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7510836 No.7510836 [Reply] [Original]

What's something productive I can do with my hands while listening to audiobooks?

I've been playing casual games, but I feel like my time can be used more efficiently.

>> No.7510838


>> No.7510846


>> No.7510848


>> No.7510854

I've never been particularly good at it but it's always interested me. Know anywhere to start?

>> No.7510883

Make reaction images, it's what I do. You'll get better and in the meantime no one cares if a mene looks bad. It's a good prompt, trying to summarize the tone of your post in a single image.

>> No.7510884

Pay attention to the book you Reddit fuck.

>> No.7510888
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I like knitting. It requieres a minimal level of concentration, just enough to lock down your body.

>> No.7510907


>> No.7510940

do you meme while you audiobook?

>> No.7510953

How you manage to keep attention on book if you do something other in same time??

>> No.7511493

Personally I'm a better listener if my hands are occupied with something relatively simple.

I like to woodcarve or do puzzles.

>> No.7511504

Anything that doesn't involve your full attention and you can do passively, without being full involved in it.

Something like drawing, carving, weaving, etc..

>> No.7511541

oh hi Mr Joyce

>> No.7511579


I knit, OP, I do the same when listening to new music. Keeps the hands busy and once you're even half decent at it, it requires no thought :D

>> No.7511740

clean your house

>> No.7512840

Browse CP

>> No.7512841

Consider Sudoku.

>> No.7512887

Never gonna make it

>> No.7512894

Personally I only listen to audiobooks when in transit and gaze out the ferry's window; even that can send my mind wandering though. I don't know how people can read whilst doing other things

>> No.7513137

I'm slowly working on building my reading endurance back up to where it used to be.
When I'm not in bed I find it really hard to focus long enough to take in everything I'm reading, so I just resort to audibooks for a majority of the day.

I'm back up to 40 pages in one sitting though at the beginning and end of the day, so I feel like I'm going to make it soon :D

>> No.7514565
