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7523152 No.7523152 [Reply] [Original]

Former atheist here looking to reform my fedora ways. What is the most based sect of Christianity?

>> No.7523169


>> No.7523176

Arian Christianity
Trinitarians a shit

>> No.7523188


>> No.7523191

>choose a religion
>it's the wrong one

Uh oh!

>> No.7523198


>> No.7523201
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>> No.7523208

Orthodox is literally the one sect that has never done anything wrong.

>> No.7523209

Whichever one makes you feel edgier, you double-contrarian pleb.

>> No.7523213
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>never offending this world, which is fallen and inherently sinful
>a good thing

>> No.7523218
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>Whichever one makes you feel alive, you sincere truth seeker.

>> No.7523220

Christianity in all of its incarnations is the pedestrian religion of all time.

>> No.7523222
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>> No.7523223
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Why even bother?

>> No.7523227
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>> No.7523236

This is probably going to be another instance of Francis saying something off the cuff that is taken out of context.

That headline is overtly wrong, anyway, and contradicts Catholic dogma.

>> No.7523237
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>he was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7523241

But that's impossible. According to the religion, you can't not believe in God and still go to heaven.

Is Francis stupid or is he trying to be as reddit as possible.

>> No.7523243
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Luther recanted his heresy at the end of his life.

>> No.7523246
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>is he trying to be as reddit as possible.

>> No.7523247
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>> No.7523260
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>implying what he said isn't truth

>> No.7523268
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>implying the truth isn't the truth

>> No.7523269
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>That headline is overtly wrong, anyway, and contradicts Catholic dogma.

So does half the bible but that doesn't stop people from following it.


>But that's impossible. According to the religion, you can't not believe in God and still go to heaven.

>according to the religion

Well there's your problem. Listen to god, not the religion.

>> No.7523271

Why not just picking the one that appeals to them?

>> No.7523272
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>sola scriptura
>the Church is older than the Bible
>the Church is the reason the Bible exists at all

>> No.7523275

Eastern or Oriental Orthodox. Although they aren't sects, they are the original Church, Christ's Body.

>> No.7523276
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>pick one

>> No.7523282
File: 194 KB, 585x913, The Way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus Christ
>The Truth

Pick both.

>> No.7523283

>listen to god

This is the kind of thinking that leads people to shoot up abortion clinics. The average layperson isn't qualified to interpret God's will.

>> No.7523284

>not joining the order of leibowitz
>not working selflessly for you lord God as a monk
>not becoming a well meaning booklegger DOOMS THE HUMAN RACE WITH ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE AGAIN

>> No.7523287

Calvinism, because it rejects free will and is logically coherent.

>> No.7523289
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>implying the early church wasn't lead by the Holy Spirit

>implying the Roman "church" didn't depart from the Holy Spirit by worshiping the "Queen of Heaven."

>> No.7523291
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>Interpreting your imaginary friend's will

>> No.7523292

>The average layperson isn't qualified to interpret God's will.
God has no will.

>> No.7523293
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>> No.7523303
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>Not believing in a man in the sky is edgy

>> No.7523304
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*pinches trilby*

>> No.7523310

>Implying Roman Catholic Church isn't the whore of Bablyon

>> No.7523318


>Jesus Christ
>Jesus of Nazareth


He was just a man.

>> No.7523325
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>> No.7523327


>This is the kind of thinking that leads people to shoot up abortion clinics.

Where as following the religion they shoot up/ bomb a country.

The average layperson isn't qualified to interpret God's will.

No one is qualified to interpret god, otherwise we would know where exactly he/she/it exists.

>> No.7523330
File: 40 KB, 500x600, I just thow my head back and fucking let out that laughter deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize the vast majority of atheists are completely shallow and a clear reflection of their miserable lives

>> No.7523331


Why did you link me to that video?

>> No.7523333

God exists outside the universe, but also within and around and above and underneath the universe. Read the Summa.

>> No.7523338


>when you realize the vast majority of atheists are completely shallow and a clear reflection of their miserable lives

That sentence doesn't make sense. But please continue being pompous and telling me how completely shallow I am, that's the true Christian way right?

>> No.7523340

If you aren't Christian, you are shallow, yes.

>> No.7523344
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>> No.7523346

>He was just a man.
Muhammad pls, the Christ IS just a man.

>> No.7523349
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It's a nice song.

>> No.7523354
File: 1.47 MB, 801x1528, Christ_Icon_Sinai_6th_century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern orthodoxy. Catholicism without the shit-tier dogma and scholasticism.

>> No.7523358

What religion do I join to be a patrician?

>> No.7523370
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no dogma, no scholasticism, no pope and Theosis

>> No.7523372


gnosticism is what most nonedgy occult bandwagonners join

>> No.7523385

Catholic, but you have to convert as an elitist reaction against modern liberal degeneracy as opposed to being a poor person who is raised Catholic and never questions it.

>> No.7523389

>the Trinity
>Not a heresy

>> No.7523395


otherwise i suggest you join eastern christian orthodoxy

>> No.7523399


what the shit are you talking about, no dogma? it's even worse.

jeez is it sad to think that youth of america will romanticise eastern orthodoxy just because it's not popular in their own neighborhood.

>> No.7523401


Reformed Baptist

>> No.7523402

As a Catholic, I love my Orthodox brothers and pray for the healing of the Schism. That said, I do get a strong suspicion that all the boosting it gets on the chans is from young people who have abandoned Protestantism but haven't abandoned their anti-Catholic biases.

>> No.7523407

thinks the one true path to divinity is at the behest of a bunch of kiddie fuckers and symbolic cannibals.

>okay anne rice THANKS

>> No.7523408
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Gnostic pls go.

>> No.7523413


>orthodox belief is not usually overly emphasized in polytheistic or animist religions, in which there is often little or no concept of dogma, and varied interpretations of doctrine and theology are tolerated and sometimes even encouraged within certain contexts.


Nah, through thorought investigation, i was born catholic then became atheist then orthodox

>> No.7523417


wait bad meme i totally didnt read what i was posting

>> No.7523422

>That said, I do get a strong suspicion that all the boosting it gets on the chans is from young people who have abandoned Protestantism but haven't abandoned their anti-Catholic biases.
Basically all Christians on the chans are Christians because they don't want to be associated with the image of the fedora tipper that they identify with Reddit, or as a reaction against feminism.

>> No.7523426


says the reddit feminist

>> No.7523431

Some of us are sincere, and are here because even Christians enjoy a good shitpost every now and then. We're only human.

>> No.7523436
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>> No.7523447


>orthodox belief is not usually overly emphasized in polytheistic or animist religions, in which there is often little or no concept of dogma, and varied interpretations of doctrine and theology are tolerated and sometimes even encouraged within certain contexts.

that sure sounds great, but it also sounds like you've never been to an eastern orthodox church, where orthodox belief is practiced. otherwise you'd know that orthodox practices differs very slightly from catholic ones, and are essentially catholic practices with a combover. please don't delude yourself into thinking that varied interpretations of anything is encouraged, especially when many orthodox churches still literally haven't updated to gregorian calendar.

>> No.7523468

It's the right one.
Your beliefs have no standing.

>> No.7523500


dont care about the churches

>> No.7523508
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Neither do yours!

>> No.7523512
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>doesn't care about going to Mass
>doesn't care about receiving the Eucharist

>> No.7523516

There's a God.

>> No.7523517

They do.

>> No.7523531


ill admit i didnt know what i was talking about when i talked about dogma and i do care about the churches, i just wanted to see where this would lead

but i dont mind so much following a dogma that is right VS one that is wrong