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7510674 No.7510674 [Reply] [Original]

>I swear... 9/11 was just a coincidence

>> No.7510681

>9/11 was a mistake

>> No.7511147


>implying 9/11 happened

>> No.7511152

>9/11 is a joke

>> No.7511155

9/11 literally didn't happen.

>> No.7511240

I'm not American, but if I was, I'd make a petition and gather enough signatures for a White House response.

Delillo LITERALLY did 9/11.

>> No.7511265

seems like an american thing
i mean americans still believe in the bible :^)

>> No.7511275

Can someone point me to where he predicted it?

>> No.7511445

>The family is the cradle of the world’s misinformation. There must be something in family life that generates factual error. Over-closeness, the noise and heat of being. Perhaps even something deeper like the need to survive. Murray says we are fragile creatures surrounded by a world of hostile facts. Facts threaten our happiness and security. The deeper we delve into things, the looser our structure may seem to become. The family process works towards sealing off the world. Small errors grow heads, fictions proliferate. I tell Murray that ignorance and confusion can’t possibly be the driving forces behind family solidarity. What an idea, what a subversion. He asks me why the strongest family units exist in the least developed societies. Not to know is a weapon of survival, he says. Magic and superstition become entrenched as the powerful orthodoxy of the clan. The family is strongest where objective reality is most likely to be misinterpreted. What a heartless theory, I say. But Murray insists it’s true. 9/11 is gonna happen watch out.

White Noise

>> No.7511908

that book sounds like it's worth reading to be honest

>> No.7511916
File: 22 KB, 218x265, 1408902460358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me kek
Can someone post the real proof?

>> No.7511999

They talk a little bit about the statement two massive identical towers makes in Mao II

>> No.7512014


>> No.7512028
File: 118 KB, 450x698, delillo-mao2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's his manifesto, exactly 10 years before the attacks...

>> No.7512033
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>Reads Don Delillo once

>> No.7512034
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>tfw intelligence is selected against

>> No.7512063
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>> No.7513276
File: 18 KB, 293x269, don_delillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a fucking mook. Why does everyone always call him "political"?

For all his dancing around politics what has he ever said about them? We literally don't even know if he's left or right of center.

"Terrorism is more effective than writing a novel" and everything else is "gee, attention spans these days" and "American identity yadyadyada"
He spits on modern society and everyone reads into the spatter like some kind of rorschach blot
>last chapter of Underworld is called Das Kapital
please explain to me how this means anything in context

>> No.7513282

further, it's my sneaking suspicion that he IS a conservative and just handles everything so vaguely because his complaints sort-of align with leftist complaints and because he knows its only leftist college students and professors who actually read his stuff

>> No.7513288

You seriously can't tell that he's on the left? He's a potsmoking paranoid hippie just like Pynchon.

>> No.7513347

Terrorists will lose, Delillo!

>> No.7513920

Holy shit, George Will posts on /lit/.

Fuck off.

>> No.7513978

I liked White Noise, but hated Cosmopolis and The Names. I want to like Delillo so, so bad but his other works aren't helping. Did I pick the wrong ones?

>> No.7513993

I didn't like The Names until the ending. It needs to be read twice because it's real boring on first read.

Libra is probably his most perfect. I read Underworld in a week. It was one of those novels that instantly "clicked" and I loved 95% of it.

Try Libra.

>> No.7514021

I thought The Names was fascinating but I didn't "get it" at all.
I just thought it was spooky as fuck and the parts with the cult felt damn near transcendent. Also some of the writing on the power of film - whew

>> No.7514049

>I thought The Names was fascinating but I didn't "get it" at all.

I thought it was implied that that guy who fucked his wife was CIA or something

I need to read it again. Definitely spooky as fuck when you turn on the tv and see ISIS.