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/lit/ - Literature

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7510764 No.7510764 [Reply] [Original]

>last read
>currently reading
>next read

>The Crying of Lot 49
>White Noise or Dubliners

>> No.7510769

>The nevsky prospekt
>Dead souls
>Either notes of the underground or the double

On a Russians binge.

>> No.7510772

>Catcher in the Rye
>The Idiot
>Brothers Karamazov or Dubliners

>> No.7510773

>Infinite meme

>> No.7510775

>My Struggle: Book 2
>My Struggle: Book 3
>The Tunnel

>> No.7510790

Dubliners. Give yourselves a break after those current reads.

The Double deserves more praise

>> No.7510795

>dead souls
>over 30 terrible publications that I need to read for university

>> No.7510796
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>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7510799

>Notes From Underground, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Will to Power
>Anna Karenina, The Recognitions, A Short History of Decay, H.P. Lovecraft Tales, Dubliners
>The Tunnel, Metaphysics, The Principles of Psychology

>> No.7510801

I picked up a copy of NOTU from the library and it has the double in it aswell. Which one should I start?

>> No.7510813


>> No.7510816

>The New York Trilogy
>Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me
>The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

>> No.7510818

>The Sound of Waves
>The Martian Chronicles and Richard II
>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.7510819

>War and Peace
>A Place of My Own
>Not sure, I'd like to read The Kingdom of God is Within You

>> No.7510834

>East of Eden by Steinbeck
>The Discovery of Heaven by Mulisch
>some novella by Tolostoy

>> No.7510841


I'm >>7510790, and I would say read The Double first. It was a very early work of his and the first really good one.

>> No.7510847

>Gravity's Rainbow + On Writing
>A Wild Sheep Chase

>> No.7510849

>nicomachean ethics

>> No.7510850


>Christ if I know, maybe nothing

>> No.7510853

Blood of Dragons
Naming and Necessity, The Education of Little Tree, Being and Time, History of the Peloponnesian War
The Odyssey

>> No.7510855


>Last read
The Pale King
>Currently reading
The Shadow of the Torturer
The Claw of the Conciliator

Severian really can't swim, can he?

>> No.7510856

Why are you reading all of those thick books all at once?

>> No.7510862


Each one is to distract me from the others

>> No.7510863


>> No.7510872

>The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.7510879

>probably finishing Ego and its own

The 19th century wasn't very good at creating a frightful atmosphere.

>> No.7510880

>the savage detectives
>blood meridian, probably

>> No.7510886

>Journey to the End of the Night
>either Thief's Journal (Genet) or the new Houellebecq

>> No.7510889

>Some Poe short stories
>Don Quixote

>> No.7510891

I've only read the first one and loved it, how does Book 2 rate compared to it, in your opinion?

>> No.7510896

>Don Quixote
You're in for a god-tier ride. It shares the number one spot for me with The Sound and the Fury and The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.7510898

> last read
The Plague
>currently reading
Bolano's 2666
> next
Either Mishima's Tenple of the gold pavilion or Ulysses

>> No.7510906

>"Billy Budd, and Other Stories"
>Narcissus & Goldmund and Metahistory
>Probably Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man

Has anyone here read "The Triumph of the Middle Class" by Charles Moraze? I've been thinking of reading it but I can't seem to find anything about it with google.

>> No.7510914

>The Crying of Lot 49
>100 Years of Solitude or Catch 22

>> No.7510919

>Cratylus - Plato

>Pimp - Iceberg Slim

>Life of Artaxerxes - Plutarch

>> No.7510926

>Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
>Journey To the End of the Night

I have no idea, any recs?

>> No.7510932

>The Confessions of St. Augustine
>Le Comte de Monte Cristo
>Moby Dick

>> No.7510951

That depends. What do you enjoy the most in Celine? The humour, the down-to-earth observations, the journey itself?

>> No.7510957

>The Vagina Monologues (absolute trash and I thought it would help me with girls, it didn't)
>The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
>American Psycho

>> No.7510989
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All of the above I really haven't been able to put it down. I knew to expect dark humor and honest observation from what I heard but nothing this good.

