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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 157 KB, 728x546, hi-ha-connexi-entre-nietzsche-i-hitler-18-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7520730 No.7520730 [Reply] [Original]

> On his 60th birthday, Mussolini received a gift from Hitler of a complete twenty-four volume set of the works of Nietzsche.[170]


/lit/ will defend this "philosopher"

>> No.7520740


>> No.7520755

>/lit/ will defend this "philosopher"

Hello, you must be from Reddit. As a warning to you as you may be easily triggered, we here on /lit/ are pro-National Socialism, if you would like to return to your Bernie Sanders safe haven then please go to: https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/

>> No.7520764

Nazis are respectable to the extent that they adopted Nietzsche's philosophy. At the same time they are base for attempting to distort it and censor the genius.

This is all I feel it is worth saying about this.

>> No.7520768


Actually we at /lit/ are leftists and anti fascists and you need to go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.7520770
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1) Yes of course we will, this is 4chan moron
2) Neitzche was very famously used to support ideology in the third reich. You shouldn't need to use an example of a gift Mussolini got that you found on wikipedia to demonstrate this.
3) It's pretty prevalent now to say that Neitzche was largely misconstrued by the Nazis
4) A philosopher whose work inspires genocide or fascism, especially indirectly, is still defensible and still a philosopher (as opposed to a "philosopher")

p.s. if this is b8 take it back to /b/ please

>> No.7520776

this is probably true but you shouldn't say it out loud you might start something

>> No.7520783


Can be just agree that people who adopt Nietzsche's views are idiotic plebs? Everyone I have ever met who has liked and supported Nietzsche's points have been pretentious twats. It's baby's first philosopher and you can fuck off back to your first year phil 101 course, dick.

>> No.7520800
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>baby's first philosopher

>> No.7520803


Should add in "Category D"

>Those who suck Nietzsche cock

>> No.7520804

People with no tact do not usually have a good understanding of the man.

>> No.7520809

You still have to take the 100 level courses to move on to the higher levels, pops

>> No.7520810


So you understand him, O yee enlightened one?

>> No.7520816

this t b h
There are basically two schools and plebs (hitler incl.) all subscribe to the incorrect one. p.s. you're a retard

>> No.7520818


Thanks for this, it's a good image

>> No.7520828
File: 82 KB, 620x388, 102948395729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Likes Nietzsche, and not Schopenhauer
>Calls other people retarded

>> No.7520841

>Assumes I like Nietzsche based on the fact that I said his name
>Assumes I don't like Schopenhauer based on the fact that I didn't say his name
You tell me: why do I call other people retarded?

>> No.7520842

>Actually we at /lit/ are leftists

lol, keep telling yourself that. I bet you think Nietzsche supported left-wing ideals too.

>> No.7520844
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>> No.7520850


Fascists and those on the far right are idiots and completely violate most ideals of the Enlightenment. To say /lit/ isn't left wing and instead are supporters of things like national socialism and leaders like Hitler is basically an insult to anyone who is capable to thinking for themselves.

>> No.7520889

Speak for yourself.

National Socialism is grounded in the reality of the world, nature and on idealism. Not just infantile wishful thinking and idealism alone.

>> No.7520892

>and completely violate most ideals of the Enlightenment
How have you not realized that's entirely deliberate?

>> No.7520895

how many people have died because of the Bible?
a lot
you need to judge things by the thing itself and not how people interpret it

>> No.7520897


Yes. And it's stupid.

>> No.7520963

Maybe the ones from reddit

>> No.7520974

>National Socialism is grounded in the reality of the world, nature and on idealism. Not just infantile wishful thinking and idealism alone.

And exactly how is fascism grounded in reality? Reality as most people observe it, not in your /pol/ bizarro land?

>> No.7520977

It's based on natural law, naturalism, and evolution.

>> No.7520981

No. Fascism is based on neurotic fears of the individual. The reason why people adopted fascism? Economical instability in coup with promises of good life and emotionally charged rhetoric, all of it far more divorced from reality than the delusions of a schizophrenic.

