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7527577 No.7527577 [Reply] [Original]

7.5/10 Am I wrong? Let's discuss

>> No.7527580
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>Am I wrong?

>> No.7527582

please tell me nobody here has actually read this trash.


>> No.7527583
File: 19 KB, 400x362, William_Gass_2011_Shankbone_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot hide your feelings.

>> No.7527589

Op here, I got this book for free and read it when I heard Spielberg was adapting it to the big screen. It is a page turner but suffers from the author sucking at doing his job. The concept is great but it lacks in execution. I only give it a 7.5 because I like the story, just not the storyteller.

>> No.7527788

Unfortunately, some have, including myself. It is one of the worst books I've ever read. It speaks well of the board that it's almost universally reviled, and, relatedly, OP is clearly bait.

>> No.7527793


Opiate abuse pupils/10

>> No.7527821

Hey OP. I finished reading this last night.

It's obviously low-brow in terms of prose and so on, but I think it serves its purpose quite well. It's written in a way that pretty much mimics the behaviour and dialogue in sitcoms, anime and video games which works well (or is at least excusable) considering these are its main themes. The 1980s thing got boring fast for me but his control of plot, the availability of possible explanations for things and so on was good. A lot of the time I guessed a plot sequence a few pages before, and sometimes there was a sort of annoying retrospective explanation for things (particularly towards the end, where he goes to the IOI and then spends pages explaining how he'd sneaked around and hacked into their database). I also didn't like it when Og appears in their chatroom and he says "hey remember in chapter 2 when I thought a glitch caused that bookcase to fall over!" since it's pretty patronizing, but overall it's a fun book for a certain demographic (which I don't belong to). I'm very interested in VR and have been doing a ton of research into it these past weeks, and at least Cline had done his research here (I don't think haptic suits or scent towers will be the way forward, but that was the prediction some time ago). The "heavyset lesbian african american girl" revelation was pretty cringey, especially when she stops speaking like her bro-tier Aech character and starts saying "you go girl". Also the handling of the cute girl with the birth mark was pretty terrible, I mean I know it's adolescent fiction but for her to start crying and falling in love with a guy who is not only unattractive but totally lame in terms of his dialogue, and also spends most of the book masturbating and justifying his masturbation, is pretty cringey. But then again Cline takes his cues from John Hughes movies, which makes it believable and sort of sweet. I found the whole OASIS idea pretty well done and the minor details and real-like legal issues with the telecom providers mining private details etc was interesting, though the flying from planet to planet thing was lame IMO, and his vision of VR although entertaining serves only the purpose it needed to for the sake of a 1980's pop culture-themed novel. Also there was way too much bowing in the book, everybody bowed all the time and the two Japanese characters were so fucking cliched (I mean everyone was, but all the Japs did was bow and act like Samuraiboos). It was cringey as hell a lot of the time, especially when Wade / Parzifal falls in love with the blogger and gets an e-boner over her avatar, which as I imagined it is no more detailed than early Lara Croft visuals for PS1. The banter was pretty gay and unhumorous, though I imagine if you're a "Nerd" you'd find it comedic.