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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.29 MB, 2200x3037, 23-thomas-pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7516477 No.7516477 [Reply] [Original]

tfw you realise the Pynch is going to die in your lifetime, probably sooner than later, since he's old as fuck. And then you realise that when he's gone there will never be anyone quite on his level writing novels in... probably ever. In a sense, when TRP dies, the whole art form will go out with him.

>> No.7516490

>there will never be anyone quite on his level writing novels

I know he died recently, but David Foster Wallace was arguably better than Pynchon, since he combined Pynchon's icy braininess with warmth and a beating heart.

>> No.7516492


delillo is better
not that it's saying much

>> No.7516497

>icy braininess
cofnirmed for not having read pynchon
RUGGLES was a Lovin' Spoonful of a writer (is)

David Federast Wallops is a sterile computer with contrived emotion that resorts to the biological actions of the emotion centers to explain wow does it get any more detatched and icy than that?

you wont hear abstracted descriptions of organs in work in T.R.P. (unless the organs are SEXUAL(

>> No.7516517

Did you read Mason & Dixon? Much more heartfelt and sincere than IJ.

>> No.7516522

good riddance.

>> No.7516525

Phil Roth is fourteen years older than Pynchon.
Mccarthy is 82
Delillo's 79
Joyce carole Oates is 77
Edna O'Brien is 85
Annie Proulx is 80
Chomsky's 87

The next decade or two is gonna be fucking sad.

>> No.7516536

>john green will become the greatest living american writer

>> No.7516539

>john franzen will become the greatest living american writer

>> No.7516540

I strongly disagree.

>> No.7516542


I love DFW, but in absolutely no sense was he a better writer than TRP, with all his talk about sincerity and human compassion he reads like a super intelligent computer trying to figure out mankind, which I do enjoy for its own merit. Pynchon, however, is a way more human and mature writer, his characters are actual human beings, although extremely smart ones. With DFW I'm always feeling like he's an extremely smart academic giving me a lecture on a very definite topic, occasionally making digressions on pop metaphors to prove his point, sort of a Zizek-like character. Whereas TRP is like a really wise, old friend recounting a very exaggerated but hilarious anecdote that happened to him one time when he was really fucking high and you can't tell whether any or all of it happened, but it's so entertaining you don't really give a shit.

>> No.7516555

>tao lin will become the greatest living american writer

>> No.7516570

A part of me would like to see Pynchon die because I'm sure he has a massive amount of unpublished material that will be released posthumously and there's likely to be a biography too a la the DT Max one.

>> No.7516574

Jesus at this point I just hope they publish a photo of the guy when he kicks the bucket.

>> No.7516599


>I'm sure he has a massive amount of unpublished material

A Thomas Pynchon Songbook. A new collection of short stories. Maybe even some poetry? I'd love to see his writing in other fields. A book of essays... Now that shit gives me an erection.

>> No.7516603


>yfw Pynchon's last book is a massive, 4-5 tome autobiography

>> No.7516640

My Ruggles

>> No.7516670

>I never read Pynchon

Back to reddit with you

>> No.7516681

You sure have learned the language of reddit. "YOU HAVENT DONE SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE ELSE SAYS THEY HAVE, AND YOURE ACTUALLY HONEST ENOUGH TO ADMIT IT? LOL DUDE KILL YOURSELF GO BACK TO REDDIT BRO THATS WHERRE YOU BELONG ON REDDIT BECAUSE REDDIT IS SOOOO STUPID HAHA LOL" congratulations for mastering the coded language of 4chan you fuckkng genius. You've become just like everyone else, you basic piece of shit sheep

>> No.7516691

Actually he hasn't read Pynchon and was trying to pretend he did so it's the opposite of what you think transpired. Maybe you should go back to reddit with him.

>> No.7516696

It was obviously a joke. The meme trilogy with the exception of Ulysses, is shite. Everyone knows this.

>> No.7516866

>John Green and John Franzen will do the fusion dance and become the greatest American writer

>fuck you Tao Lin

>> No.7516901
File: 313 KB, 2197x1463, Tom-Cruise 12-09-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


everybody sleeping on these gets

>The meme trilogy with the exception of Ulysses, is shite.
you picked literally the one book of the meme trilogy that is objectively actual shit

>> No.7517129

hell be fine

>> No.7517211


>> No.7517211,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do the people here read anything but the same half-dozen to dozen fiction writers? There are at least 100 truly amazing living authors whom nobody ever seems to mention.

Are you all being held prisoner someplace with a limited number of books?