>> No.7520988

>I bet you think Nietzsche supported left-wing ideals too.
Human, All Too-Human has a few aphorisms about how mankind should step past the nation's boundaries and work on the European project, to join forces to maintain and nurture culture

which /pol/tards don't know about since they don't read books

>> No.7520990


You're arguing with sheltered idiots who haven't experienced life outside their mothers basement and believe their inherited skin colour makes them superior to others. Trust me, I've tried before. Don't even bother. You won't succeed in changing the views of a stubborn donkey.

>> No.7521001

Pan-europeanism isn't a left-wing concept.

>> No.7521008



He was a dwarf. An angry dwarf. A prototype Danny DeVito without the charm.

>> No.7521011

That is merely another form of nationalism: Supranationalis,. I am a Nationalist of my own country within Europe, but I am also an proponent of the European Nation as another layer of national identity, as such I do support the European Project. There is nothing inherintly "leftist" about that

>> No.7521012


Politics are vulgar.

>> No.7521030

What a confused puddle of messy ideological thought

>> No.7521038

> i m p l y i n g

>> No.7521040

Dumb, read the part of Ecce Homo where Nietzsche talks about the Case of Wagner.

>> No.7521063

If you want to think in absolute simplicity, then ideology in general is not in your understanding.

The irony that Hitler died in his dream of a pan-european state is his actions did usher in a federalisation project headed by Germany no less

>> No.7521083

I know, right? They are so stupid unlike us liberals.

>> No.7521089


Haha, I'm hardly liberal. But splitting into the liberal vs conservative sole two position mindset right away just points out how fucking idiotic you are. You probably don't even know what liberalism is.

>> No.7521098

>le liberals are smart meme

>> No.7521099

Oh, fuck off. You criticise a group because they have their political beliefs and are unwilling to change them as if yours are so malleable. You don't have the world figured out and neither does anyone else.

>> No.7521104
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>mad lanklets

>> No.7521106


I used to be a fascist. Full on Mussolini supporter. Then I expanded my mindset a little but after realizing how fucking idiotic you people are. Don't be so quick to assume things.

>> No.7521109

I am not a fascist so maybe you should not be quick to assume things either.

>> No.7521112

>Implying Nietzsche can even come close to being confined by some spooky structure like political ideology

>> No.7521115

The world would objectively be better today if the nazi's won

>> No.7521119

Well there's an extremely bold assertion that was proven false in the fifth reply.

>> No.7521124

this bait has developed self defense

>> No.7521130

>Declaring yourself against an ideology that firmly embraces the idea that life SHOULD imitate art, thus aestheticizing politics and political endeavors into artistic actions

Why do you hate beauty?

>> No.7521144

For the developed world, and those with European Heritage yes.
There are certain groups who would definitely be disenfranchised by this but I, as a white male, certainly wouldn't have to worry about the things I do now. It's selfish and shitty but I agree with you.

>> No.7521160

Nietzsche hated anti-semitism and Germany, among other things. I don't understand this meme of him being a nazi

>> No.7521177

If I remember correctly, Mussolini read Nietzsche in his youth. But it shouldn't matter. Many leftists have adopted parts if his thought too.

I don't think you can find a coherent political ideology in Nietzsche's work.

>> No.7521195

Probably because:
1) You're, at the oldest, in your early twenties and the only people you've come across who are passionate about Nietzsche are teenagers or barely adults who have probably read (and misunderstood) a few select epigraphs that poorly sum up small portions of his philosophy

2) Any actual Nietzsche adherent wouldn't strut around calling themselves a Nietzsche adherent

3) They'd all have to have come into contact with you, you who dismiss one of the most influential philosophers the tradition has ever seen on the grounds of a few people offending your delicate sensibilities by coming off as "pretentious"

So it doesn't really surprise me that you aren't exactly headlining the ubermensch ball

>> No.7521204

>against nationalists

>> No.7521228

>subscribing to the left/right dichotomy

>> No.7521231


If you discount women (50% of the population), LGBT, the disabled, etc., then sure.

So no, more than half the population would have it worse.

>> No.7521264


This >>7520977

National Socialism is concerned with observing and understanding nature and the world. It is basic nature for man to want to be with those he is alike, you can even observe it in this thread, you feel threatened or scared by those who may advocate of sympathise with fascism/NS and so attack and hugbox those who agree with your point. Political tribalism in a sense.

