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7525671 No.7525671 [Reply] [Original]

My NY Resolution is to stop subvocalizing (except by choice)

How can this be best accomplished?

>> No.7525706

a shock collar

>> No.7525711

fuck, I read this in Zizek's voice and imagined a massive sniff right before the "except by choice" part.

Anyway, I want to do the same thing but have no idea how to start

>> No.7525713

Wait, how do you subvocalize things if you've never heard the authors voice?

Who is reading this post right now in your brain?

>> No.7525722

It is a idealized version of my voice, it is pretty far from my real one because I barely ever talk irl and hate the way it sounds when I do.

>> No.7525843

I thought not sub-vocalizing was a meme until I noticed that every now and then a passage or a part of a passage or a sentence becomes a sort of visual interpretation - but similar to when you're sleeping and notice that you're dreaming, you wake up; everytime I notice that I'm not subvocalizing, I'm torn away from the immersion and have to spend a moment trying to focus again

Perhaps, like lucid dreaming, it's possible to fully immerse yourself into a rendition of a visual (and audial) experience and not ever have to hear your own monologue's oration

Is this even possible? Are there people here who can """read""" like this? Or is sub-vocalization an integral part of the literary experience?

>> No.7525927

I subvocalize while I speak.

>> No.7525953


Excellent way to describe the feeling. I feel the same way. I feel it's like when I've tried meditation and I go "Hey, it's working. I'm thinking about nothing. Oh fuck."

>> No.7525976


I find that I read without subvocalizing when reading another language (Russian in this case). It's kind of strange, and I don't do it in english because I don't retain the info as well.

>> No.7526038

You don't? At all? What's that like?

>> No.7526039

I really wish that I could meet Zizek just so I could jab him in the ribs with a cow-prod every time he begins to open his mouth

>> No.7526058


That's just called mumbling anon

>> No.7526075

Try counting in your head or sort of just babbling jibberish in your head while you're looking at the page. That way you won't be able to sub odalisu the actual words and with some effort you should be able to find you can still read.

>> No.7526079

I do it quite often especially after reading for extendended periods where I wouldnt be able to repeat the last few words i had read but i could tell you the progression of the story or description from the last few words.
Ive also compared it with my father who is a much slower reader (dyslexic) who says he reads each word individually, whereas me and confirmed by a friend each read in chunks of 3-4 words and so can cover a line in 4 or 5 eye movements compared to people who read each word individually and take 20 or so.

>> No.7526486

I have the opposite, I was an extremely late talker so I only subvocalize when i force myself to (much like you breath automatically unless you force yourself to do so manually) and the concept of hearing the words i'm reading is incredibly alien and weird as fuck.

>> No.7526501

Every time I'm having difficulty on a philosophical text, I read it with Zizek's voice and everything becomes clear.

>> No.7526515

every time i have a cold i subvocalize as zizek especially when not reading

>> No.7526524

whats wrong with subvocalizing?

>> No.7526532

What's wrong with a 56k modem?

>> No.7526536

if people learn a method to stop subvocalizing, the flynn effect will kick into hyperdrive

>> No.7526595

Is that the answer to my question, because I don't know the answer to that one.

My best guess is that a 56k modem is slow, unless you mean a $56k modem. In that case, I would say that has nothing to do with what I'm asking.

>> No.7526800

The secret to not subvocalizing is to stop thinking of written words as visual things that relay spoken words, and start thinking of them as visual things that relay imagery and abstract ideas. Once you don't subvocalize anymore, you can reach a reading speed above 600 words per minute.

>> No.7527090

try humming, muttering softly, or otherwise occupy your mouth. You'll stop sub-vocalizing as the language portion of your brain is pre-occupied.

>> No.7527133

is sub-vocalizing really a thing??

>> No.7527175

this is fantastic advice, I simply have to express my gratitude

>> No.7527253
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I shniff becaush I don't care for other peoplesh ideologiesh, and sho on, and sho on.

And now you can't help but read zhish in my voishe

>> No.7527255


I'll try to make this a habit then

>> No.7527261

you don't feel the same way. You're just too lazy to make your own opinion and that sounds decent enough to you.

I hate people like you

>> No.7527268

i enjoy reading how some of you guys try to improve reading and not just trying to read and master your own speed/pace. Its all about reading consistency, not how fast or slow you read.

If you could go by without food that would be great, wouldn't it? But because you cant, you have to face the consequences and just do your best while having a human flaw.

>> No.7527292

It is impossible not to sub-vocalise when reading.

>> No.7527315

I subvocalise random 4chan posts and light reading.

Some novels I do too if the prose is bad. Really descriptive and well done prose will make me stop and just generate mental ideas of what I'm reading rather than the words, though it takes a few minutes to start doing this.

>> No.7527321

To add on to this, apparently chewing gum helps too.

>> No.7527331
File: 81 KB, 200x291, 37191603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 18 when I Realized plebs subvocalized.

You were fucking unlucky. Your initial combination of genes, environment, and preferences made you a fucking retard by making you subvocalize.

I will zoom past you in all achievements. I got hired for a six figure job in 2015. I just imagine you clicking on a /lit/ thread and reading each post, (full of entire shit with no reasoning, by the way) to yourself so your feeble mind can make sense of it.

You're fucked, friend. I'm sorry.

>> No.7527335
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It is so difficult for me to subvocalize, even when fucking drunk off my ass, that I have trouble understanding that people can't read text without subvocalizing it.


>> No.7527446
File: 40 KB, 720x828, FB_IMG_1450999823029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never subvocalised before except when I wanted to
>assumed everyone read like this
>mfw I am patrician and didn't even know it

>> No.7527449

got em boys

someone finally fell for the meme

>> No.7527456

>six figure
>thinks its impressive

>> No.7527586

"Typically, subvocalizing is an inherent part of reading and understanding a word. Micro-muscle tests suggest that full and permanent elimination of subvocalizing is impossible. This may originate in the way people learn to read by associating the sight of words with their spoken sounds. Sound associations for words are indelibly imprinted on the nervous system—even of deaf people, since they will have associated the word with the mechanism for causing the sound or a sign in a particular sign language."


"For competent readers, subvocalizing to some extent even at scanning rates is normal."

>> No.7527607

I have checked the speedreading stuff and didnt know if it would work. Anyone has converted to non vocalization and achieved greater reading speeds? What happens to the comprehension?
If you are studying math, physics and stuff that needs a bit more time to be understood, is it still beneficial?
When i dont subvocalize i realize it is because im reading faster, but im also understanding things worse. You can subvocalize and visualize the words at the same time.

>> No.7527621

>everyone is retarded like me

>> No.7527623

this'ing this.

and this

>> No.7527625

subvocalizer propaganda. enjoy your handicap untermensch

>> No.7527652
File: 6 KB, 259x194, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you don't subvocalize and earn 7 digit salary while having sex with only virgin Icelandic boys while reading ulysses

>> No.7527672


Enjoy your delusions, faggot.

>> No.7527742

How much do you earn faggot

>> No.7527743

>people still falling for the 'stop subvocalizing' meme
You idiots are truly the patricians.

>> No.7527761

>he subvocalizes

>> No.7527763

>virgin Icelandic boys

Anon, I...