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/lit/ - Literature

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7514725 No.7514725 [Reply] [Original]

Name your top ten novels and other anons give recs

I'll start:
1. The Recognitions by William Gaddis
2. Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
3. The Tunnel by William H. Gass
4. Death on Installment Plan by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
5. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
6. A Portait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
7. The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer
8. Thus Spoke Zarathusta by Friedrich Nietzsche
9. J R by William Gaddis
10. Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar

>> No.7514736
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1. Lolita
2. Lolita
3. Lolita
4. Lolita
5. Lolita
6. Lolita
7. Lolita
8. Lolita
9. Lolita
10. Lolita

>> No.7514757

1) Gravity's Rainbow
2)The Castle
3)Infinite Jest
4)American Pastoral
5)The Pale King
6)Blood Meridian
8)The Trial
9)studies in pessimism
10)Tai Pei

(havent finished moby dick yet but it would probably go between blood meridian and lolita, sorry Tao)

>> No.7514762

Try Lolita next. Based on your top 10, I think you will enjoy it.

>> No.7514768

In no particular order

The dark tower
The stormlight archives
Salem's lot
At the mountains of madness
King solomon's mines
Harry potter
The name of the wind

>> No.7514783

>Harry Potter
>7 books

>> No.7514785

That's nine books senpai.

>> No.7514803

1. The Tunnel by William Gass
2. Ulysses by Jim Jam Joyce
3. The Recognitions by William Gaddis
4. The Lime Twig by John Hawkes
5. A Frolic of His Own by William Gaddis
6. Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
7. Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry
8. Infinite Jest by DFW
9. The Cantos by Ezra Pound
10. Naked Lunch by William Burroughs

>> No.7514809

>The Recognitions over The Tunnel
Thematically maybe, but Gass fucks Gaddis when it comes to style.

>> No.7514817

10. War and Peace
9. Gravity's Rainbow
8. Middlemarch
7. A Tale of Two Cities
6. Benito Cereno
5. Mrs. Dalloway
4. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
3. Bleak House
2. The Rings of Saturn
1. To the Lighthouse

>> No.7514823

Pale fire.

>> No.7514825
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>> No.7514831

Portrait of the pleb as a young man.

>> No.7514837

>Four books by the same author.
I don't even care that it's King.

>> No.7514840

Try the hunger games

>> No.7515654


>> No.7515702

Charles Dicken's Low Expectations

>> No.7515816

Not in order but numbered because aspie

1. Stoner - Williams
2. The Fall - Camus
3. Siddartha - Hesse
4. 1984 - Orwell
5. East of Eden - Steinbeck
6. A Brief History of Time - Hawking
7. Flowers for Algernon - Keyes
8. Complicity - Banks
9. Breathers - Idk it was a zombie book but quite enjoyable
10. Fahrenheit 451 - Bradbury

>> No.7515855

1. Shakespeare: complete works
2. The bible
3. Infinite jest
4. Lotr trilogy
5. American gods
6. Terry Pratchett: discworld anthology
7. Malazan book of the fallen
8. Book of the new sun tetralogy
9. Harry potter heptology
10. Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy

>> No.7515883

The Sound and the Fury
The Name of the Rose
Moby Dick
Anna Karenina
The Brothers Karamazov
The Red and the Black
To the Lighthouse
The Magus
Blood Meridian
Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.7515895

Really lol?

>> No.7515904
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this isn't bait

>> No.7515918

/lit/ can you give me a good title for any novel or just a short story pls. Just any Title

>> No.7515925

Remove 3-10

>> No.7515929

Invisible Cities

I don't like any other books as much as these so any other additions would have obfuscated my interests

>> No.7515946

Gravity's Rainbow
The Crying of Lot 49
The Trial
A Scanner Darkly
The Sot Weed Factor
Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me
The Sound and The Fury

>> No.7515969

1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. Blood Meridian
3. Lolita
4. The Gay Science
5. Notes From Underground
6. The Book Of Disquiet
7. Catch 22
8. The Stranger
9. Naked Lunch
10.Tropic Of Capricorn

Pretty entry level, I know. Help me out, what's next?

>> No.7515979
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kek ok what are you're top 10

>> No.7516077

"Just Any Title"

>> No.7516095

"Lazy Faggot"

>> No.7516108

1. Steppenwolf
2. The Picture of Dorian Grey
3. The Sun also Rises
4. Siddharta
5. The House of God
6. A Place Called Winter
7. To Kill a Mockingbird
8. No Longer Human
9. Tao Te Ching
10. Tai Pei

Currently reading "Heart of Darkness", anything else I should consider?

>> No.7516130

1. Blood Meridian
2. To The Lighthouse
3. Moby Dick
4. Libra
5. Underworld
6. Gravity's Rainbow
7. Wittgenstein's Mistress
8. Desperate Characters
9. Mao II
10. Omensetter's Luck

>> No.7516217

So are we not going to give recs? Okay then.

>> No.7516249

JR - gaddis
More Hesse? Have you read demian?
Anything by Tolstoy
Illuminatus! Trilogy
The other 7 books help to give an idea of what you've read and enjoyed.
Some Joyce
Great expectations
The prince and the pauper
Malazan books?
American psycho

Give yours?

