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7521330 No.7521330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of /fit/?

>> No.7521335

Sure is reddit in here.

>> No.7521338

Tell me more about this reddit anon, you seem to know so much about.

>> No.7521339

If you need to torture yourself for an hour every morning in order to complete your day, to feel happy, focused, and alive, you are a simpleton.

hamster tier

>> No.7521344

You sound like a snivel

It's an okay board

>> No.7521347

Implying explosions of endorphins and serotonin in the brain is torture.

>> No.7521349


>> No.7521356

Shitty thread. Fuck off.

>> No.7521363

I expected nothing less.

>> No.7521364

but hamsters are cute

>> No.7521367
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Tortured hamsters are the cutest.

>> No.7521375
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>mfw /lit/ is full of feeble bodied, sick brained Marxists

>> No.7521387

out of shape young adults who aspire to be a meathead pseudo-intellectual dudebros

>> No.7521391

i think being fit and physically strong as a man is worth the effort and discipline. in the back of my mind when i feel intimidated by some extremely erudite wimp or fatass i remember he cant climb a mountain, he's never felt the confidence of walking into a room and being stared at by the women, sometimes even just climbing his stairs is an ordeal. he might annhiliate me in a battle of wits but deep down he knows how pathetic it is.

>> No.7521392

We all break down to build ourselves up even stronger. This applies both mentally and physically. If you're too narrow minded to see beyond the pain then you are lost.

>> No.7521395

I dwarf you both physically and intellectually.

>> No.7521398

i lift and run, but /fit/ seems to be for insecure fags

>> No.7521400

> he might annhiliate me in a battle of wits
Will he? Will he really though?

>> No.7521424

Deluded reddit dudebros desu senpai

>> No.7521455

It's fine, and obviously being fit is a good thing. But they're pretty deluded, thinking that everyone should make fitness a priority. It's fine not to care. Women aren't only attracted to strong men: a skinny guy with a nice face is better off than a fit guy with an ugly face most of the time. Most middle class people don't need to worry about getting in fights. Strength is not necessary to most people's jobs. Most people don't care about physical strength as a value in itself.

People have a stupid tendency to make whatever they care about or are good at the value on which they base everyone's worth. Especially on 4chan.

>> No.7521464

Well, that's the nature of how the boards work, isn't it? Throw a bunch of individuals that are all interested in the same thing together and add a dash of autism.

>> No.7521476


Maoist here. Just deadlifted lmao 4.5plaets.

/fit/ + /lit/ + /fa/ = God tier

>> No.7521480

Same, I primarily browse /fit/ and /lit, use to be /sci/ and /biz/ too, but you soon realize there is nothing of value there really.

>> No.7521485

Just got back from gym where I lifted while listening to a podcast interview with Harold bloom. But /fit/ is shittier than bodybuilding.com and both are pretty bad.

>> No.7521497

I think striving for physical excellence can be a great thing, but I don't like contemporary body building and gymrat culture as an expression of it and I think /fit/ has too much of the latter.

>> No.7521501

good thing we're on the internet and i can call you a faggot, faggot

>> No.7521502
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>God tier

>> No.7521509
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Intelligence count for more than physical strength these days lad.

What you're doing is comforting yourself with the idea that you're great at riding horses in a room full of race drivers. Your speciality is deprecated.

>> No.7521514

All the based Greeks stressed practising your body and mind.

/fit/ is a pretty superficial board, but the people there are doing something productive with their lives - which makes it better than a lot of other blue boards which attract the more pathetic /r9k/ archetypes.

>> No.7521522

/fit/ is one of the most /r9k/ tier boards on this website

>> No.7521526

why not both

>> No.7521531

Meh. Shallow body-dysmorphic fuckers.

>> No.7521541


>thinking you can operate at peak intellectual capacity without operating at peak physical capacity

the greeks understood

>> No.7521544


>> No.7521545


Once I got /fit/ it became a pretty worthless board. After 3 years I couldnt even relate to 5/6 of the content because people were asking how long it takes to bench 1.5pl8, and the other half are throwing out claims to 4pl8 bench which are likely lies. I dont compete or roid so /plg/ /fraud/ and /owg/ are useless. I find that ive stopped using it completely except for fat hate threads, because the images make me laugh

>> No.7521547

>he's never felt the confidence of walking into a room and being stared at by the women
If you'd just been born with a good looking face you'd know how that felt without even having to work out :^)

>> No.7521560

>being born with something is better than working for something
sad but true

>> No.7521568

Some physical exercise is conductive to excel intellectually, but not excessively. People who are really dedicated to pushing themselves physically don't have the time nor the energy to excel intellectually and the other way around it's the same.

So it depends on what you mean by peak physical capacity. If you mean being the healthiest you can, sure, but what passes for 'fitness' these days is more abusing your body to live up to some arbitrary ideal at the expense of your health rather than in service of it.

>> No.7521580
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You can also work on something else and get more bitches than the fittest guy on earth. Women primarily care about social status above all other things. I bet a lot of bulky losers thought "I-i could beat him up though' when Mick Jagger's skinny ugly ass walked into a room and took away all the bitches in five seconds flat.

>> No.7521599

I'd also add that working on being successful is substantially more interesting than working on being fit. Exercises is maturbation compared to actual accomplishments.

>> No.7521607

You had me, then you lost me.

>> No.7521617

Les putains crient and moi je ris Mao Mao

>> No.7521618

True, especially since looking fit by female standards means a few half-hearted gym visits a week and a reasonable diet.

>> No.7521623

>but what passes for 'fitness' these days is more abusing your body to live up to some arbitrary ideal at the expense of your health rather than in service of it.
this is a retarded meme opinion based in a non-reality