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/lit/ - Literature

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7511925 No.7511925 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else disappointed by the dropping out of university thread? I thought lit was the board that had smart people. Good universities have lower drop out rates because the students are intelligent enough to choose to work hard.

>> No.7511938

/lit/ is a haven for burnt-out intellectuals.

>> No.7511946

Its too easy nowadays to make it big. You gotta be pretty dumb to think college is a worthy investment. Go learn math and computer science and you should be making $40/hour within a year unless you're retarded. Students who are "intelligent enough to choose to work hard" are "intelligent enough" to know this already and would rather learn something as simple as computer science and "choose to work hard" with their knowledge of CS. They don't need to go to college to be told what to study when all that info is a click away. If they go to school for something gay like literature than of course they're bound to drop out and they're probably retarded anyways. Why do you need to go to school to be told to reach Plato? Just fucking do it without spending 40,000 a year.

>> No.7511972

>I thought lit was the board that had smart people.
It, like every board, probably has some, but that doesn't stop it from having its fair share of idiots/failures too.

>> No.7511973

>poorfags being this vocally poor in public

Christ, go away.

>> No.7512035

Link to thread?

>> No.7512044

>muh striving and prospering

you don't sound like a pessimist with a barely concealed death wish like us true smart kids, anon

>> No.7512048

bitter virgin detected

>> No.7512073

Never looked at the thread, but I imagine it probably is just full of stories from the people who did dropout? You're not hearing from all the /lit/izens who did not.

You sound like the person who, when given a recommendation of a great restaurant by a friend, decides not to check it out because 4 out of the 5 yelp reviews are negative, not realizing that, generally, the individuals who happened to have a bad experience are more apt to bother going on to those review sites to bitch and moan publicly.

>> No.7512115
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Would you survey an orchard and upon seeing a solitary rotted apple tree assess the orchard as rotted?

Would you upon seeing a broken car along the shoulder of a highway say of cars that they are all unusable?

Would you cut your legs from yourself if they'd cause you to fall?

Would you throw a letter away upon misspelling a word in the third paragraph?

You dumb fucking dingo, get your head out of your head.

>> No.7512130

They are all dumb, because the really intelligent people don't attend college to begin with

>> No.7512134

>Feeling superior to people because your parents have money.

>> No.7512139

>an insult
>on 4chan
I thought I wouldn't live to see this happen

>> No.7512288

I agree in the sense that the best students don't need the degree to succeed, but the best students typically get a "free ride" because colleges and universities know this. They want to lay claim to the contributions these students will make to academia.

Universities also know they can get away with convincing the less gifted students that they need the degree to succeed. Which is a lot more sinister because it sets a lot of people up for failure.

Good points lads.

>> No.7512381

English major at a Top 10 school with mostly pre-med and econ/poli-sci kids. Professors see the people who are genuinely interested in literature and philosophy and do whatever they can to work them, currently getting major credit for writing a novel under the mentorship of a published novelist and independent studies entirely in author's of my choosing, be it Kafka or Joyce. The people on here who complained about dropping out probably tried to write a shit-tier stream of consciousness essay in their Lit101 class and dropped out because they felt they were beyond it. It's cliche as fuck but you have so much power to do whatever you want when it comes to college, I was really disillusioned for a while because I thought I would be better on my own learning and researching/writing things, until I found out that if you make an effort to care about what you're professors are saying, they'll make an effort to help you out in whatever you want. The /lit/ dropouts want to be troubled artists so much that they forget about the ways that are actually conducive to learning. Yeah you can read Plato on your own, I get that, yeah you can look up a ton of essays and references about The Republic, but there's something different when there's Professors who are willing to hear your opinions and send you in more directions all the while buying you coffee or a beer. Just go give it a try guys.

>> No.7512387

*to work with them.


>> No.7512390

and a shit ton of spelling mistakes, don't crucify me

>> No.7512416
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This, basically. Professors see so many kids who are just grubbing grades and going through the motions that they get excited to see more independent and thirsty students. Remember, professors have sacrificed a lot for the privilege of making only okay money to mess around with their fields.

Anyone who's smart and motivated enough to do that can make the grades and SAT scores to get a full ride to a decent university and network with those people.

You sound like a bitter poorfag because you're neglecting the benefits of networking and where that happens. Poors always do this because it makes them feel better about shutting themselves out of valuable networks.

>> No.7512457

I'm >>7512381

but also this. People forget there's so much money out there in scholarships that if you just put in enough effort for a little bit there's nothing stopping you from getting a full-ride or close to it. If you do research or care enough you can easily get a major grant or scholarship because everyone is so invested in Gates and Coca-Cola scholars they miss out on a ton of others, especially school specific ones.

>> No.7512492

>Anyone who's smart and motivated enough to do that can make the grades and SAT scores to get a full ride to a decent university and network with those people.
>You sound like a bitter poorfag because you're neglecting the benefits of networking and where that happens. Poors always do this because it makes them feel better about shutting themselves out of valuable networks.

