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7517855 No.7517855 [Reply] [Original]

If a smart person pretends to be dumb during his entire life, just for the sake of it. Could he be considered smart or dumb?

For example, if he always knew that smoking would kill him, yet still smoked (and he doesnt want to die).

Sorry if my english is not great, i just want to know your opinions on this subject.

>> No.7517865

Of course he can. What makes behavior likely to reduce your lifespan dumb?

>> No.7517867


>> No.7517869


Yeah no, sorry, this doesn't make much sense.

Could you try elaborating a bit?

>> No.7517889

If you define a man by his actions and this smart man only takes part in dumb things then I think its logical to assume he's dumb. Your example makes the topic a bit complicated though because you assume doing something which you know will kill you is dumb behavior. Maybe you could provide another example?

>> No.7517909
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More like, doing something that goes against what you want (the man wants to live, he kills himself smoking) its dumb.

My question is kinda, does being smart makes you smart or it must be reflected in your actions? For example, i know of many people that tell me "Im smarter than how i act." But if they dont act as smart as they supposedly are, how can they be considered smart?

>> No.7517914

žižek talked about this, he said that if a nazi said that he doesn't like doing bad things yet does them he's just justifying his actions. Same goes for smart/dumb people. Your actions define who you are, nothing else.

>> No.7518007

It's an interesting question. You're asking if a smart man can be separated from his actions? I would say not because of how inseparable I am from all my actions; they are a direct consequence of everything I am: my choices, my opinions, my history, and, i think, most importantly my intellect.

>> No.7518052

I only act dumb ironically

>> No.7518058

nice question, i am indeed the smartest man in the planet, yet i literally like to eat shit, with a fork and a silver plate.

>> No.7518063
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can a smart man pretend to be dumb with smart intentions? yes

there you go

>> No.7518081

Basically, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.7518135

He could reasonably consider himself smart. Others could only reasonably consider him dumb. "Consider" doesn't happen omnisciently, it needs a particular person to do the considering. Whatever knowledge that person is privy to defines what is reasonable for them to believe.

Also who is this snake charmer?

>> No.7518164

Intelligence is based entirely on IQ. Someone with 140+ IQ can act like a complete retard, but it still doesn't change the fact that he's a genius.

>> No.7518165

are you afraid your aging dad is goin to die of cancer?

>> No.7518180

is 140 really genius level iq?

>> No.7518206

Well it's in the 99.65 percentile, so yeah.

>> No.7518331

Why would i be?

Its the Snake Charmer from Paul Desire Trouillebert

>> No.7518409

I'm pretty that's one of the most commonly sited examples of cognitive dissonance in man anon. I think smart/dumb is too simple a way to look at it. I disagree with other anons though, I believe that there's a difference between 2 people who might carry out the same actions but who have different thought processes and engage with said action on a different level intellectually.
For example two people might have a habit of lighting a cigarette every morning; one man might light it as if it were second nature and not give it any thought, its just part of his wake up routine. The other might light it to the mantra of "this will be my last", and one morning maybe it will be. I think there's a difference there.

>> No.7518909

These are good threads. I don't care that they're not directly related to literature and would fit better in /his/... /lit/ is the true philosophy board.

>> No.7519058

yeah but you don't turn into a genius from having high IQ