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/lit/ - Literature

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7517087 No.7517087 [Reply] [Original]

what authors make you feel?

not authors that make your cry or depressed but just make you bitter and unsatisfied

for me its Stefan Zwieg, his descriptions of a traditional, cultural central Europe before the horrors of war and modernism spoil it all. as a northern Irish person living in a province that has for its whole existence been nothing but a tribal killing ground, I feel disappointed I will never experience such a world

>> No.7517099

all of them
im a sensitive guy

>> No.7517110
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>tfw will never live an aesthetic life in 5th century Greece

>> No.7517157

>iktf bro
>mfw I will never travel around detailing the weird religions and peoples of the ancient world

>> No.7517162

My nigga. Zweig wrote beautifully.

>> No.7517188

Oh man, I got the same feels from World Of Yesterday, nostalgia for a place I haven't experienced

Cultural Amnesia may be up your boat, it draws heavily on Zweig's world but isn't so much in the feels camp

Lewis' A Grief Observed gave me massive feels too

or Hard Rain Falling

>> No.7517201

Cynan Jones's descriptions of the bleakness of rural Welsh farm life are based feels.

>> No.7517238

I'm with you on the Zwieg-wagon. Have you watched The Grand Budapest Hotel? It's inspired by Zwieg's writings, and really gives that feeling of pre-war europe exuberance

>> No.7517251

zweig a shit, february 22 1942 best day of my life


>> No.7517256

Every time someone posts Zweig, someone posts that "takedown", and every time I wonder who on earth "Michael Hofmann" is supposed to be

>> No.7517280

I got this feeling with To the Lighthouse. Fucked me up, man.

>> No.7517292
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The savage detectives
>All those normalfags enjoying their youth while writing poetry, doing drugs and fucking like bunnies

Bolaño did it on purpose, didn't he?

>> No.7517342

Nic Pizzolatto.

Got into him via True Detective and read his other stuff. Short stories were good but not great. Then I read Galveston.

That fucking novel might be the saddest in existence. Fuckups pining for lives they never could have attained in a world that doesn't want them.

> The past isn't real.

>> No.7517369

oh shit fan, that's what got me into it, it's my fab film. I can't watch it without getting really bitter about never experiencing such a life. I actually went to Austira this summer and saw Salzbutg. honestly it's exactly like they film, the whole town centre is full of pink and yellow neo-classical apartments. made me sweet inside.

>> No.7517390

Paul Valery.
I picked an anthology of his poetry yesterday and I'd never read him. I swear that I spent five hours in my living room reading it smiling to myself like an idiot.
It was maybe the best /lit/-related feel that I ever had.

>> No.7517528
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tfw you will never be a 19th century european aristocrat

>> No.7517580

anon pls, my heart hurts enough, I don't need these extra feels

>> No.7517751
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when Zweig was growing up in Vienna, the newspapers all had a section for poetry & philosophy. Vienna was bombed 52 times in WWII; now, there are faggots on the crosswalk signs

>> No.7517754

Why the fuck would they not just have normal crossing lights?

Please tell me that's just some shitty modern art.

>> No.7517762

Bill Bryson's book about growing up in the 50s really made me depressed.

>> No.7517771

Did you read confusion? Zweig was down with the faggots

>tfw you'll never be a respected professor of literature seducing college twinks with poetry

>> No.7517774


>> No.7517782

I laughed

>> No.7517848
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gotchu senpai

>> No.7518415

Basically any book that features a main character redeeming him/herself. That's when I look in the mirror and realize that I haven't even done enough with my life to warrant redeeming it.


>Acceptance (Vandermeer)
>The Dark Tower (King)
>LA Confidential (Ellroy)
>Infinite Keks (Wallace)

>> No.7518863

>tfw reading the man without qualities and old austria sounds comfy as fuck

>> No.7518906
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>make you feel
i wish

>> No.7519020

Pratchett made me openly cry with nation.
Palahniuk revulsed me (an old /b/tard) with Guts
Cortazar made me fell in love with La Maga.
Ender's game made me stand in my bed at 4am shaking a fist in triumph and silence when the following day I had to a test for highschool and my family was sleeping.

>> No.7519023
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Culture swings back and forth. The right will rise up once again, and traditional values will see a renaissance. Then, a leftist mindset will counteract once again. No youthful generation finds itself in a society it accepts.

Cozy pepe you got there

Webdell Berry painted a really nice picture of smalltown early 1900s America in Jayber Crow. The simplicity was appealing.

>> No.7519045


Austria is a shithole - Thomas Bernhard