Did you ever consider that "poorfags" tend to have a completely different set of values and goals in life? I grew up in one of the poorest counties in the US and can tell you that grades, test scores and you're so called "valuable networks" don't mean jack-shit to most poor kids.
I knew plenty of them who had extremely high IQ's but honestly don't give two fucks about rubbing elbows with some old guy who knows his Plato. They are too busy building windmills from scrap iron. Or perfecting a skill of some kind. Most of them are "successful" by their standards and don't give a flying fuck about what some self-declared patrician has to say about their life decisions. They go to bed with a wet dick and a full belly.

Btw, it's pretty obvious that you are a immature sheltered twat.

>> No.7512499
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>currently getting major credit under the mentorship of a published novelist
How did you do that? Did you get permission from your Dean or something? If you could, could you explain how you did this?
I'd really like to know more.
>especially school scholarships
Generally speaking where could I find stuff like this?

>> No.7512520

I grew up well-off but went to a public school in a poor county in the south, actually. In my experience, many blue-collar people grow bitter as they age and find that they actually care about things like financial security and supporting their children's ambitions and can't achieve those things as well as they'd like. They then tell their kids that college is just for rubbing elbows with stuffy old men and who needs it anyway to cover up their own inadequacies.

Personally, I found that college was the way into all sorts of shit like cutting edge windmill design that actually pays benefits.

>> No.7512537

>grades, test scores and you're so called "valuable networks" don't mean jack-shit to most poor kids.
On what planet do poor kids not want money or at least things that cost money? You're also assuming that getting decent grades and taking the ACT once or twice is mutually exclusive to doing anything else with your youth.

>> No.7512698

My school allows for independent study courses, I was actually really unaware of how lenient it is, but pretty much I was talking to a professor who I'd had, telling them about my ideas and she found it incredibly interesting and viable and then just offered to mentor me as an "Independent Study", I was asking her if she'd just read and help me along in the early drafting process, but then she told me I could have it count as a 300-level course. (Another professor later that week offered to teach a course on Kafka where we just spend the semester reading everything from his letters to his novels and just meeting up in a local coffeeshop for one hour every week to talk about it, while also reading criticism, so both times it's been offered to me and I haven't really asked.) The format I pretty much went through though is:

Figure out premise of a course, talk to a professor about it, get their approval (it's essentially an extra course for them but most professors like the initiative of the whole thing), draw up a syllabus for myself, get it approved by the department chair (who is the leading scholar on Nabokov and didn't let me leave his office without talking about Pynchon and Faulkner for the better part of an hour.), and then bring all the signed documents that the school needed to the registrar. I'm sure the policies at certain schools differ but I think it's always a possibility.

There's usually some school specific scholarships listed on the "Admissions" tab or the "Financial Aid" one. I'd honestly just e-mail the schools you're really interested in to get a list, I have a ton of friends who got full rides that include them doing community service, a lot of obscure art scholarships, mine was a national one and my girlfriend's was a presidential scholarship from the school.

Hope this helps anon, stay in school.

>> No.7512703

you must be new here

>> No.7512724

>this much ideology in one small post

I don't think you have the ability to determine who's smart and who isn't.

>> No.7512732
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>pretending that universities are elite institutions of enlightenment and not adult daycare

>> No.7512742

>adult daycare
That's jail, anon

>> No.7512757

Do you also think that investment banks, consulting firms, medical schools, tech companies and law firms are just adult daycare? Men used to strike out on their own at 15-16, but that's not conducive to getting good at the most sophisticated tasks, so those who can afford to do so extend adolescence to focus on development.

Do you get mad at human babies for being born unable to walk like other baby animals? No, they're born "prematurely" so their skulls can grow a little more outside of the womb.

>> No.7512779

I love memento mori imagery. Your pic related in particular is easily one of my favorites for it's simplicity and the inclusion of the hourglass.

>> No.7512806

A majority of the people posting in that thread are people who have dropped out of college. It's like going to a narcotics anonymous meeting and being disappointed by the character of the people you see there. If you made a thread asking about peoples colleges, major, how they like it, etc. I'm sure you would find the kind of person you would expect out of lit.

>> No.7512827

Universities in my country are free.


>> No.7512849


>> No.7512864

>Going to university means you're smart


>> No.7512918

Were you always like this? I've thought about doing independent study, but I'm too socially anxious and schizodic to convey my ideas, let alone talk to my profs.

>> No.7512940

I wouldn't say I'm constantly talking in class, but I probably do say something a class period or so. I do try to usually make an effort to talk to my professors after class or go to their office, plus I work at a coffeeshop see them there all the time. I'd still really recommend trying to do an independent study, I know it's tough with anxiety, but my girlfriend who has really bad anxiety when it comes to classes is doing one with me and loves it. I think my professors like me because I act really informal around them, which is refreshing for the. If you have the opportunity do it, I'm sure professors in your field of interest would be more than happy to hear your ideas, mine are always receptive and genuinely thoughtful in whatever discussion we're having.

>> No.7513946

This is what happens when you let normalfags run over the site.
Gotta go back to the good ib.

>> No.7514286

Thanks so much, man.
I had no idea I could do that. Really cool.