> No.7528622

Please tell me this is a bait. Psychology is the lowest field in the humanities and economics are telling a little about how the economy, finance and economical policies practically work besides being streched between contradictory schools.

>> No.7528660

I study History but my stuff intersects massively with sociology+anthro (and continental philosophy)

I have been considering the same thing recently OP

>> No.7528663

Read more Hegel and Heidegger dweeb

>> No.7528675

cool. any place you're starting, or who do you plan to cover? the only connections i remember were doing historical research in a marxian or foucauldian way, both of which made the few history majors I knew upset lol

>> No.7528683

A lot of what you listed in the OP is central or at least slightly on my dumb reading list and I'm partial to Foucault recently because I'm trying to do historical epistemology. Also into weird lit crit / hermeneutics stuff for related reasons.

But a bunch of names in the OP are new to me so back to the drawing board.

I'm sure you know Durkheim but you might also be interested in the French Annales school:
These are the guys I'm trying to study. Marc Bloch is a great historian and was very influenced by sociology, very Durkheimian.

I say "trying" a lot in this post because I can smell my PhD apps about to be rejected and I don't want to jinx anything further

>> No.7528695

I will check it out. I tend to avoid anything durkheimian, not b/c I think he did bad sociology, but from my profs even weber was considered a 'conservative' (and there isn't much worse than a conservative for some reason lol, making durkheim downright reactionary lol.

>> No.7528699

Seriously? Your professors have ideological bents to THAT degree?

>> No.7528717

yup. i guess in the most basic way if they felt they could trace a theorist's ideas to a conclusion that would justify inequality, that was basically the harshest criticism and would disqualify the theory. it was a good way to get A papers tho.

>> No.7528723

>lowest field in the humanities
that's a zinger!

>> No.7528724

That's some terrifying shit. I get a little bit of that here too, but nothing slavishly ideological. Professors at least try and pretend they are open to ideas.

But yeah, following up on scholars whom everyone else avoids because "DON'T YOU KNOW HE WAS A MEMBER OF THE NAZI PARTY FOR NINE MINUTES IN 1934?!?!" is a great way to get ideas for papers. Just about the only unsown ground left at this point.

That is depressing though.

>> No.7528740

it isn't too bad when you leave the school and realize literally 100 people might have heard that idea, and no one even cares, and it doesn't matter at all to the general public. it's just silly academia taking things too seriously.

a politician might stumble upon one part of an idea, if it fits in their campaign already, and only if it's a pretty broad idea

>> No.7528754

It may happen because of where you live. I studied in continental Europe and none of this ever happened, professors barely mentioned it about Martin Heidegger. They managed to keep it clean and content-focused.

>> No.7529336

bump for anyone that missed out in the afternoon