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751913 No.751913 [Reply] [Original]

we are in june.

what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2010?

(doesnt have to be released in2010, but just a book you read in2010)

i read about 6 books, and my favorite would have to be A Game of Thrones... mainly because people on lit couldnt shut up about it. great book, great characters!

>> No.751930

Now read the whole series OP.

>> No.751942

I finished The Brothers Karamazov a couple of days ago. Read American Psycho and 100 days of solitude as well. TBK absolutely trumps all the other ones by far.

>> No.751943

Tortilla Curtain, by T.C. Boyle
The middle dragged, but the ending was like... WTF? And made up for it all.

>> No.751947

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.751949

The Master and Margarita was awesome

Balzac's La Rabrouilleuse would be a close second.

>> No.751963

The Rules of Attraction was very good.
Also really liked Jitterbug Perfume and A Confederacy of Dunces.

Pro-tip, I keep a book (a nice journal type book) and each year write down each book I read. This year I'm up to 24 so far, totally going to trump last year's count. Makes it easy to remember books I've read by just flipping back through the pages.

>> No.751964
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Favorites are Old Man at the Bridge & A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

>> No.751976


>A Confederacy of Dunces

I enjoyed it as well, but I don't see it having much rereading value.

I'm keeping tally of my books this year too. I'm at 34, but it's been stalled for a while now because I'm going through Moby Dick & Infinite Jest at the same time.

>> No.751985


>Makes it easy to remember books I've read by just flipping back through the pages.

Wouldn't a glimpse at your bookshelves produce the same effect, except more effectively?

>> No.751988


Yeah I probably wouldn't re-read it either, but I did definitely enjoy it for what it was. Made me laugh.

>> No.751996



>> No.751993


Nah, I find it easier to scan the lists.
Also I like the fact that it's like a chronological list of what I've read. I only started last year though, so my lists aren't very long yet.
It'll be awesome in about 15 years.

>> No.751992

Animorphs the Andalite Chronicles

>> No.751999


Not only do I buy books, I even print those that I find online. I'm formating a theater play to print it right now between my posts.

What are you gonna do?

>> No.752005


Laugh at you while rubbing my penis inside my library books

>> No.752008


>rubbing my penis inside my library books

Whatever you like, bro. Meanwhile, I'll fuck girls.

>> No.752010

House of Leaves.

>> No.752013
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>he fucks girls

>> No.752024

Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon

Granted, the author didn't try to hide his pro-Scipio bias, but even after ignoring all his rhetoric I find it hard to believe there hasn't been a summer blockbuster film about his life during the Second Punic War. I guess guys like Caesar and Alexander are more interesting because they were so personally flawed.

>> No.752054

Do Sheep Dream of Electric Sheep?

First book on my e-reader I read a couple weeks ago. After that would have to be The Godfather. It's a shame the Sinatra guy's story was cut out of the movie.

>> No.752356
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>> No.752375

What play is it, out of curiosity?

>> No.752381

The Odyssey or Motorman

>> No.752382

The master and margarita. However, I'm 100 pages into 100 years of solitude and I have to say that I like it more.

>> No.752391
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>> No.752393
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>Sheep Dream of Electronic Sheep

>> No.752400

I'd say In the miso soup, by Ryu Murakami. But I have been reading pitifully little so far this year.

>> No.752415

The Enchantress of Florence.

Bibliography <3

>> No.752416

The Warriors by Sol Yurick

>> No.752426

Ender's Game is the best book I've read this year.

>> No.752617

Ghost Wars by Steve Coll

>> No.752638

Age of Wonder sits pretty high in that list, but it's a short list. Haven't got enough time for books since I started training for my work. Just cleared in April.

anyway, what's a recent book that's good? Something that's published between last year and now I mean.

>> No.753385

Skinny Legs and All, but that may change after some light reading such as Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.753387

The Elves by Berhnad Hennen. But then again I've only read 2 books this year. Yeah, I'm a slow reader.

>> No.753389

Crime & Punishment. It's been a long time since a book has captured me so completely.

>> No.753395

Catch-22 or Lolita, but I've also read a few other phenomenal books this year like Notes From Underground, Crime and Punishment, Under the Volcano, Madame Bovary, Faust, the Crying of Lot 49 and Naked Lunch. It's been a great year thus far.

>> No.753397


I read 69 by him like 5-6 years ago. It was decent but not spectacular. I'm more of a Kobo Abe/Akutagawa type I guess.

>> No.753399


I do the same thing, I'm on 48 so far.

The Third Policeman, Trout Fishing in America and Journey To The End Of The Night are my three favourites from what I've read this year.

>> No.753401

A Storm of Swords

>> No.753403 [DELETED] 

'When Marina Abramovic Died' by James Westcott

>> No.753409

'When Marina Abramovic Dies' by James Westcott

>> No.753443

The Darkness That Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker

Similar to ASoIaF except less personal and more grand