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7513502 No.7513502 [Reply] [Original]

After 5 years of struggling and bleeding, trashed false starts and generally hating everything coming out of my pen, I finally feel like I've hit upon something.

I started writing a story and now I feel this strange elation whenever I'm writing it, I'm actually looking forward to my writing sessions which has never happened before. I feel like I'm doing something important now, instead of exercise or self-indulgence.

I'm constantly getting new ideas to add, I'm constantly hitting true sentences instead of "that has to do". It just flows. I think I can hit 400 pages without a single "fluff" sentence, to the point that I can make a detailed explanation for the purpose of every single sentence.

It's like I've finally discovered that elusive personal "voice".

>mfw getting published before 25 doesn't look so impossible and hopeless after all

>> No.7513522

Good for you m8. What kind of story are you writing though?

>> No.7513576

Nice, feel free to keep us posted here if you want to. I'm happy for you bud.

>> No.7513579

Thx for giving me hope OP. Writing always makes me anxious because I hate everything I write, its good to see there's light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.7513592

I was hoping this would be a Fidel Castro thread but I realized I'm not on /his/.

>> No.7513629

That's how it's supposed to feel. Isn't the "high" great? I'm happy you've experienced the same genuine happiness in writing I have. Don't stop. Don't ease off the gas for a second.

>> No.7513677

well the story itself starts in medias res, protagonist is a guy who was a part of a rebellion, high up, but it went to shit and he's wounded and on the run now. the world is realistic but not our world, technologywise middle-age tier.

anyways he runs to a town and he lies to them, they shelter him, which makes them accomplices in the eyes of the state, things go to shit for them too and they too have to run

then there's an old shaman kind of guy with a bunch of prophecies that suddenly all hit, though it appears as dumb luck(and might as well be). anyway the rest of the book is about the protagonist helping those people escape. on the trip he'll notice what good and what crap his rebellion did

as far as themes go, it's really about how no one has all the answers, how no ideology can answer everything, how easy it's to do bad things with good intentions, stuff like that. basically why we can't collectively have nice things.how mass causes and ideologies always have to omit things, reduce and simplify reality. how to balance between cynical apathy and idealistic destructive crusade.

some other stuff too, with the people he'll meet, but that's the main thing

>> No.7513687


>I think I can hit 400 pages without a single "fluff" sentence, to the point that I can make a detailed explanation for the purpose of every single sentence.

Writing: you're doing it so fucking right.

>> No.7514053

Congratulations man, sincerely.
I enjoy writing, even if it's trash, and I look forward to unraveling my own true voice.
You're success motivates me to look forward, with confidence.

>> No.7515446

This sounds kind of cool. Can you post bits of it here sometime? I'd love to see what a fellow /lit/fag can come up with.

>> No.7516392

gonna take a while

I'm currently doing the entire thing longhand, after that's done I'll write it down on the computer & rewrite and edit it while doing that

no ETA so far

anyway it's pretty addicting thing to write

it's like I've received a flash copy of the entire thing to my brain

>> No.7516399

How old are you? I feel this way too and thought it was either related to learning a second language or getting older.

>> No.7516402


>> No.7516405

Good for you man. I think I'm getting there. For the first time I'm writing a short story that feels at least somewhat real and convincing to me. And the sentences seem to come out easily and seem to ring true. Still have crippling self doubts though.

>> No.7516406 [DELETED] 

bro me too
I think it's because our brains are reaching full development. (but who fuckin knows)

>> No.7516408 [DELETED] 

gotta push yourself to reach that potential

>> No.7516420

I do feel this is a factor, along with accumulated experience

man, my brain was such a mess at 18

I mean you might get some intense poetry done at that age if you're lucky à la Rimbaud, but any extended stories with consistent themes? I just don't see it.

I've got an amateur's understanding of neurology. Apparently our brains increase the amount of "connections" they have until we're about 20-22, then it starts trimming them. Which is why teenagers have their thoughts all over the place and which is why your worldview starts to feel more "solid" the closer to middle age you get.


>> No.7516436

>brains increase the amount of "connections" they have until we're about 20-22, then it starts trimming them
that's not what the link says at all

>> No.7516446

What I've said is based on the stuff I've read(in actual books), though I don't formally study that shit and it's been a while since I've read it so the details are hazy, but the gist of the idea is that the amount of connections in your brain increases in your kidhood, making your thought processes go all over the place, then at some point your brain starts trimming the unused connections and you start developing a stabler worldview, based on the connections that are left.

>> No.7516466

"After adolescence, the volume of the synaptic connections decreases again due to synaptic pruning."

>> No.7516499

>synaptic pruning or axon pruning is the process of synapse elimination that occurs between early childhood and the onset of puberty in many mammals.[1] Pruning starts near the time of birth and is completed by the time of sexual maturation in humans.[2]
but, that's wikipedia for you.

>> No.7516521

aww yeah! I know that feeling but go slow. Don't try too many things at once. It's tempting to do so given the adrenaline and the pure joy of writing. Keep it under control or you will hate your 'voice' soon. Sustain, brother and i shall witness!

>> No.7516530

>its yet another shitty fantasy writer
thread over. nothing to see here folks.

>> No.7516541

>I think I can hit 400 pages without a single "fluff" sentence, to the point that I can make a detailed explanation for the purpose of every single sentence.

What was the transitory period into this?
What made you get to this phase?

>> No.7516619

>What was the transitory period into this?

no period really. just an epiphany

there's no fantastical elements in it. it's just not in our world because making all the historical research, making sure everything would be accurate, wouldn't be worth the effort. nor is historical accuracy even relevant to what I'm trying to say.

the way I'm doing it gives me much more room to maneuver and creative freedom. but no, there won't be any "magic" in it. nor will there be any more than the bare minimum worldbuilding. I don't know exactly what constitutes as "fantasy" but I know it when I see it, and what I'm doing is definitely not that.

>> No.7516660

>there's no fantastical elements in it. it's just not in our world because making all the historical research, making sure everything would be accurate, wouldn't be worth the effort. nor is historical accuracy even relevant to what I'm trying to say.
lmao are you me? I've always wanted to write stories in settings like this.