>> No.7516267

The Book of Disquiet
Swann's Way
Les Chants de Maldoror
Illuminations (Rimbaud)
Four Quartets
Street of Crocodiles
The Waves
The Recognitions

>> No.7516279

In Search Of Lost Time
The Brothers Karamazov
The Man Without Qualities
The Unnamable
The Trial
Moby Dick
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
Finnegans Wake

>> No.7516294

portrait of etc.
dead souls.
dirk gently.
the castle.
some hemingway shit.
catch 22.
the good soldier.
madame bovary.
something by either woolf or fitzgerald, close call.

>> No.7516299

great jones street
eugene onegin
inherent vice
antony and cleopatra
goodbye to berlin
another bullshit night in suck city
i am my own betrayal
franny and zooey

i dont have a tenth

>> No.7516433

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.
The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates.
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Quiet American
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
The Kalevala
Heart of Darkness

>> No.7516666

>so much lit-core in this thread

Is there such a thing as having 'patrician taste'? Or is that the bogeyman we all aspire to be that doesn't exist?

>> No.7517001

Shakespeare and H2G2? The Bible and Harry Potter? Shit that's even worse than >>7514768

>> No.7517011

Quite often the people who post in these threads are beginning readers.

>> No.7517030


I mostly shitpost on /fit/, don't come here often

What's wrong with what I like?

>> No.7517075

In no particular order

1. Shakespeare: Complete Works
2. King James Bible
3. Paradise Lost
4. The Divine Comedy
5. William Blake: Complete Works
6. Notes From Underground
7. Anonymous - The Departing Soul's Address to the Body
8. Everything Nietzsche's ever written.
9. Don Quixote
10. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Also, The Iliad, The Odyssey and all the rest I could not fit.

Some quotes from said works:

>''With Bare Feet I Trod Upon Thorns and Flints''

>''Now Is Thy Mouth Prevented, for Death Has Closed It''

>''Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;
for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.''

>''He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.''

>''And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.''

>> No.7517093

10 books you haven't heard of anyway.
Please give me an 11th.

>> No.7517105

>in these threads

You mean this whole board.

>> No.7517299

it shows that you post on /fit/

>> No.7517446
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Insatiability by Witkiewicz
Pornography by Gombrowicz
Autodafe by Canetti
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis by Saramago
Nazarin by Galdos
Lost Steps by Carpentier
The Moon and the Bonfires by Pavese
Les Faux-Monnayeurs by Gide
Hourglass by Kis
Moskat Family by Isaac

>> No.7517534

No particular order:

Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Sandalwood Death - Mo Yan
Brief History of Seven Killings (New!) -James
Marlborough: His Life and Times - Churchill
His Master's Voice - Lem
The War of the End of the World - Llosa
Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust - Dolot
Runaway Horses - Mishima
Foucault's Pendulum - Eco
Dune - Herbert

/fit/ is my main too, their book threads are better than his choices.

Alot of the people here are undergrads or highschoolers who actually think you have to like the books that are forced on you. im 33

>> No.7517908

Read anything else by Mo Yan? If not, check out Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out

>> No.7517970

Blood Meridian
Marabou Stork Nightmares
Pet Sematary
House of Leaves
Wasp Factory
Handmaid's Tale
The Shining
Who Goes There?
Turn of the Screw

>> No.7517979

Red sorghum. It was a brutal answer to pearl buck IMO.

Life and death are on the kindle but long listed.

>> No.7518158

No order
Book of Disquiet- Pessoa
Stoner- Williams
Meditations- Marcus Aurelius
Journey to the end of the night- Celine
Ficciones- Borges
Tropic of Cancer- Miller
Story of the eye- Bataille
Lolita- Nabokov
Pulp- Bukowski
Justine- De Sade

>> No.7518219

The Tunnel by William Gass

>> No.7518250

hi imgur

>> No.7518255

1. Herman Melville - Moby Dick
2. Samuel Beckett - Three Novels (Malone Dies)
3. Franz Kafka - The Castle
4. W.G. Sebald - The Rings of Saturn
5. Laszlo Krasznahorkai - War and War
6. Thomas Bernhard - The Lime Works
7. Kenneth Patchen - The Journal of Albion Moonlight
8. Italo Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
9. Nikolai Gogol - Dead Souls
10. Bruno Schulz - The Street of Crocodiles
11. Frank Stanford - The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You

>> No.7518271

I hope at least you read Rayuela in spanish faggot.

>> No.7518306

There is no need for such offensive language you big bully.

>> No.7518338

1. Underworld by Delillo
2-5. Rabbit Angstrom Tetralogy by Updike
6. The Tunnel by Gass
7. Manhattan Transfer by Dos Passos
8. The Pale King by Wallace
9. Point Omega by Delillo
10. Seize the Day by Bellow

>> No.7518344

richard yates - the easter parade
philip k. dick - ubik
joseph heller - something happened
john williams - stoner
dezso kosztolanyi - skylark
fyodor dostoyevsky - the idiot
laszlo krasznahorkai - war & war
yasunari kawabata - snow country
marilynne robinson - housekeeping
thomas hardy - tess of the d'urbervilles

>> No.7518345

Good taste. Read Malamud or Cheever? Or Sinclair Lewis's Babbitt?

>> No.7518370

Man in the Holocene by Max Frisch
Watt by Samuel Beckett
The Letters of Samuel Beckett Vols 1-3 (4 still unreleased)
(his correspondence is seriously worth reading)

Gombrowicz' Diary is his greatest work if you haven't read it already

>> No.7519395


no u