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7517812 No.7517812 [Reply] [Original]

Is there another word in the English language as versatile as 'fuck'?

I'm asking seriously. 'Fuck' can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, and in the right circumstances even a pronoun. Are there any other words like that?

>> No.7517825
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>swearing in /r/books

>> No.7517829

OP, you can do better. Don't pepper your writing with expletives.

>> No.7517832

Cunt is both harsher & more versatile.

Just try & sat cunt at your workplace. People will look & get mad.

>> No.7517834


>> No.7517839

Well maybe not more versatile, but it's weight is awe inspiring.

>> No.7517843


>> No.7517852


>> No.7517875

Yeah, but 'cunt' can't be used as a verb, which is the point of the thread.

>> No.7517944

Shit, of course.

>> No.7517955

It is versatile. Overused, though. It takes a talented author to pull it off in literature.

>> No.7518014

maybe shit?

>> No.7518018

Who says it cannot?

>> No.7518037
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Dawkins says it to his wife during "The Act"

>> No.7518042

>tfw cunt is literally a magic word that can alter the feelings of people who hear it.
>tfw all words are but most are subtle.

>> No.7518061

'You' has more than 7 billion potential uses right off the bat, not including the general form.

'It' has infinite.

In fact, pretty much any pronoun has unlimited uses.

Could be wrong though, what do y'all think?

>> No.7518089
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>Dawkins says it to his wife during "The Act"

>> No.7518095

who's this horsechoker

>> No.7518426


I'm not even a native speaker.

>> No.7518454


>> No.7518465

I believe that the word "fuck" has dumbed down the population.

>> No.7519181


>> No.7519196

''cunted'' is a verb.

>> No.7519282

Dawkins' sweet little cunt.

>> No.7519799


>> No.7519814

This anon is right.
So is this one.

Any other words like these? I love these things. It shows you how wacky English can be.

>> No.7519816 [DELETED] 

what makes a word dumb? are some words smarter than others?

>> No.7519848

Fuck's flexibility, like "thing," is a nondescript catch-all for more accurate and evocative phrasing. So, when you get white trash or a hood nig talking about the police, they're going to say, "Them fuckin' shithead fuckers gonna get fucked," rather than, "I'm going to garrote those two-faced, twice-baked shitpies."

It's a gradual "closing" of the language when you use words like "fuck."

>> No.7519854

ctrl+f: set
2 results

Good work, Anons.

>> No.7519856
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The Queen's English is more Norman than Anglo-Saxon

>> No.7519857

I think this could well be the dumbest thing anybody's ever said.

>> No.7519873

underrated post

>> No.7519903

As a non-Caucasian English major, I would submit 'run' for consideration instead.

>> No.7520107

So does calling someone a dick make you a misandrist?

>> No.7520191


Come to Ireland, we use every curse word like that, take cunt for example, I don't think americans use it in the context of "cunting"

>> No.7520479

The classic irish thing of thinking you're special. News flash: welsh, english, and scottish say cunting too.

>> No.7520533

I'd say "meme" and "Reddit" also rank very high in versatility.

>> No.7520544

Yes, I agree. When I hear people talking casually, and they start spouting the F word, it just seems degenerate.

>> No.7520550

Drunkedness and sex are the opposite, where any word can be taken as them in any context.
"Dude, I got six kinds of Wednesdayed last night."

>> No.7520555
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Salutations, /pol/!

>> No.7520589

I do say cunt at my workplace.

t. Australian

>> No.7520599

Yep. 'Asshole' is gender neutral though.

>> No.7520612


>> No.7520655

Shut the fuck up you cunting retard

>> No.7520661

If you actually think that you're a stupid cunt

>> No.7520672


>fuck those fuckin shitheads
Is entirely different from
>what ho! I shall garrote thee, fiend!
Or whatever dumb shit u said.

The first is a powerful, robust emotional outburst. Everyone who hears it will understand on a gut level what you're feeling. The second is an effete construction designed to score "I'm smarter than u" points. Fake faggot shit to be honest famille

>> No.7520960

How come?

I think it's because we took 'versatile' to mean slightly different things. But in the grander context of humanity, 'you' is as versatile as our whole population (to say noting of pets or other 'nimals).

And 'it' DOES have infinite uses: it can stand for almost anything if you give it the chance it deserves...ask Stephen King, ask: Will It Blend?; ask if it'll ever be okay, end, return; ask how's it going; fuck, just ask yourself what is it?

You're thinking too verbal about it.

>> No.7520967

Is this b8? Or are you just can't not into grammar

>> No.7520976

Because "use" doesn't just mean "say" here.

According to you, all words have infinite uses because anyone can just chatter out disconnected words like an idiot forever.

You're trying too hard to be smart and it makes you look stupid. Making you aware cos it's probz a pattern that you should look out for in your day to day behavior.

>> No.7521086

I wasn't trying, this is just how I think. But I don't mind your insensitivity.

And OP didn't say 'use', he asked about words' versatility, which means how adaptable for flexible it is. From a single person's perspective, you're right; 'you' and 'it' can only be used to refer to a specific something, rather than adapt to different contexts: it's function is pretty respected in that sense.

But if you take it from, like I said earlier, a grander-scale perspective, 'it', for instance, can be used to denote almost anything.

And I didn't say 'all words' just certain pronouns. A bit like X in an algebraic equation: they can never be a function or operation, but they can represent many more things (noun, verbs, adj, etc.) than any of the words mentioned ITT.

Anyway, we're def just arguing semantics over an excessively insignificant issue at this point, but if you want to continue to clear things up, rather than argue to 'win,' then by all means I'd love to continue.

And btw–you might think this sounds delusional–but people often compliment me on being smart, so I'm not exactly worried about sounding like an idiot.

>> No.7521093

*restricted, not respected