Race is a biological reality. Race is not skin deep. That is a complete delusion. Race is not a social construct. Society is a racial construct. But don't take it from an anon on the internet but a prominent Professor Douglas Whitman of Illinois State University (I doubt any of the PC/Marxist bigots would watch it, but here it is for observers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeb09GS7ids

>> No.7521265


>> No.7521548

I hate /pol/, browse /lit/ and vote British Conservative.

>> No.7521601

Can anyone summarize in few lines what nietzsche is all about?

>> No.7521629

dude Zarathustra lmao

>> No.7521652

beyond easy categories

>> No.7521667

watch this video for a start

>> No.7521674

certainty is absurd but that fact isn't worth defending

the only thing I don't like about Nietzsche is that he purposely convolutes some of his work

>> No.7521696

>he purposely convolutes some of his work
How so?

>> No.7521707

this desu

>> No.7521714

read more newfriend

>> No.7521716

>/lit/ will literally recommend half assed YouTube summaries before reading

Seems about right

>> No.7521720


women lived well in Nazi Germany. there was even a program to provide medical care to women who had children out of wedlock

>> No.7521723

typical beta lefty. This board probably is full lefties but it doesn't matter because you aren't actually a part of the board. You sit there viewing your screens and not interacting for fear of offending someone. Too much of a pussy to click "post" like every libtard lacks the balls to be decisive.

Nietzsche should rise from his grave and publish his opus magnum "WILL BACK LE REDDIT"

>> No.7521726

he's about not outright telling you what he's about

>> No.7521735



>> No.7521737


They were chattel, as always in conservative cultures.

>> No.7521864

Haha, pretty accurate.

>> No.7521905

The bible's ideas didn't spontaneously happen, they're a direct result of what humans are a-priori. Saying the bible led to death's is like saying guns kill people.

Thats without even mentioning that if two civilizations clash, and one of them is willing to be far more brutal, that civilization will win. Brutality is a necessary aspect of civilization, the bible is just a manifestation of that.

>> No.7521940


>> No.7521941

Every individual has their own unique perspective, ie real truth ("gods eye view") doesn't exist, or cannot be accessed.

Good vs Evil is a lie told to the masses to make their shitty lives easier- true "morality" is Good (agency, strength of will) vs Bad (weakness). (slave vs master morality, slaves follow rules, masters realize there are no rules other than the limitations of power.)

Embrace life, live life as if it is eternally recurring, don't hold off for tomorrow or for ideas of an afterlife.

Embrace your "fate" attempt to love all aspects of life, even the shitty, difficult aspects. reminds me of stoicism a bit.

Ubermensch- hard to define, but a man who embraces fate, lives life to the fullest, creates his own morality and worth, strives towards, and ideally achieves, greatness.

>All should be taken with a few grains of salt, Nietzsche's philosophy is opaque to say the least

>> No.7521952

/lit/ is populated with a variety of ideologies. Anyone who asserts that this board is left, right, up, down, or anything in between is either creating bait, or is simply a fool.

>> No.7522978


What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Not you, Nietzsche.

>> No.7523616
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Well, they did create their own values and morality did they not desu lad

>> No.7523754

Social Darwinism was rooted in Germany during the Second Reich, it however provided some of the ideological basis for the Third Reich.

The Nazi's did not so much claim superiority over others, however they did recognize that one group of people could dominate another through either or both of superior individual capacity or better organisation. The authoritarianism, eugenics and militarism were all components of trying to create a stronger society. In the Prussian tradition the strength of a group was to be tested in battle.

To draw a simple comparison Nazi Germany attempted to be Sparta to Britain's Athens.

The Nazi's considered themselves peers alongside the Nordic states and Japan. A number of key Nazi's actually seemed to have an inferiority complex in regards to their position in comparison to Britain, whom even Hitler greatly respected.

It was the predominate position within Europe during the period that Europeans were superior through either culture or capacity to say Africans. That view was not at all unique to the Nazi's.

What however was unique about both the Second and the Third Reich was that the Germans held the view that it was within their rights to destroy people whom they had conquered. This was consistent with the application of Darwinian theory to human populations.

>> No.7524204

Nietsche = Mussolini + Hitler?