I hardly hear /lit/ talk about him.

>mfw finding out he was an avid Holocaust denier

>> No.7510998

LAST: Saga of the Volsungs

CURRENT: Theaetetus - Plato

FUTURE: Sophist - Plato & The Peloponessian War - Kagan

>> No.7511005

My ex had me read that

she was a turd.

>> No.7511010

> A Farewell to Arms
> Catch 22
>Probably The Iliad still not sure, recommend something?

>> No.7511011

>Freedom by Franzen
>Collected Fictions by Borges
>Either Ubik or 2666

>> No.7511012

>The Naked Lunch/The Crying of Lot 49
>Satin Island/Silas Marner/Hello, The Roses/Hangover Square/Slow Learner
>Steppenwolf/Being and Time/The Sickness Unto Death/Pan

>> No.7511015

>White Noise
>Blood Meridian
>Death of Ivan Ilych or Col49

>> No.7511022

>Carpenter's Gothic
>Satin Island

>> No.7511026

Are you people new to reading?
You're going to burn out real quick if you keep reading these dense ass books one after the other
Take a break and read a novella or something

>> No.7511027


New AF

>> No.7511028

>Myth of Sisyphus
>Catcher in the Rye
>The Plague


>> No.7511035

Nice cherry picking

>> No.7511039

hey, i got Satin Island for Chrimbus

how is it?

>> No.7511041

>confederacy of dunces
>will you please be quiet, please?
>mayb brothers k, or ask the dust

>> No.7511046

>old man and the sea
>moby dick
>the Greeks

>> No.7511051

how far you into Moby-Dick?

How do you feel about it anon?

>> No.7511053

Genet is really good, but more... artsy and less funny. I've yet to read the Thief's Journal, but it seems like something similar to 'Journey', i.e. amoral, delirious travels throughout the world.

(He was a Holocaust denier, but also spent the latter part of his life treating the poorest citizens of Paris, for free. A walking contradiction.)

>> No.7511056

>Common Sense
> idk … finished only common sense an hour ago … Karamazov? Gödel, Escher, Bach? some Hume?

>> No.7511058

Sorry for being actually interested in literature and reading.

>> No.7511072

>A Portrait Of Artist As Young Man
>The Iliad
>Divine Comedy

>> No.7511078

was thinking the same thing

>> No.7511088

>Pedro Páramo
>The Iliad
Yeah I bought into the greeks meme.

>> No.7511095

>the iliad
>the odyssey

Got a leatherbound Iliad/Odyseey book for Christmas so I'm making my way through, enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.

>> No.7511117
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Picture didn't attach.

>> No.7511126

>operating manual for spaceship earth
>beyond good and evil
>the illuminatus! trillogy

>> No.7511192


>A Midsummer Night's Dream
>Infinite Jest
>Anything succinct

>> No.7511195

hahaha I got it for christmas too man

in parts it's very interesting, in terms of its form and its plot (or rather, lack of), but some of it's a little cringeworthy.
When the main character/narrator introduces himself, he writes "Me? Call me U" which seems like something a 14 year old would write after having read The Trial/The Castle for the first time. Then there are some embarassing references to Schrodinger's Cat which wouldn't be out of place in The Big Bang Theory. Ultimately though, it's not too bad, very much an easy read. I only pick it up when I'm feeling burned out from reading other things, and I'm halfway through it already.

The narrator himself writes "events! if you want those, you'd best stop reading now" in the second chapter, so that gives you an idea of what the plot/form is like. Arguably, its just McCarthy's musings on philosophy/anthropology/life/media etc loosely held together by an arbitrary plot line.

tl;dr: plotless teenagerish musings that are occasionally quite interesting, pleasant easy read.

>> No.7511196


How great of you to express that.

It really wouldn't be /lit/ if we couldn't cram our faux sense of superiority into absolutely everything.

>> No.7511198

>last read
Notes from Underground
>currently reading
Starship Troopers
>next read
Divine Comedy

>> No.7511203

Whats your list famiglia

>> No.7511229

I've got about 200 pages left.

I enjoy every word, Melville really is a fucking god tier writer.

>> No.7511277


who translated it

>> No.7511280

It was basically a feminist/SJW starter kit

>> No.7511281

>Fahrenheit 451
>Moby Dick
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.7511283

>the third policeman
>my struggle vol 1
>the lost honour of katharina blum

>> No.7511298

>The Comeback
>The Hunchback of Notre Dame
>College textbooks.

My break was fun while it lasted. ;_;

>> No.7511310

>Fear and trembling
>Foucault's History of sexuality
>Durkheim's On suicide

>> No.7511316

I've not read any of them (but then again, nobody here reads, so w/e), but the general consensus that I've heard is that they just keep getting better and better, with vol. 6 just blowing everything out of the water.

> last read
The Bostonians / James
> currently reading
The Recognitions / Gaddis
> next up?
probably The New York Trilogy / Auster

>> No.7511403


>Under the Volcano
>A Study in Scarlett


>All Gall is Divided
>Who Owns the Future?
>Swiss Watching: Inside the Land of Milk and Money

>> No.7511406

>Manufacturing Consent
>Thus Spoke Zarathrustra
>Trouble in Paradise by Zizek

>> No.7511416

>Portrait of an Artist

>> No.7511433

Love Silas Marner. Not one word of out place.

How was The Cyberiad? Polaris pulled my brain out and soaked it in champagne, so I can only imagine that it compares well.

Also: Hume caused in me mind wonderful effects in writ.

How was Pedro Paramo?

Third Policeman?

>> No.7511435

>Blood Meridian
>The Virgin Suicides
>The Fountainhead

>> No.7511442

and can't allow new people to get interested in literature, can we?

>> No.7511444

Can't go wrong with either of the next two. Catch 22 is an all time favorite absurd comedy and 100 Years is just beautiful.

>> No.7511462

>Beautiful you (it was bad)
I know I'm double memeing but after Lolita I'm reading Origins of Totalitarianism.

>> No.7511485

>the odyssey
>dangerous liasons
>tom jones

>> No.7511516

Illuminatus is great read, have fun with it

>> No.7511538

Maybe I'm a little biased but I think it's one of the best short novels I've ever read.
If you have read One hundred years of Solitude you'll see how much Pedro Paramo inspired Marquez.
Also that prose man.

>> No.7511571

>The Sea, the Sea
>Deadhouse Gates
>The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

>> No.7511642

>House of Leaves
>The Iliad
>A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.7511646

>The Waves

>> No.7511655

>Poems in Prose (Wilde)
>Gravity's Rainbow (ayyy)
>no idea, but I'm thinking of finally tackling Lazarillo de Tormes

>> No.7511669

Awesome, gotta preesh short and sweet treats–will check out!

>> No.7511671

>Manhattan Transfer
>I don't know, probably Salter's A Sport and A Pastime.

>> No.7511675

>American Pastoral
>Moby Dick
>Bleeding Edge

>> No.7511771

How u liking the recognitions f a m? It looks really good but I'm nervous about taking the plunge.

Mine is
>Brief interviews with hideous men
>Zuckerman Bound

>> No.7511787


>> No.7511790

>The Gambler, Dostoyevski
>The Sound of Waves, Mishima
>whatever is on my Kindle

>> No.7511802

>Fight Club
>Glass Bead Game

>> No.7511862

>a naked singulairty (underrated imo)
>infinite jest
>pbly latro in the mist

>> No.7511898

>Gould's Book of Fish by Richard Flanagan
> Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.7513135

Why is everyone reading Homer/Greek mythology?

>> No.7513199

I’m not, anon.
Last: Moby-Dick
Currently: Tristram Shandy
Next: No idea.

>> No.7513226

>The Nic Ethics
>The Lessons of History
>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>> No.7513238

>last read
Wittgenstein's Mistress
>currently reading
>next read
No idea. My backlog is so extensive right now it's overwhelming.

>> No.7513240
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>The Consumer by Michael Gira
>A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
>Underworld by DeLillo

>> No.7513251

Last read: Submission by Houellebecq
Currently reading: nothing
Next read: The Trial by Kafka

Also stop using greentext for everything retards.